[Amended 1-14-1997 by Ord. No. 4-1997; 11-10-1998 by Ord. No. 9-1998]
Each parking space in a lot to serve commercial, light manufacturing, industrial or apartment uses shall be at least nine feet in width and contain at least 180 square feet of area exclusive of access lanes. The minimum dimension, including access lane, across a double-loaded parking aisle with spaces at right angles to the access lane shall be 62 feet and, for a single-loaded aisle, 45 feet. The minimum dimension, including access lane, across a double-loaded parking aisle with spaces at 45° to the access lane shall be 50 feet and, for a single-loaded aisle, 30 feet. Where parking abuts an alley 20 or less feet in width, the width of the alley may be used as part or all of the access lane. A parking aisle, for purposes of this chapter, shall include the area within a parking lot containing an access lane and the parking spaces to which the lane provides access. A double-loaded parking aisle denotes parking spaces on both sides of an access lane.
Parking spaces may be located up to 500 feet away from the commercial, light manufacturing, industrial or apartment uses served. Existing on-street spaces or public or commercial parking lot spaces within the five-hundred-foot limit may be counted towards required parking on the basis that six such public or commercial spaces may be considered equal to one required private space. Commercial uses directly abutting Allegheny River Boulevard shall be exempted from meeting parking requirements. Where required parking is provided on a second property, the developer shall show the Zoning Officer that he either owns the property on which the parking will be located or has a lease of at least five years duration on such property before a building permit may be issued.
Where a structure is in mixed use, the total parking requirements for the various uses shall be added together to determine the total parking required.
Whenever a use is enlarged or changed, the additional parking required to serve such enlargement or change shall be in accordance with this article, but nothing in this article shall be construed to require uses existing prior to the passage of this chapter to comply with these requirements except when such use is enlarged or changed.
All parking areas serving any commercial, light manufacturing or industrial operation or any residential activity where more than two dwelling units utilize the same area shall be surfaced with a permanent, all-weather material. Such parking areas shall be sloped, not more than 6%, towards a storm drainage system meeting the requirements of Part 12 of this chapter.
On a single-family lot or townhouse lot, a garage and the access to it on the property will count as required parking areas. Where dwelling units and/or commercial uses share parking and/or garage space, parking designated for one dwelling or commercial use shall not block that designated for other dwellings or commercial uses.
[Amended 11-10-1998 by Ord. No. 9-1998; 1-8-2019 by Ord. No. 01-2019]
Spaces Required
Single-family dwellings
2 per dwelling
Two-family dwellings
2 per dwelling
Double house
2 per dwelling
2 per dwelling
Home occupation
1 per each 300 square feet in use
Apartment unit
1 per dwelling
Personal care facilities
[Added 8-10-2010 by Ord. No. 4-2010]
1 off-street parking space per 2 patient beds and/or residents of the personal care facility, plus 1 off-street space for each staff and employee on the 2 major shifts, shall be provided. In addition, there shall be 4 additional parking spaces provided for general public visitation.
Public and semipublic
1 per each 6 seats
Churches, auditoriums and similar places of enclosed public assembly
1 per each 6 seats or 1 per each 100 square feet of floor area used for assembly purposes
Bowling alleys
3 spaces per lane
Funeral homes
3 spaces for each reposing room
Medical and dental clinics
1 per each 100 square feet of floor area
Schools, libraries, etc.
1 per each 400 square feet of floor area
Motels or hotels
1 per each sleeping room
Retail commercial and personal service outlets without drive-in facilities
1 per each 200 square feet of floor area
Drive-in commercial
1 per each 10 square feet of enclosed area open to the public but not less than 20 spaces
Restaurants without drive-in facilities
1 per each 3 persons that can be seated simultaneously
Offices with customer services
1 per each 300 square feet of floor area
Offices not providing customer services
1 per each 500 square feet of floor area
Service stations
3 waiting spaces at each side of each pump island plus 5 spaces for customer service
Clubs, taverns
1 per each 300 square feet of floor area
Brew pub or brewery
1 per 200 square feet
Light manufacturing
All principal permitted uses of LM and LM-2 Districts unless otherwise designated
1 per each 200 square feet of floor area
Warehousing, storage freight terminals
1 space per each 3,000 square feet of floor area
1 space per each 1,000 square feet of floor area
Additional requirements
In commercial, light manufacturing and industrial zones, development of any new or expansion of any existing structures or operations shall be accompanied by provisions for sufficient parking to accommodate company vehicles normally stored on the site, and/or in the case of commercial, light manufacturing or public buildings, parking for employees in addition to the requirements listed above.
[Amended 11-10-1998 by Ord. No. 9-1998]
Each loading space shall be at least 10 feet by 35 feet in area with a clear height of 14 feet six inches exclusive of access and maneuvering space.
All loading spaces shall be in the side or rear yards of a commercial, light manufacturing or industrial property, and access to such spaces shall not be closer than 30 feet of any street intersection.
Streets adjacent to a loading area shall not be used for maneuvering. Maneuvering space shall be provided adjacent to the loading area, if necessary, so that vehicles may change direction and leave as well as enter the loading area moving in a forward direction.
Where a group of buildings in the same use on the same property exists, one building may be designated to receive and dispatch goods, provided the total applicable floor area in all buildings on the property is aggregated in determining the total required loading spaces.
Loading areas and adjacent maneuvering space shall be surfaced with a permanent all-weather material placed over at least six inches of well-compacted base course and shall be sloped to assure positive drainage to a storm inlet or drainageway.
Space allocated for off-street loading, including access to such space, shall not be also utilized to meet required off-street parking requirements.
No motor vehicle repair or service shall be permitted in a loading area.
Whenever a use of a property is enlarged or changed, the additional loading required to serve such enlargement or change shall be in accordance with the requirements of this article.
Nothing in this article shall compel uses existing prior to passage of this chapter to comply with these loading requirements, except as required by Subsection G above.
The following table applies to any wholesale or retail commercial or manufacturing operation in which all or a part of the goods or services prepared or sold on the property originate elsewhere:
Total Square Feet of Floor Area
Required Loading Spaces
0 to 5,000
5,001 to 20,000
Each additional 20,000 or fraction thereof
The following table applies to any service or office function not dealing in products brought to or dispensed from the same property or to apartment buildings:
Total Square Feet of Floor Area
Required Loading Spaces
0 to 20,000
20,001 to 40,000
Each additional 40,000 or fraction thereof
Any proposal for new parking areas, for new construction or for expansion of existing structures or uses shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer concurrent with the application for constructing the building to be served or separately not later than such application. A scaled plan of the property, showing the location of each parking and loading space, access aisles, maneuvering areas, access from adjacent public streets, provisions for drainage, location of all structures, and cross section through the pavement showing construction and materials, shall be provided.
If parking is proposed on a nearby site not owned by the applicant, he shall provide the Zoning Officer with a guarantee from the owner of the property where the parking is to be located that a long-term lease for a period of at least five years will permit such parking to occur.
The Zoning Officer, in addition to satisfying himself that adequate parking in compliance with this article is provided, shall also determine that safe access to parking areas from the public highway is available and that advantage is given to the pedestrian in the parking area before he shall issue a building permit.