An applicant for a development activity or a change in land use shall apply all of the required standards for a minimum one-hundred-foot Buffer as described in this article. The minimum one-hundred-foot Buffer shall be delineated in the field and shall be shown on all applications as follows:
The minimum one-hundred-foot Buffer is delineated landward from:
The mean high water line of tidal water;
The edge of each bank of a tributary stream; and
The upland boundary of a tidal wetland.
The Buffer shall be expanded beyond the minimum one-hundred-foot Buffer as described in Subsection A above and the minimum two-hundred-foot Buffer as described in Subsection C below, to include the following contiguous land features:
A steep slope at a rate of four feet for every 1% of slope or the entire steep slope to the top of the slope, whichever is greater.
A nontidal wetland to the upland boundary of the nontidal wetland.
The one-hundred-foot Buffer that is associated with a nontidal wetland of special state concern as stated in COMAR
For an area of hydric soils or highly erodible soils, the lesser of:
The landward edge of the hydric or highly erodible soils; or
Three hundred feet where the expansion area includes the minimum one-hundred-foot Buffer.
Applications for a subdivision or for a development activity on land located within the RCA requiring site plan approval after July 1, 2008, shall include:
An expanded Buffer in accordance with Subsection B above; or
A Buffer of at least 200 feet from a tidal waterway or tidal wetlands; and a Buffer of at least 100 feet from a tributary stream, whichever is greater.
The provisions of Subsection C above do not apply if:
The application for subdivision or site plan approval was submitted before July 1, 2008, and legally recorded (subdivisions) or received approval (site plans) by July 1, 2010.
The application involves the use of growth allocation.
If approved by Princess Anne, disturbance to the Buffer is permitted for the following activities, provided mitigation is performed in accordance with an approved Buffer Management Plan as required per § 61-67 of this article:
A new development or redevelopment activity associated with a water-dependent facility or located in an approved Buffer Management Area.
A shore erosion control activity constructed in accordance with COMAR 26.24.02, COMAR 27.01.04, and this chapter.
A development or redevelopment activity approved in accordance with the variance provisions of this chapter.
A new development or redevelopment activity on a lot or parcel that was created before January 1, 2010, where:
The Buffer is expanded for highly erodible soil on a slope less than 15% or is expanded for a hydric soil and the expanded Buffer occupies at least 75% of the lot or parcel;
The development or redevelopment is located in the expanded portion of the Buffer and not within the one-hundred-foot Buffer; and
Mitigation occurs at a ratio of 2:1 based on the lot coverage of the proposed development activity that is in the expanded Buffer.
A new or replacement septic system on a lot created before December 25, 1988, where:
The Somerset County Health Department has determined the Buffer is the only available location for the septic system; and
Mitigation is provided at a ratio of 1:1 for areas of canopy cleared of any forest or developed woodland.
An applicant for a development activity, redevelopment activity or a change in land use that occurs outside the Buffer, but is located on a riparian lot or parcel that includes the minimum one-hundred-foot Buffer, shall establish the Buffer in vegetation if the Buffer is not fully forested or fully established in woody or wetland vegetation. Princess Anne shall require a Buffer Management Plan in accordance with the standards of this article.
The provisions of this section apply to:
A new subdivision or a new lot.
A lot or parcel that is converted from one land use to another.
Development or redevelopment on a lot or parcel created before January 1, 2010.
The provisions of this section do not apply to the in-kind replacement of a structure.
If a Buffer is not fully forested or fully established in woody or wetland vegetation, the Buffer shall be established through planting in accordance with COMAR
An applicant for a development activity that includes disturbance to the Buffer shall mitigate for impacts to the Buffer and shall provide a Buffer Management Plan in accordance with the standards set forth in this article.
Authorized development activities may include a variance, subdivision, site plan, shore erosion control permit, building permit, grading permit, septic system approved by the Somerset County Health Department on a lot created December 25, 1988, and special exception.
All authorized development activities shall be mitigated according to COMAR
All unauthorized development activities in the Buffer shall be mitigated at a ratio of 4:1 for the limit of disturbance in the Buffer.
Planting for mitigation shall be planted on site within the Buffer. If mitigation planting cannot be located within the Buffer, then Princess Anne may permit planting in the following order of priority:
On site and adjacent to the Buffer; and
On site elsewhere in the Critical Area.
A fee in lieu as referenced in § 61-68 below.
An applicant that is required to plant the Buffer for Buffer establishment or Buffer mitigation shall apply the planting standards set forth in COMAR
A variance to the planting and mitigation standards of this chapter is not permitted.
An applicant that is required to plant the Buffer to meet establishment or mitigation requirements shall submit a Buffer Management Plan as provided in COMAR with the application for the specific activity. The provisions of this section do not apply to maintaining an existing grass lawn or an existing garden in the Buffer.
A Buffer Management Plan that includes planting for establishment shall be submitted with all other application materials, clearly specify the area to be planted and state if the applicant is:
Fully establishing the Buffer;
Partially establishing an area of the Buffer equal to the net increase in lot coverage; or
Partially establishing an area of the Buffer equal to the total lot coverage.
Any permit for development activity that requires Buffer establishment or Buffer mitigation will not be issued until a Buffer Management Plan is approved by Princess Anne.
An applicant may not obtain final approval of a subdivision application until the Buffer Management Plan has been reviewed and approved by Princess Anne.
Princess Anne may not approve a Buffer Management Plan unless:
The plan clearly indicates that all planting standards under § 61-63 of this chapter will be met; and
Appropriate measures are in place for the long-term protection and maintenance of all Buffer areas.
For a Buffer Management Plan that is the result of an authorized disturbance to the Buffer, a permit authorizing final use and occupancy will not be issued until the applicant:
Completes the implementation of a Buffer Management Plan; or
Provides financial assurance to cover the costs for:
Materials and installation; and
If the mitigation or establishment requirement is at least 5,000 square feet, long-term survivability requirements as set forth in COMAR
Concurrent with recordation of a subdivision plat, an applicant shall record a protective easement for the Buffer.
If an applicant fails to implement a Buffer Management Plan, that failure shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
A permit for development activity will not be issued for a property that has the violation.
An applicant shall post a subdivision with permanent signs prior to final recordation in accordance with COMAR
A fee in lieu of mitigation will be collected if the planting requirements of the Buffer Management Plan cannot be fully met on site, in accordance with the following standards:
Fee-in-lieu monies shall be collected and held in a special fund, which may not revert to Princess Anne's general fund;
Fees in lieu shall be assessed at $1.50 per square foot of required Buffer mitigation;
A portion of fee-in-lieu money can be used for management and administrative costs; however, this cannot exceed 20% of the fees collected; and
Fee-in-lieu monies shall be used for the following projects:
To establish the Buffer on sites where planting is not a condition of development or redevelopment.
For water quality and habitat enhancement projects as approved by the Critical Area Commission or by agreement between Princess Anne and the Critical Area Commission.
Shore erosion control measures are permitted activities within the Buffer in accordance with the following requirements:
An applicant for a shore erosion control project that affects the Buffer in any way, including, but not limited to, access, vegetation removal and pruning, or backfilling, shall submit a Buffer Management Plan in accordance with the requirements of this article; and
Comply fully with all of the policies and criteria for a shore erosion control project stated in COMAR 27.01.04 and COMAR 26.24.