[L.L. No. 1-2005, § 1; L.L. No. 9-2007, § 1; L.L. No. 2-2015 § 1]
Establishment. There shall be a Planning Board of five members pursuant to the provisions of the Village Law, with all the power and duties prescribed by law and by this chapter. The Board of Trustees shall designate one member of the Planning Board to serve as Chairperson of such Board for a period of one official year. In addition to the five regular members of such Board, the Board of Trustees may appoint two ad hoc members to the Planning Board. Such ad hoc members shall serve on the Planning Board whenever absences or conflicts of interest of regular members prevent five regular members from hearing an application or applications. The powers and duties of the Planning Board are summarized and more particularly specified as follows, provided that none of the following provisions shall be deemed to limit any power of the Planning Board.
Rules and Regulations. The Planning Board may adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary or proper to the performance of its powers and duties hereunder and may amend or repeal the same.
Quorum and Decision. The presence of a majority of the members of the Planning Board shall be necessary for a quorum. The concurring vote of a majority of the total members of the Board shall be necessary to decide any matter before it.
Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Board shall recommend revisions to the Village Comprehensive Plan or shall update the Plan and recommend such update to the Trustees. The Trustees reserved the power to adopt the Comprehensive Plan.
Site Plan and Subdivision Approval. All site plans, subject to the provisions of Article VII herein, and subdivisions shall be reviewed by the Planning Board, including the architectural features of such plans.
Zoning Referrals. The Trustees shall refer any proposed Zoning Map change to the Planning Board for the Planning Board's recommendation.
Editor's Note: L.L. No. 1-2008, § 4, provided that, subject to Ch. 3, Art. II, the Planning Board is divested of its authority to approve signs and/or awnings, and such authority shall be vested in the Sign and Awning Review Board as created and set forth in said Ch. 3, Art. II.