It is and it shall be the duty of each and every owner, trustee, lessee, agent, occupant, and possessor of each and every house, building, or other structure located in Middle Smithfield Township, whether on a public or private street, to cause the house, building or other structure to be numbered with its official building number assigned by Middle Smithfield Township. The building number sign shall be installed on an approved post and/or mount at the intersection of the driveway and the street right-of-way. For structures that do not have individual driveways (i.e., townhouses), the building number sign shall be affixed to the structure in a conspicuous place that is clearly visible from the street. The number shall be permanently posted and affixed as set forth herein. All persons required to number existing houses, buildings, or other structures shall contact Middle Smithfield Township and secure an assigned building number.
The building number shall be placed at the following location(s) on the subject property;
On a clearly visible approved post, approved mount, or other similar approved structure located upon the subject property where the driveway intersects with the Township and/or state and/or private street; or
For structures that do not have individual driveways (i.e., townhouses), the building number sign shall be in a conspicuous place on the house, building or structure on or over the front door, on the front transom bar, front transom glass, or front show window, over or on either side of the entrance. The number shall be of sufficient size and in full view, so as to be identifiable and readable from the opposite side of the street adjacent to the subject property. The numbers shall be a minimum of four inches in height and be reflective white in color over a contrasting dark background.
The building number shall be of metal, enamel, or vinyl, and the color of the building number shall be reflective white and shall be in contrast to the immediate background. Building numbers shall be positioned such that snow, leaves, tree branches, overgrown vegetation or other such impediments shall not impair the visibility required by this chapter. The building number sign identifying the building or other structure shall comply with the following regulations:
Numerals shall be at least four inches in height and spaced in a manner so that the reader can easily read the numbers.
The numbers shall be displayed vertically. The numbers shall correctly read from top to bottom.
The numbers shall be in reflective white numerals and shall be visible from both directions on the street.
The background shall be matte green. For vertical signs the dimension of the background shall be six inches by 18 inches.
The building number sign shall be installed on an approved post or mount at a location where the driveway intersects with the private street and/or the Township Street and/or state street right-of-way.
Unless approved by the Township, the building number sign shall be mounted on one of the following configurations:
Mounted on a stand-alone post or pole in a manner approved by the Township.
Mounted on any other type or kind of approved mounting device (e.g., mailbox) in a manner approved by the Township.
The sign should be placed near the edge of the street at the point of entrance to the residence (in most cases, the driveway), but far enough off the road so as not to interfere with snow plowing, or be covered by snow berms. Generally, the recommended distance is between three feet and six feet from the edge of the street.
The building number sign shall be easily visible by emergency responders as they approach the subject property from either direction on the street. The exception would be at the end of a cul-de-sac, where you can only approach and access the residence from one direction.
The height of the building number sign installed on an approved post or mount shall at least three feet but no greater than six feet from the ground surface measured from the top of the sign to the street surface.
If the building number signpost and/or mount is knocked down and/or removed and/or otherwise covered by an unforeseen occurrence, the owner of the subject property shall repair and/or reinstall the building number sign within five days of the occurrence.
It shall be unlawful to cover any building number sign with any other sign, drapery, or other obstruction tending to conceal such building number, and all inaccurate, obsolete, or nonconforming building numbers shall be removed from any property, house, building, or other structure when a new number has been assigned, or when so directed by the Middle Smithfield Township Zoning Officer or other designated Township representative.
All persons required to number buildings, as set forth herein, shall install the requisite building number signs for existing houses, buildings, or other structures within 180 days of the enactment of this chapter. The owners of new structures, those structures constructed after the date this chapter is executed by the Board of Supervisors, shall procure a building number sign as part of the normal building permit process. New structures shall be numbered prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.