This Charter shall become effective on October 11, 1966, except that Chapter II shall become effective on January 1, 1966. The effective date referred to in all chapters of this Charter except Chapter II shall be October 11, 1966.
As of the effective date of this Charter, all General Laws and Special Acts applying to the Town, all ordinances and bylaws of the Town, and all rules and regulations of commissions, boards, departments and agencies of the Town shall continue in force, except insofar as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter, until they are amended or repealed by ordinance of the Council or the appropriate body having jurisdiction. All Special Acts or parts of acts relating to the Town inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter are repealed. This Charter may be amended in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes. Should any provisions of this Charter be declared unconstitutional, such action shall not affect the validity of any other provisions hereof.
All appointive and elected officers whose terms of office have not expired and employees of the Town on the effective date of this Charter whose offices or employments are not specifically abolished by this Charter shall continue in their respective offices and employment until such time as they may be promoted, transferred, retired or removed in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.
All Town records, property and equipment of any commission, board, department or office or part thereof, all the powers and duties of which are assigned to any other commission, board, department or office by this Charter, shall be transferred and delivered intact to the commission, board, department or office to which such powers and duties are so assigned. If part of the powers and duties of any commission, board, department or office or part thereof are by this Charter assigned to another commission, board, department or office, all Town records, property and equipment relating exclusively thereto shall be transferred and delivered intact to the commission, board, department or office to which such powers and duties are so assigned.
The action of all boards and commissions of the Town of Southington shall be by the vote of all the members of the said boards and commissions present at a meeting duly called and held at which a quorum is present.
A person's gender shall not be a qualification, determination or basis for the imposition or receipt of any duty, benefit or obligation hereunder nor for holding public office or employment. When the context or application of this Charter may so require, the feminine gender shall include the masculine and the masculine, the feminine; the neuter gender shall include both masculine and feminine and the masculine and feminine, the neuter.
Private business or professional enterprise. A conflict of interest exists if the officer, official, employee, member of any Town agency or member of his or her household, including a domestic partner, spouse or minor dependent, has a private, financial or personal interest in the outcome or is the owner, shareholder, member, partner, officer, employee or other participant of, or in, a private business or professional enterprise that will be affected by the outcome of any matter under consideration before him/her.
Speculative or investment activities. A conflict of interest exists if the officer, official or employee, or any member of any Town agency has such interest in any matter as it relates to investment activities that shall benefit from use of confidential information gained from such officer, official or employee, or member of any Town agency.
Town employees (full-time, part-time). All full-time employees of the Town shall devote all their time and effort in the fulfillment of their assigned duties during those hours when it is customary for the Town to conduct business, such hours to include meetings held outside customary business hours where the employee's presence is necessary to facilitate Town business and is job-related. All part-time employees of the Town shall be available to fulfill their duties to facilitate Town business during hours in which Town business is customarily conducted. No full-time employee shall engage in any activities other than Town business during hours in which the Town customarily conducts its business, unless such activity conforms with established Town policies set by any board, commission or agency, the Deputy Town Manager or the Town Manager. The Town Planner, Assistant Town Planner, Town Engineer or Assistant Town Engineer, Building Inspector or Zoning Enforcement Officer is specifically prohibited from engaging in any activity (in which they have a personal interest or private financial interest as herein defined) relating to the purchase and sale or development of land or buildings (other than their personal residences).
Duty to disclose and abstain. Any Town official, member of a board, commission or agency or employee who has a personal financial or private interest in any action, legislative or otherwise, by any Town agency and who is a member of, participates in discussion with, or gives an official opinion to such Town agency, shall disclose on the written records of such agency the true nature and extent of such interest and refrain from any comment or vote on the matter and remove himself/herself from the panel until the matter has been dispensed. The failure of any officer, official, or employee or member of any appointed or elected board or Town agency to disqualify himself or herself from action in any situation where a conflict of interest exists shall constitute a violation of this section. This section shall not apply to:
Contracts awarded to the lowest bidder after public advertisement;
Unpaid appointed officials during a declared state of emergency;
Matters requiring disclosure to, or approval by, a court.
Litigation. No Town official, member of a board, commission or agency or employee of the Town shall appear on behalf of a private interest before any agency of the Town nor shall he/she represent private interests in any action or proceeding against the Town in any litigation when such appearance or representation would be in conflict with or would tend to impair his/her independence of judgment and action in the performance of his/her official duties as such Town official, member of a board, commission or agency, or employee. An elected Town official shall not appear before a Town agency (except on behalf of constituents in the course of performing his/her duties as a representative of the electorate) when such appearance or representation would be in conflict with or would tend to impair his/her independence of judgment and action in the performance of his/her official duties as such Town official. Any Town official, member of a board, commission or agency or employee may appear before a Town agency in the performance of official, public or civic obligations.
The provisions of this section may be supplemented or enlarged by the Town Council by means of an ordinance.
(11-3-1970; 11-2-2010)
The Town Planning and Zoning Commission shall prepare and adopt a plan of development pursuant to provisions of § 8-23 of the Connecticut General Statutes, which such plan shall be adopted by said Commission on or before June 1, 1992, and thereafter shall be amended or confirmed at least every ten (10) years.
(11-8-1988; 11-8-1994)