[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Ocean View 1919 by Ord. No. 8. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Disorderly conduct — See Ch. 107.
Loitering — See Ch. 144.
Noise — See Ch. 152.
It shall be the duty of the Commissioners of Ocean View and the Town Constable to suppress all riotous, disorderly or noisy assemblies or gatherings of persons in any of the streets, lanes, or alleys of said Town after nightfall, on the Lord's Day, commonly called "Sunday," or at any other time or season whatever.
For this purpose it shall be the duty of the Town Constable to seize and arrest any person or persons so offending and take him or them before the Alderman whose duty it shall be to hear and determine the case, and upon conviction thereof the said Alderman shall sentence every such person to pay the sum of $10, and in default of payment of the same, he may commit such person or persons to the public jail for the period of time as prescribed in Chap. 649, Vol. 18, Laws of Delaware; provided, however, that the said fine and costs be not sooner paid.
It shall be the duty of said Alderman, upon complaint being made before him of any such riotous, turbulent or noisy assemblages as aforesaid, to issue his warrant to the Town Constable, commanding him to bring such person or persons so offending as aforesaid before him for a hearing.