[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Dedham as Ch. 13, Secs. 7 and 8, of the 1996 By-laws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person, by himself, his agents, servants or employees, shall deposit or place in or upon any street, square, park, common, lane, alleyway or other public way in the Town any placard, handbill, flyer, circular or paper of any kind whatsoever, without having first obtained permission so to do from the Chief of Police, said permission to be on condition that the materials be removed within a reasonable time. The Chief of Police shall determine such reasonable period of time. No person, by himself, his agents, servants or employees shall distribute, deposit or place any such material in or upon or inscribe any figures, words or devices in or upon, any private premises without permission of the owner; provided, however, that such material may be placed within the doors, offices and business houses and at the doors of residences.
No person, by himself or his agents, servants or employees shall deposit or place in or upon any vehicle parked in any public way in the Town any placard, handbill, flyer, advertisement, circular or paper of any kind whatsoever without the permission of the owner of the vehicle.