Utilities include, but are not limited to, sewer, water, gas, electric power, telephone, fiber optic, cable television, and other telecommunication facilities.
Connections required.
Provision shall be made for each lot and principal use in the Town to be connected to utility services.
Applicants shall provide required utilities at their expense and dedicate them to the Town, county, or other entity as applicable.
The applicant also shall install underground service connections to the street property line of each platted lot at his/her expense.
New. All new utility facilities shall be located underground.
All utilities shall be placed at a minimum depth of three feet below the surface.
All utilities placed outside of a right-of-way shall be placed on property lines unless otherwise approved by the Town.
Individual service lines shall remain inside of a right-of-way until the point where the line will run the shortest possible distance outside of a right-of-way to the point of entry into the structure.
Existing facilities. Existing utility facilities located aboveground shall be removed and placed underground, except those located on public roads and rights-of-way, unless otherwise approved by the Town.
All utility facilities existing and proposed throughout the subdivision or land proposed for development shall be shown on the preliminary development plan.
Easements shall be provided for public and private utilities.
Widths for common utilities: See Article XII, § 140-79A.
Coordination of utility installation. The applicant or developer and the applicable utility companies shall coordinate the installation of utility easements with those established on adjoining properties.
Each lot and each principal use in the Town shall be connected to a public water supply and distribution system provided by either the Town or a provider to whom the Delaware Public Service Commission has granted a certificate for public convenience and necessity (CPCN) for the area to be served.
Every subdivision or land proposed for development shall be provided with a water supply and distribution system that is connected to a public water supply and distribution system.
Design and construction standards.
Water facilities, including fire hydrants, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with standards and specifications established by the Town, the county, the Office of Drinking Water of the State Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, or the State Fire Marshal as applicable.
Required water supply systems shall be constructed without cost to the Town and shall become a part of the Town system upon satisfactory completion of the work.
Each lot and each principal use in the Town shall be connected to the Town's or county's sanitary sewer collection and disposal system.
Every subdivision or land proposed for development shall be provided with a sanitary sewer system connected to the Town's or county's sewerage system.
Design and construction standards.
Sanitary sewer facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with standards and specifications established by the Town, the county, or the State Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, as applicable.
Required sewage facilities shall be constructed without cost to the Town and shall become a part of the Town's or county's system upon satisfactory completion of the work.
General requirement. Provision shall be made for each lot and principal use in the Town to be connected to available utility services.
Electric and telecommunications.
Electrical, telephone, television, fiber optic, broadband, internet wires and cables, both main and service lines, shall be placed underground in accord with the rules and specifications of the Public Service Commission laws on utility service in developments and any applicable ordinances or other laws.
All main underground cables that are within the right-of-way of a street shall be located as specified by the Town, county, or DelDOT. Such underground lines may be located in front yards. Where alleys are used, the utilities should, if possible, be located in the alleys.
Gas or other underground utilities. Gas or other underground utilities should be planned in coordination with other utilities and easements for all utility locations.