[L.L. No. 5-2008, § 1]
There shall be created a municipal, Village-owned parking lot known as the "Parkway Oval Parking Lot" located near and about Consulate Drive and Parkway Oval in the Village of Tuckahoe, New York.
The Parkway Oval Parking Lot shall consist of approximately 25 parking spaces and shall be used for the purpose of parking motor vehicles of residents of the Village.
[L.L. No. 5-2008, § 1]
The driving or parking of a motor vehicle in the Parkway Oval Parking Lot shall be prohibited unless a Parkway Oval Parking Lot permit is affixed to such motor vehicle.
A Parkway Oval Parking Lot permit shall mean a license issued by the Village Clerk of the Village of Tuckahoe authorizing the parking of a specified vehicle in the Parkway Oval Parking Lot in accordance with reasonable priorities and conditions established by the Village.
The parking of any motor vehicle is prohibited in such parking area unless such vehicle is parked wholly within a space designated by the Village for the parking of a single motor vehicle.
Subject to availability and the capacity of the Parkway Oval Parking Lot, the Village Clerk or her designee shall issue a Parkway Oval Parking Lot permit to a Village resident who files an application and meets all of the requirements herein. The application and Parkway Oval Parking Lot permit shall be in such form as the Village Clerk determines. The Village Clerk may require any proof of residency which is determined to be necessary before issuing a Parkway Oval Parking Lot permit.
A Parkway Oval Parking Lot permit shall be obtainable, subject to availability, at the office of the Village Clerk.
[L.L. No. 3-2015[1]]
Subject to availability and the capacity of Village permit parking lots, permits may be issued upon application and fee submission to the Village Clerk. The schedule of fees for parking lot permits will be set by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees and maintained by the Village Clerk.
Village resident parking lot permits. A resident of the Village of Tuckahoe may be issued a resident permit for parking in specified parking lots subject to the payment of fees, provided that there are no outstanding tickets for the owner of the motor vehicle making the application and that the applicant provide proof of ownership in the form of a registration from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles with a valid Village of Tuckahoe address. The Village Clerk may require any proof of residency which is determined to be necessary before issuing a resident parking lot permit.
Nonresident parking lot permits. Issued for permit parking in specified parking lots subject to the payment of fees, provided that there are no outstanding tickets for the owner of the motor vehicle making the application and that the applicant provide proof of ownership in the form of a registration from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Merchant parking lot permits. A merchant doing business in the Village may be issued a merchant parking lot permit in specified parking lots subject to the payment of fees, provided that there are no outstanding tickets for the owner of the motor vehicle making the application. The Village Clerk may require proof of the applicant doing business in the Village which is determined to be necessary before issuing a merchant parking lot permit.
The fees for Village permit parking lots shall be set by resolution of the Board of Trustees with each permit being valid for the twelve-month period commencing on January 1 and ending on December 31, and said permit must be renewed annually.
Cancellation. Permits returned to the Village after the beginning of or during the twelve-month period covering the permit may be canceled. A refund will be issued for the balance of the year subject to a one-month cancellation fee, effective one full month after the permit is received by the Village Clerk's office. There shall be no reduction pro rata or otherwise for usage of a permit during the month that the permit is returned.
Parking lot permits shall be placed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle for which the permit was issued.
No permit holder shall give or sell a permit to another person or otherwise allow it to be placed on a vehicle other than the vehicle listed on the permit application. Any permit holder who violates the provisions of this subsection shall upon conviction thereof be subject to a penalty as prescribed in § 1-7 of this Code and in addition shall have such permit revoked and may not be entitled to be issued a new permit for a period of one year after such revocation.
Vehicles with commercial license plates shall not be eligible for Village parking lot permits. (As of June 1, 2015, any commercial vehicle with a Parkway Oval parking permit may continue to be issued a parking lot permit.)
The fees, if any, that are collected by the Village for Village parking lot permits shall be credited to the general fund.
The Village may revoke a parking lot permit of any permit holder when it is found that a false or fraudulent application has been filed or it is found that the permit was improperly or wrongfully issued. The Village Clerk shall provide notice of such revocation, and the effective date of such revocation shall be the date of such notice. Such notice shall provide that the parking lot permit shall be removed from the vehicle or vehicles.
Parking without parking permit prohibited. The parking of vehicles, other than those displaying currently valid parking permits obtained and displayed pursuant to the provisions above, is prohibited in Village public parking lots.
Editor's Note: This local law repealed former § 21-117, Permit size and placement; proof of residency; fee; penalty, adopted by L.L. No. 5-2008 § 1.
[L.L. No. 5-2008, § 1]
The provisions of §§ 21-113 and 21-114 set forth in this article shall be deemed to apply to the Parkway Oval Parking Lot and Parkway Oval Parking Lot permits.