[Amended 4-13-1992 by Ord. No. 1546]
The Personnel Commission shall be composed of three members of Council on a rotation schedule established and maintained by the Mayor, which provides for three-month alternating terms so that each month one member shall change. The schedule established by the Mayor shall be disseminated to Council on a yearly basis prior to May 1 of each year.
[Amended 4-13-1992 by Ord. No. 1546]
The Commission shall:
Review and advise Council on personnel policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, compensation, recruitment and selection, promotion, training and performance evaluation. Recommendations of the Commission shall be submitted to Council, with a copy to the Manager, and shall be of advisory nature only.
The Commission shall continually review and inquire into all aspects of the personnel system and shall submit reports to Council, which shall consider recommendations to ensure that the system reflects changing needs and conditions.
The reports may also contain an evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel system of the municipality and of the overall administration of the personnel system, based on the principles and policies set out in § 85-3 of this chapter.
Ascertain and report on the effectiveness of tests used by the municipality for recruitment, selection and promotion of employees, and make recommendations, if necessary.
Hear appeals and grievances of employees and of applicants for municipal employment alleging violation of any provisions of the Personnel Code or of any employment rights by any administrative officer of the municipality, and make recommendations to the Manager and Council based on its findings.