[Ord. 2000-01, 1/4/2000]
Creation of the Office. The Board of Supervisors of Manheim Township hereby creates the office of Township Manager.
Appointment and Term.
Appointment. The individual who shall serve in the position of Township Manager shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors.
The Township Manager shall be employed by the Township for an indefinite term.
The Township Manager shall serve in the position of Township Manger until his successor is appointed and qualified.
Should the Board of Supervisors desire to remove the Township Manager, it shall provide him/her with at least 30 days written notice before such removal shall become effective, provided said removal is not as a result of the Township Manager's misconduct (as defined below). Said notice shall set forth that the Board intends to remove the Township Manager and the date of said removal. In lieu of such notice, the Board of Supervisors may remove the Township Manager immediately upon tendering to him/her all compensation due up to and including 30 days after the effective date of the removal, provided said removal is not as a result of the Township Manager's misconduct (as defined herein).
In the event the Board of Supervisors desires to remove the Township Manager due to the Township Manager's misconduct, the Board may do so immediately, without providing the aforesaid 30 days' notice and/or without being required to pay 30 days compensation as set forth above. "Misconduct" as used herein shall mean a transgression of some established rule of action, a forbidden or criminal act, a dereliction of duty or unlawful behavior, willful in character. "Misconduct" includes, but is not limited to, a dishonest act, criminal behavior and/or conduct of an employee that evinces willful or wanton disregard of the employer's interest or of standards of behavior which the employers has the right to expect of the employee.
In the event the Township Manager desires to terminate his employment with the Township, he/she shall provide written notice thereof to the Board of Supervisors at least 30 days prior to the termination date. Said notice shall advise the Board of the Township Manager's intention to resign and set forth the effective date thereof.
Resolution. Compensation for the Township Manager shall be set from time to time by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Board of Supervisors.
Source of Compensation. Compensation for the Township Manager shall be paid out of the General Fund of the Township.
General. The person appointed to the position of Township Manager shall be chosen on the basis of executive and administrative abilities.
Education and Experience. The person appointed to the position of Township Manager shall be a high school graduate or equivalent and have a minimum of two years employment with a municipal government or corporation as a manager, administrator, code enforcement officer, zoning officer, municipal secretary (as defined in the Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code) or related or comparable experience, or have a bachelors degree and a minimum of two years employment with a municipal government or corporation as a manager, administrator, assistant manager, assistant administrator, code enforcement officer, zoning officer or aforementioned municipal secretary or related or comparable experience. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to waive any of the above requirements or require additional qualifications as it deems necessary and appropriate in order to fill the position with a qualified candidate.
Powers and Duties. The Board of Supervisors delegates, subject to recall, the following nonlegislative powers and duties to the Township Manager:
The Township Manager is directly responsible to the Board of Supervisors and charged with the responsibilities of carrying out the policies and directives of the Board of Supervisors.
The Township Manager is responsible for the general day to day operation and administration of the Township.
The Township Manager shall prepare and submit to the Board of Supervisors, before the close of each fiscal year, a recommended budget for the next fiscal year, together with explanations of all significant issues and matters relating thereto. In preparing the proposed budget, the Township Manager shall consult with the head of each department, agency and board, or an appropriate officer, member or employee thereof, to obtain relevant information regarding proposed revenues, expenditures and/or projects for the coming year and any other supporting data related thereto as may be necessary and appropriate to properly complete the proposed budget.
Upon passage of the budget by the Board of Supervisors, the Township Manager shall be responsible for the administration thereof, making suggested revisions thereto to the Board.
The Township Manager shall see that all money owed to the Township is promptly paid and that all actions, proceedings and legal matters are pursued for the security and collection of all Township claims.
The Township Manager shall be the purchasing officer for the Township and shall authorize all purchases of supplies, materials and equipment for all agencies, boards, departments and offices or branches of the Township administration in accordance with the provisions of the Second Class Township Code. The Township Manager's ability to purchase such supplies, materials and equipment shall be limited to purchases of $250 or less without prior approval of the Board of Supervisors. The Township Manager shall also develop and implement rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, governing the procurement of all municipal supplies, materials and equipment.
The Township Manager shall attend all Township meetings and serve as Liaison between the Board and all Township authorities, commissions and committees.
The Township Manager shall report to the Board of Supervisors and inform the Board as to the conduct of Township business. The Township Manager shall submit periodic reports to the Board of Supervisors regarding Township finances and such other matters as the Board may from time to time request. The Township Manager shall make such recommendations to the Board regarding Township matters as he deems necessary and appropriate.
The Township Manager shall oversee all matters relating to zoning; subdivision and land development; code enforcement; road building and water maintenance; Township Office administration and the enforcement of all pertinent ordinances, resolutions and directives.
The Township Manager shall supervise and be responsible for the activities of all municipal departments, except such departments the supervision of which shall have been otherwise specifically delegated by the Board of Supervisors.
The Township Manager shall oversee and enforce the terms of any franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by or of which the Township is a party.
The Township Manager shall review all ordinances, resolutions and audits as prepared by others.
The Township Manager shall review and comment on all subdivision and land development plans and drawings submitted to or for the Township and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.
The Township Manager shall direct all office staff and develop, oversee and administer Township personnel policies, procedures and programs for all Township employees under his direction pursuant to the direction of the Board of Supervisors.
The Township Manager shall, when necessary and in consultation with the Board of Supervisors, discipline, suspend and discharge all employees under his/her supervision in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations.
The Township Manager shall prepare and submit to the Board of Supervisors recommendations for wages, salaries and benefits for Township personnel under his/her supervision.
The Township Manager shall employ, subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors, such professionals, experts and consultants as necessary to provide services to and advise the Township in connection with Township business.
The Township Manager shall originate, maintain and supervise performance and faithful execution of all Federal, State, local and private contracts with the Township.
The Township Manager shall serve as a member of such Township boards and committees as the Board of Supervisors shall from time to time deem appropriate. If the Township Manager is also the Township Zoning Officer, he shall also serve as advisor to the Township Planning Commission and Zoning Hearing Board.
The Township Manager shall prepare or cause to be prepared the agenda for each meeting of the Board of Supervisors and shall supply relevant background materials therefore and shall make available said agenda to appropriate Township officers and employees and to the public.
The Township Manager shall establish and maintain appropriate filing systems and efficient administrative procedures for the conduct of Township business.
The Township Manager shall be responsible for the Township's web page, email and internet provider.
The Township Manager shall be responsible for the Township telephone and internet system.
The Township Manager shall be responsible for upgrading, troubleshooting and maintaining of all computer systems.
The Township Manager shall assist all others in developing spreadsheets, databases, etc., as necessary.
The Township Manager shall keep abreast of new technology for second class townships, making recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.
The Township Manager shall enforce the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as they relate to Township business, as well as all ordinances, regulations and resolutions of the Township unless the Board of Supervisors should otherwise delegate same to other Township officials.
The Township Manager shall research, investigate and monitor the — administrative and governmental functions of other municipal governments and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding appropriate ordinances, resolutions, policies, practices and procedures affecting the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Township.
The Township Manager shall be authorized to allow emergency leave for employees with less than 24 hours' notice if a Supervisor cannot be contacted. He shall then notify a member of the Board of Supervisors of such emergency leave.
All complaints regarding Township services, employees, policies and procedures shall be referred to the Township Manager, who shall investigate and respond to said complaints or delegate the handling of same to other officers or employees as appropriate. The Township Manager shall report to the Board of Supervisors regarding said complaints and the action taken in response thereto.
The Township Manager shall attend meetings and workshops at the direction of the Board of Supervisors as a representative of the Board.
The Township Manager shall have such other powers, duties and responsibilities as the Board of Supervisors shall from time to time delegate.
Approval of Supervisors.
The Township Manager shall post bond with a corporate surety in an amount approved by the Board of Supervisors.
The fee for the bond shall be paid by the Township.
Conflict of Interest.
Personal Interests. The Township Manager shall have no personal interest, direct or indirect, financial, proprietary or otherwise, in any contracts with the Township.
Other Township Offices. The Township Manager may serve in the office/position of Township Secretary, Township Treasurer, Zoning Officer, Code Enforcement Officer or such other office/position as directed by the Board of Supervisors which shall not be contrary to law. However, the Township Manager shall not serve as Supervisor, Auditor, Assessor or Township police officer.
During any disability or absence of the Township Manager, the normal operating functions of the Township shall be delegated to appropriate department heads in accordance with the table of organization established by the Board of Supervisors and in force at the time of said disability or absence. Any duties not delegated to said department heads shall be assumed by the Board of Supervisors.
The Township Manager shall cooperate with the Board of Supervisors at all times and in all matters for the best interests of the Township and the general public and to maintain the proper operation of the Township government.