Heating of residences. Every owner of a building or buildings occupied as residences by two or more families, and where such owner has agreed to supply heat, shall provide heat from the first day of October in each year to the first day of May of the succeeding year so that the temperature of the apartment where one or more persons reside shall always be kept at 70° F. or above between the hours of 6:00 a.m. in the morning and 10:00 p.m. in the evening.
Heating of business buildings. Every person, whether he be the owner, lessor or agent of a building to be used for offices or business purposes, who shall have agreed to supply heat to the tenant, shall provide heat from the first day of October in each year to the first day of May of the succeeding year so that the temperature of said office or place of business shall always be kept at 70° F. or above between the hours of 7:00 a.m. in the morning and 6:00 p.m. in the evening; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to buildings or portions thereof used and occupied for trades, businesses or occupations where high or low temperatures are essential or unavoidable.
The owner, agent or other person in charge of any building, tenement or apartment house occupied by four or more families shall provide janitor service at all times for the purpose of keeping the premises in a sanitary condition.
All buildings shall conform to the following requirements:
Water supply.
All buildings used for living therein shall have potable running water on each floor and in each apartment.
All buildings used for working therein shall have potable running water available on each floor.
Toilet facilities. Every building used in any way for occupation by human beings, whether for business or dwelling purposes, shall be provided with a sufficient number of water closets, washbasins and urinal accommodations in good working order. When the interest of the public health requires additional water closets, washbasins or urinal accommodations in any house, store, apartment, flat or any other building, it shall be lawful for the governing body of the Borough of Lindenwold, by notice to the owner, to direct the installation of such additional toilets as it shall deem necessary. There shall be one water closet for each separate family.
The basement or cellar of any building shall be so constructed as to be reasonably dry and adequately ventilated, and the foundation walls and floor shall be rodentproof.
If a room in a residence building is overcrowded, the Camden County Board of Health shall order the number of persons sleeping or living in said room to be so reduced that there shall be not less than 480 cubic feet of air to each person over the age of 12 years and 300 cubic feet of air to each child under 12 years of age occupying such room.
All business establishment operators and all apartment house owners shall keep all garbage and trash in well-covered containers made of metal, plastic or waterproofed material.
All rooms used for living or working therein shall be properly lighted, adequately ventilated and in good repair.
No person or persons shall live or sleep in any mobile home or in any part of a commercial building without first obtaining a permit from the governing body of the Borough of Lindenwold.
Stormwater shall not be permitted to empty into any sanitary sewers.
All owners of property along the line of any sewer constructed for the purpose of carrying off sewage in the streets of this municipality shall connect their houses and other buildings with the sanitary sewer in the street adjoining said property upon notice from the governing body of the Borough of Lindenwold to make such connection.
The Borough of Lindenwold shall be empowered to give notice to any property owner by sending said notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, and regular mail or by delivery of said notice personally at the property owner's usual place of abode and leaving it with a member of his or her family 18 years of age or older.
Said notice shall specifically advise the property owner of his or her obligations to connect to the sanitary sewer and that, if said connection is not made within 30 days from receipt of said notice, a complaint will be filed with the Municipal Court of the Borough of Lindenwold. After the expiration of the thirty-day notice, violations shall be subject to the penalties as set forth in Chapter 1, § 1-1, of this Code.
Notwithstanding the penalty provisions contained in § 386-49, the Municipal Court of the Borough of Lindenwold shall order any person convicted of violation of the Sewer Connection Ordinance to pay fines as set forth in Subsection C above.
The governing body of the Borough of Lindenwold shall have the right to condemn any building or part thereof as unfit for human habitation whenever conditions detrimental to health exist therein, whether such condemnation be for insanitation, dilapidation, overcrowding of persons or for other reasons detrimental to health.