[Amended 1-24-1994 by Ord. No. 267-1993; 3-24-1997 by Ord. No.
Any existing use of land or use of structure and land or any
structure, by virtue of its size or position on the land, which is
not in conformity with the provisions of this chapter at the time
of enactment may be continued with the following limitations:
A. If any nonconforming use of a structure or land is abandoned for
any reason, any subsequent use of that land or structure shall conform
to the regulations for the district in which the land or use is located.
[Amended 10-4-2004 by Ord. No. 12-2004; 3-22-2010 by Ord. No.
B. Change or expansion.
[Amended 6-23-1997 by Ord. No. 13-1997]
(1) Except as provided in Subsection
B(2) and
(3) below, a land area or structure devoted to a use not permitted by this chapter in the district in which it is located shall not be enlarged, extended, constructed, reconstructed or structurally altered in any way unless the work is required for normal maintenance or to prevent injury.
(2) Any use existing on January 14, 1981, that is currently nonconforming or any use which was constructed based upon an approval granted pursuant to the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan that is currently nonconforming, other than intensive recreational facilities and those uses which are expressly limited in Article
VIII, may be expanded or altered, provided that:
The use was not abandoned or terminated subsequent to January
14, 1981;
The expansion or alteration of the use is in accordance with all of the minimum standards of Article
VIII; and
The area of expansion does not exceed 50% of the floor area,
the area of the use or the capacity of the use, whichever is applicable,
on January 14, 1981, or which was approved pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4,
Part V.
(3) Any use existing on January 14, 1981, that is currently nonconforming or any use which was constructed based upon an approval granted pursuant to the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan that is currently nonconforming, other than those uses which are expressly limited in Article
VIII, may be changed to another use, provided that:
The use was not abandoned or terminated subsequent to January
14, 1981;
The new use is in accordance with all of the minimum standards of Article
VIII, including §
115-53B(4), unless a new septic system permit will not be required as a result of the change in use, in which case the standards of §
115-53A(2) and
(3) must be met; and
The area, capacity and intensity of the new use is comparable
to that of the existing use.
C. Any nonconforming use existing within a structure may be changed
to a conforming use.
D. Any structure, or structure and land in combination, in or on which
a nonconforming use is superseded by a permitted use shall thereafter
conform to the regulations for the district in which said structure
is located, and the nonconforming use shall not thereafter be resumed.
E. Lots.
(1) Whenever the owner of a lot existing at the time of adoption of this
chapter has dedicated or conveyed land to the Township in order to
meet the minimum street width requirement of the Official Map or Master
Plan of the Township, the Construction Official shall issue construction
and occupancy permits for lots whose depth and/or areas are rendered
substandard only because of such dedication and where the owner has
no other adjacent lands to provide the minimum requirements.
(2) Except as provided in Subsection
E(1) heretofore, any existing lot on which a building or structure is located and which lot does not meet the minimum lot size or a structure which violates any yard requirements may have additions to the principal building and/or construction of an accessory building without an appeal for variance relief, provided that:
The existing use(s) on the lot are conforming to the permitted
use(s) stipulated in this chapter for the lot in question.
The total permitted building coverage is not exceeded.
The accessory building and/or addition do not violate any other
requirements of this chapter such as, but not limited to, height,
setback and parking.
(3) Any vacant lot existing as a conforming residential lot at the time of the passage of this chapter whose area or dimensions do not meet the requirements of the district on which the lot is located may have a construction permit issued for a single-family detached dwelling and its permitted accessory uses without an appeal for variance relief, provided that single-family detached dwellings are a permitted use in that district, the building coverage limit is not exceeded, parking requirements are met and the yard and height provisions are reduced by the same percentage that the area of such lots bears to the zone district requirements, except that no side yard shall be less than either 10 feet or half that required by this chapter, whichever is greater. Additionally, no building shall be set back less than 30 feet from the street right-of-way, and no building shall be required to have a height less than 12 feet and one story. In the Pinelands Area, the standards set forth in §
115-126 of this chapter must also be met.
[Amended 6-23-1997 by Ord. No. 13-1997]
F. Abandonment.
[Added 10-4-2004 by Ord. No. 12-2004]
(1) Any nonconforming use that is ceased or stopped for a period over
six months by an apparent act or failure by the owner, tenant or occupant
or has had the physical operation of the business or use ceased for
over six months shall be presumed to be abandoned. The presumption
is a rebuttable presumption.
[Amended 3-22-2010 by Ord. No. 3-2010]
(2) Such nonconforming use shall not thereafter be continued or reinstated
nor shall the structure be occupied except in conformity with this
chapter and the permitted zoning use.
G. Abandonment of business, commercial and other uses. Any business,
use, activity, or operation in any building or structure (except farm
stands related to an existing farm operation) which has ceased for
over a period of six months shall be deemed to have been abandoned.
Intent to resume the previous business, use or operation after cessation
shall not confer the right to do so. The reestablishment of any business
after abandonment shall have to conform to all of the provisions of
the Buena Vista ordinances and zoning ordinances. This shall include
obtaining Township site plan approval or other appropriate approval.
[Added 10-4-2004 by Ord. No. 12-2004]
In districts where authorized, the owner of any dwelling having
four or more bedrooms which is in conformity with the regulations
of the district in which it is located may convert such dwelling into
two or more one-family dwelling units, but only upon compliance with
the following terms and conditions:
A. There shall be no more than one dwelling unit resulting from the
conversion for every two acres of land contained in the involved lot.
B. Each dwelling unit resulting from a conversion shall contain at least
two rooms in addition to a bathroom and kitchen and shall encompass
400 square feet of net floor area.
C. Each room resulting from such conversion shall be of reasonable size
for the use intended and shall have adequate light and air from the
D. Each dwelling unit resulting from such conversion shall have safe,
adequate and convenient means of access and egress which complies
with the requirements of the New Jersey Tenement Act.
E. The ground floor area of the original dwelling shall not be enlarged,
nor the number of stories increased in connection with any dwelling
unit conversion.
F. No such conversion shall take place and no construction work for
that purpose shall be undertaken or permit issued therefor, unless
and until complete plans (drawn to scale) and specifications for the
conversion shall have been submitted to and approved by the municipal
agency as being in conformity with the terms and conditions of this
Any driveway providing access from a public street or way to
any permitted use or structure shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Driveways shall enter the street or road right-of-way at an angle
between 75° and 105°.
B. The portion of the roadway lying between the right-of-way line of
the street and the driveway shall be suitably paved by the owner at
the owner's expense as a driveway extension.
C. Any curb opening shall be properly reconstructed to the satisfaction
of the Township Engineer. Where curbing does not exist and conditions
warrant, an adequate drainage plan shall be provided for review, and
required work shall be completed by the owner at the owner's expense
prior to the issuance of a building permit on the abutting lot.
D. Driveway grades shall not exceed 10%.
E. Driveway widths at the street right-of-way line shall be a minimum
of 40 feet and a maximum of 50 feet in connection with commercial
and industrial uses; and a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 25
feet in connection with residential uses.
F. Pavement requirements for all site plan applications of a commercial
nature must meet the roadway construction requirements of the Township.
No garbage, rubbish, refuse, tree limbs or roots or any other
waste material shall be dumped, pumped or deposited in any district
except for storage or processing of vegetative wastes as part of an
approved agricultural practice.
[Amended 7-27-2009 by Ord. No. 5-2009]
A. In any zoning district, fences may be located within the required
yard areas as long as they do not encroach on public rights-of-way
or neighboring properties and comply with the following:
(1) In any district, nothing shall be erected, placed or allowed to grow in a manner as to materially impede vision between a height of 2 1/2 feet and 10 feet above the center line of grade of abutting streets as stipulated in the sight-triangle requirement contained in §
(2) Except as specified in Subsection
A above, open fences not exceeding four feet in height may be erected in required front yard areas in any residence district.
(3) Fences not exceeding six feet in height may be erected in required
side and rear yard areas in any residence district.
(4) Tennis court fences, baseball and softball backstops and spectator
protective fencing are exempt from the requirements of this section,
provided that they are not located within any required yard area.
(5) Protective barriers or fencing shall comply with §
115-107 and the provisions of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code.
(6) In any business or industrial zone, open wire fences not exceeding
eight feet in height may be erected in required rear or side yard
areas and behind the building setback line.
(7) On park, recreation or school properties, open wire fences not exceeding
eight feet in height may be erected in required rear or side yard
areas and beyond the building setback line.
(8) Earthen berms, walls, stumps, brush, leaves, felled timber, concrete,
sand, stone, masonry, wood, metal, plastic or other construction debris
piles situated to act, function or resemble a fence are prohibited
in Buena Vista Township.
B. Construction standards. All fences erected in the Township of Buena
Vista shall be subject to the following:
(1) All fences must be erected entirely upon the private property of
the person constructing or causing the construction of the fence.
The Zoning Officer may require a property survey to be included with
any fence application.
(2) All fences must be constructed in accordance with the manufacturer's
specifications, within reasonable building standards and approved
by the Zoning Officer and/or Construction Official.
(3) All fences shall be erected with the face or finished side of the
fence facing toward adjacent properties. The structural side of the
fence shall face toward the interior of the subject property on which
the fence has been installed.
(4) Fence gates shall have a latch and they shall not open onto a sidewalk,
street or adjacent property.
(5) Fences shall be erected in a manner as to permit the flow of natural
drainage and shall not cause surface water to be blocked or dammed.
(6) Any screening or buffering consisting of landscaping plant materials
shall be planted no closer than 50% of the anticipated mature growth
width of such screening or buffering, but in no event closer than
four feet from any property line. Additionally, any screening or buffering
consisting of landscaping plant materials shall not encroach over
a sidewalk, sight triangle easement, public right-of-way or beyond
a private property line. Except as otherwise stated, all fences, screening
or buffering consisting of landscaped plant materials shall be subject
to the requirements and conditions of this chapter.
(7) No fence shall be erected so as to encroach upon a public right-of-way
or site triangle.
(8) The use of barbed wire or other similar type fencing is prohibited
unless otherwise stated in the ordinances of the Township of Buena
(9) Utility poles, lally columns, scrap materials, individually installed
elements or columns and other nontraditional fence materials shall
not be permitted to be used for construction of any fence within the
Township of Buena Vista. All proposed fence materials are subject
to the review, and approval and discretion of the Zoning Officer.
No fence shall be constructed and/or maintained so as to deny
access to public utilities by an authorized person.
Any fence installed on a property within a residential zoning
district, or on a property which contains a residential use, shall
not exceed four feet in height installed within a front yard setback
area or along a front property line.
Any fence installed on a property within a residential zoning
district, or on a property which contains a residential use, shall
not exceed four feet in height installed within a side yard setback
area or along a side property line. The fence height may increase
to six feet in height at the point of 75% of the length of the side
building wall, measured from the front of the house. The fence may
continue at a height of six feet along the remainder of the side property
line to a point where the fence meets the rear yard area, or rear
property line.
Any fence installed on a property within a residential zoning
district, or on a property which contains a residential use, shall
not exceed six feet in height installed within a rear yard setback
area or along a rear property line.
Any fence installed on a property within a nonresidential zoning
district, or on a property which contains a nonresidential use, or
a mixed use, shall not exceed six feet.
[Amended 4-23-2023 by Ord. No. 129-2023]
C. Should any property be a corner property which has frontage on two
streets, the rear building line, for the purpose of this section,
shall be interpreted to mean that point where the property line of
any corner property abuts the rear building line of any adjacent property,
and the owner of said corner property shall not be entitled to construct
any fence that exceeds four feet in height from the average ground
grade in any point closer to the nearest roadway with which said line
intersects than the rear building line of all adjacent properties.
D. These fence regulations shall not apply to the erection of an open
wire fence within a publicly owned park, playground or school premises
if the need for such a fence for such uses as athletic fields and
the like are demonstrated to and approved by the Zoning Officer.
E. These fence regulations shall not apply to the erection of temporary
fencing for agricultural use (i.e., deer fence) or the installation
of snow fencing.
Off-street loading space shall be provided in accordance with
the following standards and requirements:
A. An off-street loading space, as defined in this chapter, shall be
For each 10,000 square feet of gross floor area in a hospital.
For each 12,000 square feet of gross floor area in a commercial
use or manufacturing establishment or funeral home.
B. All off-street loading spaces shall be surfaced according to Township
road construction standards, and required loading areas, together
with their accessways, shall not be encroached upon or reduced in
any manner or devoted to any other use.
C. The arrangement of off-street loading space shall be such that no
vehicle shall have occasion to back into any street or road and, in
the case of commercial and industrial uses, off-street loading areas
shall be located within the side or rear yard.
D. Off-street loading areas shall be located or screened in such a manner
that they cannot be seen from any property located in any residential
E. When the computation to determine the number of required loading
spaces results in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction
to and including 1/2 shall be disregarded and fractions exceeding
1/2 shall require one space.
Adequate off-street parking space, open-air or indoor, shall
be provided with all new construction or the creation of new uses
as specified below on the same lot with the use they are intended
to serve, except as provided under Subsections B and C below, and
shall be furnished with necessary passageways and driveways providing
sufficient access to the nearest public street.
A. Access aisles and driveways to parking areas shall be not less than
10 feet in width. Aisles and driveways within parking areas shall
have a minimum width of:
For ninety-degree to sixty-degree angle parking: 25 feet.
For sixty-degree to forty-five-degree angle parking: 19 feet.
For less than forty-five-degree angle parking: 17 feet.
For parallel parking: 12 feet.
B. The collective provision of required off-street parking area by two
or more buildings or uses located on adjacent lots is permitted, provided
that the total of such facilities shall not be less than the sum required
for involved buildings or uses computed separately, unless it can
be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the municipal agency that all
or part of the separate parking requirements are mutually exclusive
as regards periods of need.
C. For commercial and noncommercial uses in business districts, required
parking shall be located within 150 feet of such use, said distance
to be measured from the nearest point of the parking facility to the
nearest point of the building that such facility is designed to serve.
D. All off-street parking areas shall be maintained with a graded, dust-free
surface that is well-drained, such as gravel or stone for one- or
two-family residential and agricultural uses; or two inches of bituminous
concrete on four inches of stabilized base or better for all other
uses. Entrances and exits for all required parking facilities shall
be located not less than 75 feet from the intersection of any two
street lines, and the arrangement of off-street parking areas shall
be such that no vehicle would have occasion to back into a street.
E. Certificates of occupancy for permitted uses requiring off-street
parking areas shall remain valid only so long as required parking
areas are not encroached upon, nor reduced for the purpose intended.
F. All off-street parking areas shall be located at least five feet
from any side lot line and 10 feet from any front or rear lot line,
and those providing for more than 10 parking spaces shall be located
or screened in such a manner that they cannot be seen from a property
in any residential district.
G. Required spaces.
Off-street parking space, together with adequate access and
maneuvering area, shall be required as follows:
Parking for any residential use shall be in conformance with
the Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS).
[Amended 4-23-2023 by Ord. No. 129-2023]
One space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area in connection
with any retail business, except that any business or part thereof
serving patrons on the premises shall provide one space for each three
seating spaces provided.
One space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or
for each three employees on maximum working shift (whichever requires
a greater number of spaces) in connection with any manufacturing,
light industrial or warehousing operation.
One space for each 1,000 square feet of lot area for outdoor
commercial amusements.
One space for each room in any use providing transient guest
One space for each five beds plus one space for each employee
on maximum working shift in a hospital or institution for children
or the aged.
One space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area for office
One space for each five seats in a church or auditorium.
One space for each six persons of rated capacity for clubs,
golf course clubhouses and noncommercial or commercial recreation.
One space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area for
libraries and museums.
One space for each four beds of an educational institution dormitory.
One space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area for
college classrooms, laboratories, student centers or offices.
One space for each four persons of rated capacity for theaters,
gymnasiums or stadiums.
One space for each 1/2 classroom in elementary schools, 1/4
classroom for junior high schools and 1/6 classroom for senior high
For any other building types which do not fit into one of the
above categories, a determination of the required number of spaces
shall be made by the municipal agency.
Trailers may be placed on a land parcel as a conditional use in various districts as specified in Article
X of this chapter, only after site plan review, when, in addition to meeting other requirements, they comply with the following:
A. In specified districts, camping trailers may be placed and used temporarily in authorized campgrounds as per §
B. A temporary residential trailer may be used for dwelling purposes
during the replacement or reconstruction of a single-family residence
by the property owner. Applicants shall file the application for a
temporary trailer with the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer and the
Township Clerk. Said trailer shall not be placed on the site or occupied
until all governmental approvals have been obtained and septic, well
and electric service have been installed and are in use. The temporary
trailer shall only be occupied by the owner and family members during
reconstruction. The Township Committee, in its sole discretion, may
grant a temporary trailer permit for a period of six months and may
grant an additional extension up to six months.
[Amended 4-25-2005 by Ord. No. 8-2005; 12-27-2005 by Ord. No.
C. Temporary storage of one unoccupied trailer as an accessory structure
may be permitted on a lot for a period not to exceed three months.
D. Permanent storage of one unoccupied trailer may be permitted on a
lot only when it is entirely enclosed in a permitted principal or
accessory building.
E. The following conditions shall apply regarding the location of an
accessory trailer:
Its longitudinal axis shall be perpendicular to the street line
of the lot. On corner lots, the longitudinal axis of the trailer shall
be perpendicular to the building line of the principal building.
The trailer shall be positioned between the principal structure
and the rear lot line or shall be placed in a completely enclosed
structure. In no case shall a trailer extend into the front yard of
a lot.
[Added 10-13-1998 by Ord. No. 18-1998]
Temporary greenhouses erected for agricultural or horticultural use shall be subject to the bulk, area and yard requirements of §
115-77 and subject to the definition of a farm in §
Whenever screening is called for in this chapter or is made
a condition of development approval by a municipal agency, it shall
be provided according to the following requirements:
A. When screening specifications involve any portion of a lot lying within a required roadway intersection sight triangle, the provisions of §
115-31B(10) shall control.
B. Natural screening shall consist of predominantly indigenous plant
species densely planted in a linear buffer area along the site boundary,
being at least eight feet wide and three feet high at the time of
planting, that may be expected to form a year-round, dense screen
at least six feet high within three years. Screen planting required
for any development in the Pinelands Area shall be in accordance with
§ 115-49A(6)(c).
C. Constructed screening shall consist of a masonry wall or barrier
or a uniformly painted fence of fire-resistant material at least six
feet in height, no more than eight feet above finished grade at the
point of construction. Such wall, barrier or fence may be opaque or
perforated, provided that not more than 50% of its area is open.
D. In front yard areas within residence districts, no screening shall
exceed four feet in height unless required by a municipal agency as
part of site plan review.
E. All such screening shall be maintained in good condition at all times;
may be interrupted only by normally required entrances and exits;
and shall have no signs attached.
[Amended 12-27-1994 by Ord. No. 290-1994; 7-28-1997 by Ord. No.
17-1997; 5-22-2000 by Ord. No. 7-2000; 9-8-2014 by Ord. No. 17-2014]
Within Buena Vista Township, all signs, unless specifically
permitted in this chapter, are hereby prohibited, and any permitted
sign shall comply with the following standards and requirements:
A. No sign, other than a traffic warning or safety sign, which is designed or intended to attract attention by sudden, intermittent or rhythmic movement or physical lighting change shall be permitted in the Township, with the exception of changeable copy or EMC signs in the PT, PVI, PVRC, RA, B1 and OC Districts and as permitted for schools, churches, hospitals or similar public service institutions in zoning districts identified below, in accordance with §
[Amended 7-26-2021 by Ord. No. 101-2021]
B. No sign, other than a traffic warning or safety sign, which changes physical position by any movement or rotation or which gives the visual impression of such movement or rotation shall be permitted in the Township, with the exception of changeable copy or EMC signs in the PT, PVI, PVRC, RA, B1 and OC Districts and as permitted for schools, churches, hospitals or similar public service institutions in zoning districts identified below, in accordance with §
[Amended 7-26-2021 by Ord. No. 101-2021]
C. The following signs shall be permitted in any district of the Township:
Nonilluminated directional signs identifying parking areas,
loading zones, entrances, exits and similar locations, not to exceed
three square feet in area.
Temporary or permanent traffic signs and signals installed by
the Township, county or state for the purpose of directing and regulating
the flow of traffic.
Signs indicating public transportation stops when installed
by the Township or public transportation authority.
Historical tablets, cornerstones, memorial plaques and emblems
which do not exceed six square feet in area and which are installed
by the government agencies or civic or religious organizations.
"Warning" and "no trespassing" signs, not exceeding three square
feet in area.
Flags or emblems of religious, educational, civic or governmental
organizations flown from supports on the building or grounds occupied
by the organization and the American flag whenever and wherever flown
in accordance with the laws and rules promulgated by the federal government.
Name and number plates identifying residents and affixed to
a house, apartment or mailbox, not exceeding 50 square inches in area.
Lawn signs identifying residents, not exceeding one square foot
in area for each side. The signs shall not contain any advertising
message and shall be nonilluminated except by a light which is an
integral part of a lamppost if used as a support.
Signs posted by governmental agencies or pursuant to governmental
statute, order or regulation.
Signs which are an integral part of vending machines, including
gasoline pumps, provided that they do not exceed two square feet in
Real estate signs announcing the sale, rental or lease of the
premises on which the sign is located, such sign not to exceed four
square feet in area.
If double-faced, the sign shall not exceed eight square feet
in area for both sides.
The sign shall be nonilluminated.
Such sign shall not be closer to the lot line than 1/2 the distance between the building line and the lot line, as per §
115-77. Such signs shall not be located closer to other such signs than one in every 200 feet, measured either along the front of a lot or along the depth of a lot.
Temporary on-site signs for advertising public functions or
fund-raising events for charitable or religious organizations shall
be permitted for a period of 90 days prior to and during the event
and shall be removed within five days after the event. The sign shall
be nonilluminated, not larger than 12 square feet in area, not exceed
eight feet in height and may be erected flat against the building
or freestanding.
Temporary signs publicizing or promoting a public election,
School Board election, campaign for public office or public referendum
may be placed on private property with the consent of the owner. Said
signs shall be removed within five days after the election.
[Amended 7-26-2021 by Ord. No. 101-2021]
Path-marking signs for permitted yard or garage sales, provided
that not more than three such signs, not exceeding two square feet
in size, are posted no earlier than one week before the beginning
of the sale and are removed the day following the sale.
Contractor's or mechanic's sign, not greater than six square
feet in area. One such sign shall be allowed for each street frontage
and shall be removed promptly upon completion of work.
D. Permitted signs. The following signs are permitted for uses as specified in Article
X (Establishment of Zoning District Regulations) of this chapter for the various listed zoning districts.
All forest area and agricultural production districts (FA1,
FA2, FA3, AP and RA).
On-site identification signs for schools, churches, hospitals
or similar public service institutions, provided that:
The size of any such sign shall not exceed 48 square feet.
No more than one sign is to be placed on any single property.
Setback: minimum 20 feet from all property lines.
Height: 20 feet or the height of the principal building, whichever
is shorter.
[5] Electronic message center (EMC) signs are permitted in accordance
with the following:
[Added 7-26-2021 by Ord. No. 101-2021]
The total permitted sign area shall include the EMC portion
of the sign as provided above.
EMC signs shall conform to the provisions of Subsection
L(10) below.
Signs advertising agricultural commercial establishments and farm produce markets shall be permitted, provided that they are in accordance with §
115-105E and:
Setback: minimum 10 feet from all property lines.
Attached signs for the principal building shall not exceed 10%
of the areas of the face of the wall upon which such sign is attached
or 30 square feet, whichever is smaller.
On-site professional, home occupation or name signs indicating
the profession and/or activity and/or name of the occupant of the
dwelling, provided that:
The size of any such sign shall not exceed five square feet.
No more than one sign is permitted for any individual parcel
of land.
Setback: minimum 20 feet from all property lines.
Height: eight feet maximum.
On-site business advertising signs, provided that:
No more than one sign is permitted for any individual parcel
of land.
The total area of such signs shall not exceed 32 square feet
per side, with the maximum height to the top of the sign not to exceed
15 feet from ground level.
Setback: minimum 20 feet from all property lines.
All residential districts (RDR1/RDR2 and PVR1/PVR2).
Home occupations. One professional sign or nameplate not more
than two square feet in area. One such sign shall be allowed for each
permitted use or dwelling unit.
Development sign advertising residential construction. Such
signs shall be not larger than 32 square feet in area, shall be limited
in number to one for each street frontage and shall be located on
the subject premises. Signs to be set back at least 20 feet from all
property lines and shall not exceed 10 feet in height. Development
signs shall be removed within 20 days after occupation of the last
house in the subdivision.
On-site identification signs for schools, churches, hospitals
or similar public service institutions, provided that:
The size of any such sign shall not exceed 32 square feet.
No more than one sign is to be placed on any single property.
Setback: minimum 20 feet from all property lines.
Height: 15 feet or the height of the principal building, whichever
is shorter.
[5] Electronic message center (EMC) signs are permitted in accordance
with the following:
[Added 7-26-2021 by Ord. No. 101-2021]
The total permitted sign area shall include the EMC portion
of the sign as provided above.
EMC signs shall conform to the provisions of Subsection
L(10) below.
On-site business advertising signs, provided that:
No more than one sign is permitted for any individual parcel
of land.
The total area of such signs shall not exceed 20 square feet
per side, with the maximum height to the top of the sign not to exceed
15 feet from ground level.
Setback: minimum 20 feet from all property lines.
Signs advertising farm produce markets shall be permitted, provided that they are in accordance with §
115-105E and:
Setback: minimum 10 feet from all property lines.
Attached signs for the principal building shall not exceed 10%
of the areas of the face of the wall upon which such sign is attached
or 30 square feet, whichever is smaller.
All commercial districts (APC, RDR1C, PVRC, PT, B1 and OC).
Attached signs. One sign on each principal building facade with
at least 100 feet of street frontage. The total area on the sign shall
not exceed 10% of the area of the face of the wall upon which such
sign is attached or 50 square feet, whichever is smaller. Where the
building(s) is (are) designed for rear or side entrances, one unlighted
sign may be attached flat against the building at the rear and side
entrances, each sign not to exceed an area equivalent to 5% of the
area of the face of the wall upon which such sign is attached, not
to exceed six square feet. Where more than one use occupies a building,
a sign not exceeding six square feet identifying the name of the use
may also be attached at the entrance. The attached sign shall not
have a vertical distance exceeding five feet.
Freestanding signs. One freestanding sign per street frontage
for each principal building or group of attached principal buildings.
Height: 15 feet or the height of the principal building, whichever
is shorter.
Setback: minimum 20 feet from all property lines.
Area: 32 square feet per side.
[Amended 4-23-2023 by Ord. No. 129-2023]
All industrial districts (API, RDI, RDR1I and PVI).
Attached signs. One sign on each principal building facade with
at least 100 feet of street frontage. The total area on the sign shall
not exceed 10% of the area of the face of the wall upon which such
sign is attached or 75 square feet, whichever is smaller. Where the
building(s) is (are) designed for rear or side entrances, one unlighted
sign may be attached flat against the building at the rear and side
entrances, each sign not to exceed an area equivalent to 5% of the
area of the face of the wall upon which such sign is attached, not
to exceed six square feet. Where more than one use occupies a building,
a sign not exceeding six square feet identifying the name of the use
may also be attached at the entrance. The attached sign shall not
have a vertical distance exceeding five feet.
Freestanding signs. One freestanding sign per street frontage
for each principal building or group of attached principal buildings.
Height: 20 feet or the height of the principal building, whichever
is shorter.
Setback: minimum 25 feet from all property lines.
Area: 48 square feet per sign.
E. Outdoor, off-site signs advertising agricultural commercial establishments
or farm produce markets shall be limited to two such signs, not more
than 32 square feet in area, placed in any one direction along each
road directly approaching the establishment. Such signs shall be located
at least 100 feet from any road intersection, 500 feet from any other
off-site sign and shall not be more than eight feet in height.
F. Any signs permitted under the terms of this chapter, when greater
than 32 square feet in area, shall be subject to application for issuance
of a development permit and certificate of occupancy. Any light or
reflecting device used in connection with a sign shall not be so located
or directed that it may be mistaken for a traffic sign or warning
device or shine directly on nearby residentially zoned properties.
No freestanding sign shall be erected to a height exceeding 35 feet.
Portable billboards and other off-site devices shall be prohibited
in all districts.
G. Within the Pinelands Area, except as authorized in Subsection
E above, no new or replacement off-site advertising signs shall be permitted. Any existing sign which does not conform to Subsections
A and
B above shall be removed immediately. Any existing sign which does not conform to Subsection
E above or Subsection
J below shall be removed no later than December 5, 1996.
H. To the maximum extent practical, the character and composition of
and construction materials for all signs proposed for the Pinelands
Area shall be harmonious with the scenic values of the Pinelands.
I. All roadside advertising structures are subject to the provisions
of N.J.S.A. 27:7A-11 et seq. and the regulations promulgated by the
State Transportation Commission pursuant thereto. In case of conflict
among state, Pinelands, county or municipal regulations, the more
stringent shall apply.
J. Existing lawful off-site commercial advertising signs in existence
as of January 14, 1981, shall be permitted in the PT District.
K. General prohibitions.
No sign shall be placed on or attached to a building or erected
independently for any purpose other than to advertise a permitted
business or use conducted on the same premises.
No sign shall be erected, altered or replaced which is not in
accordance with the standards established in this chapter. The erection
of any sign shall require a zoning permit and, depending on the type
of sign, a construction permit may be required.
No sign of any type shall obstruct driving vision, traffic signals,
traffic direction and identification signs, other places of business
or other signs.
No sign shall obstruct free ingress or egress from a required
door, window, fire escape or other required exitway.
No sign shall make use of words such as "stop," "look," "danger"
or other similar words, phrases, symbols or characters in such a manner
as to imply the need or requirement of stopping or the existence of
No sign shall contain any obscene, indecent or immoral matter.
No sign unlawfully installed, erected or maintained shall be
No sign shall be permitted that now or hereafter existing which
no longer advertises a bona fide business-conducted activity, campaign
or service or a product sold.
No sign shall be attached to trees, fence posts, stumps, utility
poles or other signs, but shall be freestanding or attached to buildings
in an approved manner.
No permanent sign made of paper, cardboard, vinyl, canvas or
similar material other than a sign advertising a sale on the premises
or the sale or rent of a premises on which the sign is located shall
be permitted except inside the building.
Banners, pennants, spinners and streamers, except as a temporary
use not to exceed 30 calendar days, are prohibited.
No sign may be affixed to the roof of any structure.
No sign or sign structure which is structurally unsafe, or constitutes
a hazard to safety or health by reason of inadequate maintenance,
dilapidation or abandonment, or is not kept in good repair, or is
capable of causing electrical shocks to persons likely to come in
contact with it shall be permitted.
L. Sign criteria.
Freestanding signs. Signs shall be supported by one or more
columns or uprights which are firmly embedded in the ground. Exposed
guy wires, chains or other connections shall not be made in permanent
support of the freestanding signs.
Height. No freestanding or attached sign shall be higher at
any point than the roofline of the building, except that no sign shall
exceed any lesser height if particularly specified elsewhere in this
chapter. In addition, no attached sign shall project into or hang
over a street right-of-way, and no sign shall project beyond a building
in a manner placing it above an area traversed by motor vehicles,
such as but not limited to driveways and parking areas. Where signs
project beyond a building facade or wall over a pedestrian way, the
lowest portion of the sign shall be at least eight feet above the
Illuminated signs shall be so arranged as to reflect the light
and glare away from adjoining premises and away from adjoining highways.
No sign with red, green or blue illumination in a beam, beacon or
flashing form resembling an emergency light shall be erected in any
location. Illuminated signs shall comply with the appropriate state
uniform construction codes.
Maintenance. Signs shall be constructed of durable materials,
maintained in good condition and not allowed to become dilapidated.
Sign area. Sign area shall be measured around the outside edges
of a framed or enclosed sign or by the area utilized by isolated words
and/or symbols, including the background, whether open or enclosed,
but said area shall not include any supporting framework and bracing
incidental to the display itself.
Signs and sign structures. Signs and sign structure of all types
shall be located to allow a clear, unobstructed line of sight for
300 feet from the stop line of any intersection of streets and/or
Signs with two exposures. Signs with two exposures shall be
measured for area by using the surface areas of one side of the sign
only. Both sides may be used provided that only one side of the sign
is visible at any one time.
Wall fascia or attached signs. Wall fascia or attached signs
shall be firmly attached to the exterior wall of a building and shall
not project more than 12 inches from the building.
Signs shall be placed no closer than three feet of either side
of the width of the principal building frontage; and one foot from
the top of the roofline.
Changeable-copy signs or EMC signs shall require the issuance of a zoning permit as per §
115-10E(1) of this herein chapter. If a denial is issued by the Zoning Officer, the applicant shall reserve the right to appeal said decision to the Land Use Board.
[Amended 12-27-2016 by Ord. No. 37-2016; 7-1-2019 by Ord. No. 76-2019]
A changeable-copy sign for the purpose of this article is a
sign with the capability of content change by means of manual or remote
input and includes the following types:
[1] Manually activated: Changeable sign whose message
copy or content can be changed manually on a display surface.
[2] Electronically activated: Changeable sign whose
message copy or content can be changed by means of remote electrically
energized on-off switching combinations of alphabetic or pictographic
components arranged on a display surface. Illumination may be integral
to the components, such as characterized by lamps or other light-emitting
devices; or may be from an external light source designed to reflect
off the changeable component display such as an electronic message
center (EMC) sign.
An EMC sign for the purpose of this article is an electronically
activated changeable-copy sign whose variable message and/or graphic
presentation capability can be electronically programmed by a computer
from a remote location. EMC signs typically use light-emitting diodes
(LEDs) as a lighting source.
Where permitted, changeable-copy or EMC sign areas shall be
in accordance with the standards as noted in said district.
A changeable-copy EMC sign may be all or a portion of the total
permitted sign area.
A changeable-copy or EMC sign shall not be used for any off-site
advertising or messages, other than public service information approved
by the Township.
Changeable-copy or EMC signs, where permitted, shall not obstruct
traffic visibility, become a distraction to drivers or traffic hazard.
Specific standards for electronic message center (EMC) signs.
[1] All EMC signs shall have automatic dimming controls,
via photo cell or software settings, that adjust the light emitted
by the sign during ambient low-light conditions and night so that
it is compliant with the sign illumination standards allowed herein.
[2] EMC signs shall have a minimum display time of
eight seconds. These transitions may use fade, dissolve and/or other
transition effects except those listed as prohibited in this article.
[3] All illuminated signs must comply with a maximum
luminance level of 750 cd/m2 or nits at
least 1/2 hour before apparent sunset as determined by the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Department
of Commerce, for the Township's geographic location and date. All
illuminated signs may resume luminance levels appropriate for daylight
conditions at the apparent sunrise, as determined by the NOAA.
[4] Prior to the issuance of a permit for a changeable-copy
or EMC sign, the applicant shall provide written certification from
the sign manufacturer that the light intensity has been factory preset
not to exceed the levels specified above.
[5] The following EMC display features and functions
are prohibited: continuous scrolling and/or traveling, flashing, blinking,
twinkling, spinning, rotating, and similar moving effects.
[6] All electrical equipment on a newly constructed
EMC sign shall be UL listed and labeled.
[7] All power to an EMC sign shall be supplied via
underground carrier, inside approved conduit and shall be installed
in accordance with the National Electric Code.
[8] EMC signs shall be properly maintained so that
inoperative or improperly lighted bulbs do not impair the appearance
and legibility of the sign. When malfunctioning, all EMC signs must
then be turned off or display a blank screen.
[Added 11-24-2008 by Ord. No. 14-2008]
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to promote the safe, effective
and efficient use of small wind energy systems and solar energy systems
to reduce the on-site consumption of utility-supplied electricity.
The following apply:
Wind and solar energy are abundant, renewable, and nonpolluting
energy resources.
Converting wind and solar rays to electricity will reduce our
dependence on nonrenewable energy resources, and decrease air and
water pollution that results from the use of conventional energy sources.
Distributed small wind energy systems will also enhance the
reliability and power quality of the power grid, reduce peak power
demands, and help diversify the state's energy supply portfolio.
Small wind energy systems and solar energy systems make the
electricity supply market more competitive by promoting customer choice.
The Municipal Land Use Law provides that part of the intent
and purpose of the Act is to promote the utilization of renewable
energy resources (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-2.n).
B. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:
A wind energy system, as defined herein, that is used to
generate electricity, and has a nameplate capacity of 100 kilowatts
or less.
A solar energy system, and all associated equipment, which
converts solar energy into a usable electrical energy, heats water
or produces hot air or other similar function through the use of solar
A structure containing one or more receptive cells, the purpose
of which is to convert solar energy into usable electrical energy
by way of a solar energy system.
A wind turbine and all associated equipment, including any
base, blade, foundation, nacelle, rotor, tower, transformer, vane,
wire, inverter, batteries or other component necessary to fully utilize
the wind generator.
Equipment that converts energy from the wind into electricity.
This term includes the rotor, blades and associated mechanical and
electrical conversion components necessary to generate, store and/or
transfer energy.
C. Permitted sustainable energy accessory use systems.
Small wind energy systems and solar energy systems.
The primary purpose of a wind or solar energy system will be
to provide power for the principal use of the property whereon said
system is to be located and shall not be for the generation of power
for commercial purposes, although this provision shall not be interpreted
to prohibit the sale of excess power generated from time to time from
a wind or solar energy system designed to meet the energy needs of
the principal use. For the purposes of this section, the sale of excess
power shall be limited so that in no event an energy system is generating
more energy for sale than what is otherwise necessary to power the
principal use on the property.
Wind and solar energy systems shall only be permitted as an
accessory use on the same lot as the principal use. All energy systems
require approval from the Zoning Officer and construction office prior
to installation. Applications for an energy system shall include information
demonstrating compliance with the provisions of this section. In the
event that the Zoning Officer or construction office does not believe
the provisions of this section will be satisfied, an applicant may
request a variance.
All applications for wind energy systems shall be presented
to the Development Review Committee for administrative approval, and,
in the event of a potential variance, all correlating applications
shall be presented to the Development Review Committee prior to submittal
to the Planning/Zoning Board.
Small wind energy systems.
Wind turbines are permitted in all residential, agricultural,
forest and preservation districts subject to the following requirements:
Minimum lot size: one acre, provided the lot size provides the
ability of the wind turbine system to conform to the height requirements
Minimum setbacks: All wind turbines shall be set back from all
property lines a distance equal to 100% of the height of the structure
including the blades.
Wind turbines shall not be permitted in any front yard.
Maximum height: Freestanding wind turbines shall not exceed
a height of 80 feet on lots between one acre and three acres. On lots
of three acres or more, a maximum height of 150 feet is permitted.
The maximum height shall include the height of the wind turbine blades
at their highest point.
No more than one wind turbine shall be permitted per property.
Wind turbines shall not be permitted as a rooftop installation.
Wind turbines on residential properties shall have a nameplate
capacity of 10 kilowatts or less.
Wind turbines shall be permitted in a nonresidential zoning
district subject to the bulk requirements for that district and the
Minimum setbacks: All wind turbines shall be set back from all
property lines a distance equal to 100% of the height of the structure
including the blades.
Maximum height: The maximum height for a wind turbine shall
not exceed 150 feet, including the height of the blades, at its highest
Wind turbines shall not be permitted in a front yard.
No more than one wind turbine shall be permitted per property.
Wind turbines shall not be permitted as a rooftop installation.
Noise. All wind energy systems shall comply with the following:
In a residential use or zone, sound levels of the wind energy
system shall not exceed 55 dBA at a common property line or 50 dBA
at the closest occupied structure.
In all other cases at a common property line, sound levels of
the wind energy system shall not exceed 65 dBA.
These levels may be exceeded during short-term events such as
utility outages and/or severe windstorms.
Wind turbines shall be designed with an automatic brake or other
similar device to prevent over-speeding and excessive pressure on
the tower structure.
Wind energy systems shall not be artificially lighted, except
to the extent required by the FAA or other applicable authority.
All ground-mounted electrical and control equipment shall be
labeled and secured to prevent unauthorized access.
The tower shall be designed and installed so as not to provide
step bolts, a ladder, or other publicly accessible means of climbing
the tower, for a minimum height of eight feet above the ground.
All moving parts of the wind energy system shall be a minimum
of 10 feet above ground level.
The blades on the wind energy system shall be constructed of
a corrosive-resistant material.
All guy wires or any part of the wind energy system shall be
located on the same lot as the energy system.
Solar energy systems.
Solar panels shall be permitted as a rooftop installation in
any zoning district. The solar panels shall not exceed a height of
eight inches from the rooftop. In no event shall the placement of
the solar panels result in a total height, including building and
panels, which is more than that which is permitted for the principal
building in the zoning district in which said solar panels are located.
Solar panels shall be permitted as ground arrays in accordance
with the following:
All ground arrays shall be set back a distance of 20 feet from
all property lines in a residential zoning district or in conformance
with the bulk standards for accessory structures in commercial districts,
as provided herein.
Ground arrays shall not be permitted in a front yard.
Ground arrays shall be located so that any glare is directed
away from an adjoining property.
Ground arrays shall not exceed a height of 15 feet.
Wind and solar energy systems shall not be used for displaying
any advertising except for reasonable identification of the manufacturer
or other operator of the system. In no case shall any identification
be visible from a property line.
The design of wind or solar energy systems shall, to the extent
reasonably possible, use materials, colors, textures, screening and
landscaping that will blend the facility into the natural setting
and existing environment.
All applications for a wind or solar energy system shall conform
to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance with respect to tree removal.
For the purposes of this section, tree removal shall be permitted
as detailed under the proper section of the Zoning Ordinance. Any
trees to be removed in excess of that permitted under the ordinance
shall be accompanied by a plan demonstrating the need to remove the
trees and replacement of the trees in accordance with the provisions
of the ordinance. An applicant shall locate a wind or solar energy
system so that tree removal is not required to the extent practical.
The installation of a wind or solar energy system shall conform
to the National Electric Code as adopted by the New Jersey Department
of Community Affairs.
The installation of a wind or solar energy system is subject
to all Atlantic City Electric Company requirements for interconnection.
The provisions of the ordinance shall not apply to wind and
solar energy systems with regard to height. Wind and solar energy
systems shall conform to the height restrictions provided in this
A small wind energy system or solar energy system that is out
of service for a continuous twelve-month period will be deemed to
have been abandoned.
The zoning officer may issue a notice of abandonment to the
owner. The notice shall be sent via regular and certified mail, return
receipt requested, to the owner of record.
Any abandoned system shall be removed at the owner's sole expense
within six months after the owner receives the notice of abandonment
from the municipality. If the system is not removed within six months
of receipt of notice from the Township notifying the owner of such
abandonment, the Township may remove the system as set forth below.
When an owner of a wind or solar energy system has been notified
to remove same and has not done so six months after receiving said
notice, then the Township may remove such system and place a lien
upon the property for the cost of the removal. If removed by the owner,
a demolition permit shall be obtained and the facility shall be removed.
Upon removal, the site shall be cleaned, restored and landscaped to
blend with the existing surrounding vegetation at the time of abandonment.
[Amended 11-24-2008 by Ord. No. 14-2008]
Swimming pools and swimming pool clubs may be established in various districts as specified in Article
X of this chapter, when, in addition to meeting other requirements, they comply with the following:
A. Private swimming pools.
Intent. Private swimming pools shall be permitted in all zoning
districts where a residential dwelling unit exists as a principal
permitted use. Private swimming pools shall not be calculated as part
of the maximum square footage for cumulative accessory use structures
but shall be calculated as part of the total impervious lot coverage
percentages for the respective zoning district location.
[Amended 4-23-2023 by Ord. No. 129-2023]
New Jersey Uniform Construction Code compliance. Pursuant to
the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, the International Residential
Code and/or the National Electrical Code, all swimming pools (in-ground
or above ground) that have the capacity of holding 24 inches or more
of water (at any point) require zoning approval, along with a building
and electric permit. They must also meet requirements of the above
codes for the pool, the electric that runs the filter, pool barrier
fencing around the pool and ladder, etc. Residents who already have
pools erected without proper permits have the option of draining the
pool or applying for the appropriate permits.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:
A non-permeable receptacle for water, whether above or below
ground, intended for use by the owners, their friends and invited
guests, for bathing or swimming.
Exempt pools. Storable children's swimming or wading pools,
with a maximum dimension of 15 feet and a maximum wall height of less
than two feet, and which are so constructed that they may be readily
disassembled for storage and reassembled to their original integrity,
are exempt from the provisions of this section.
Permit required. All pools with a water depth of two feet or
more, and/or a capacity of 1,000 gallons or more, shall require a
building permit from the Building Inspector prior to construction
or installation.
Setbacks and other requirements.
Private swimming pools shall be erected or constructed to the rear or side of a principal building and shall not be located within any required rear or side yard setback area as contained within Article
XII, §
115-141, of this chapter, and may only be located on a lot occupied by a principal building. No swimming pool shall be erected or constructed on an otherwise vacant lot. A lot shall not be considered vacant if the owner owns the contiguous lot and said lot is occupied by a principal building.
No swimming pool shall be located, constructed or maintained
closer to any side or rear lot line than is permitted in the Zoning
Code for an accessory building.
Enclosure. Every outdoor private or residential swimming pool
in the ground or with sides less than 42 inches high at any point,
as in the case of aboveground pools, shall be completely enclosed
by a fence or wall not less than four feet in height but not to exceed
six feet in height, which shall be so constructed as not to have openings,
holes or gaps larger than four inches in any dimension, except for
doors and gates. A residence or accessory building may be used as
part of such enclosure. All gates or doors, opening through such enclosures,
shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latching devices for
keeping the gate or door securely locked at all times when not in
actual use, except that the door of any dwelling which forms a part
of the enclosure need not be so equipped. Aboveground pools with sides
greater than 42 inches high at any point, which are not enclosed by
a suitable fence herein described, and using a ladder or stairs for
ingress and egress shall have the ladder or stairs removed or flipped
up when the pool is not in use or shall be designed with doors or
gates so as to prevent access to the pool when the pool is not in
Electrical installations.
All electrical wiring associated with swimming pools shall require
a permit.
All electrical wiring for swimming pools shall comply with the
National Electrical Code (NEC).
Lights used to illuminate the pool shall direct light only on
the pool.
Plans. The plan filed with the application for a building permit
shall show the pool in relation to all other buildings on the property,
lot lines, and electrical power service laterals. Fences and decks
built in conjunction with the pool shall also be shown on the plans.
Equipment. Circulating pumps and filters shall be located and
operated so as not to create a nuisance or noise problem. If necessary,
the equipment shall be shielded or contained behind a protective barrier.
All pools shall be maintained in such a way as to not create
a nuisance, hazard, or eyesore or be a detriment to public health,
safety, or welfare.
The drainage of any pool may not be discharged onto adjoining
property. The pool may, however, be drained into the Township streets
or gutters which empty into the Township's storm sewer, with approval
and verification by Township staff.
Building permit fees.
Building permit fees as set forth by resolution.
Electrical permits fees as set forth by resolution.
Plumbing permit fees, as per the plumbing permit application,
as set forth by resolution.
Effective date.
This section shall be in full force and effect following adoption
by a majority of the Township Committee and upon publication as provided
by statute.
Any pool erected or constructed within the Township of Buena
Vista prior to the date of publication of this section shall be required
to be in full compliance with all of the provisions of this section
no later than one year following the date of publication.
Any pool erected or constructed within the Township of Buena
Vista following the date of publication of this section shall be required
to be in full compliance with all provisions of this section before
it shall be permitted for use.
B. Public swimming pools. Public swimming clubs operated on a nonprofit,
annual-membership basis shall be permitted when, in addition to meeting
other applicable provisions of this chapter, they comply with the
Proof is furnished to the municipal agency that the proposed
use is a bona fide, nonprofit activity organized solely for the use
and enjoyment of the membership.
The parcel involved in the use shall comply with the district
lot size and lot width requirements or contain at least five acres
in area and 300 feet in width, whichever is greater.
No more than a total of 20% of the lot shall be covered by structures,
parking areas and the pool, together with its adjoining hard-surfaced
No part of the pool, its accompanying hard-surfaced area or
other supporting structures or activity areas shall be located within
any required yard area.
The maximum membership of the club shall be fixed at the time
of application and shall be commensurate with the size of the parcel
and the scale of facilities contemplated. No expansion of the membership
shall take place subsequently without supplemental application to,
and approval by, the municipal agency.
Any pool established in connection with a public swimming club
shall be constructed and operated according to the requirements of
N.J.S.A. 26:3-69.1 through 26:3-69.6, as amended and supplemented.
The above-titled statute, commonly known as the "Swimming Pool Code
of New Jersey," 1955, is hereby adopted by reference.
[Amended 3-10-1997 by Ord. No. 5-1997; 10-13-1998 by Ord. No.
The keeping of domestic farm animals as per §
115-6 shall be permitted in FA1, FA2, FA3, RA and RDR Districts and may be conducted only in accordance with the following:
A. As part of a permitted agricultural use when:
Animal shelters, barnyards, manure storage and outdoor feeding
stations are placed in accordance with district minimum yard requirements.
The use shall not be or become an intensive fowl or livestock farm as described in §
115-121 below.
B. As an accessory use to a principal residential use when:
[Amended 10-22-2018 by Ord. No. 63-2018]
Animal shelters, pasture facilities and manure storage do not
encroach on any required area for the district in which located. There
shall be a minimum fifty-foot perimeter setback from all property
lines from all areas used for farm animals. Animal shelters shall
not be permitted in the front yard.
Front yard setbacks shall meet the minimum required setback
for animals; i.e., house is set back 200 feet and the minimum front
yard setback is 50 feet then animals would be allowed in front of
house with a fifty-foot setback to the front property line.
The type of permitted domestic farm animal is listed in the
table below. The total number of domestic farm animals shall not exceed
the following:
Animal Units for Specific Livestock Categories
(Source: Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
Bulletin E353)
Life Stage
Animal Units
1 year or older
Includes a cow with nursing calf
Under 1 year
Large breeds 1 year and older
Includes horses and mules with foal until weaned or up to 6
months of age = 1 unit
Large breeds under 1 year
Ponies, burros and donkeys
Miniature horses
Sheep and goats
Large breeds 1 year and older
Ewe with nursing lamb up to 3 months
Lambs over 3 months and up to 1 year
Note: Combinations of different livestock species are acceptable
so long as total densities are not exceeded for acreage available.
The above weights and units are guidelines. If animals are smaller
or larger than the guideline given, then units and animals per acre
must be adjusted provided that the standard of 1,000 pounds = 1 animal
When determining the total number of farm animals permitted
per lot, the land area shall include that area which is devoted to
the farm animal.
The area devoted to farm animals shall be enclosed with a perimeter
Any animal, which is not addressed as a domestic farm animal
and identified in the table above, is not permitted to be kept on
a single-family residential property. This does not include the keeping
of agricultural animals on qualified farmland.
[Added 12-21-1998 by Ord. No. 24-1998; amended 2-8-1999 by Ord. No.
A. No commercial vehicle other than a pickup truck or van shall be parked
in any residential zone between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
B. Any person violating this section shall be fined $30 for the first
violation. On a second or subsequent violation, he/she shall be fined
not less than $50 nor more than $100.
[Added 10-22-2018 by Ord.
No. 63-2018]
A. Accessory uses and structures in residential and agricultural zoning
Permitted accessory structure/use in accordance with the standards
Pool houses for residential pools.
Farm buildings on active agricultural properties or qualified
Home professional office.
Swimming pools in accordance with §
115-107 of the Code.
No single accessory structure shall exceed 3,000 square feet
provided the total permitted coverage requirements are satisfied for
the entire parcel.
In no case shall the total area of all accessory structures exceed 1.5 times the total habitable area of the dwelling unit or 10,000 square feet, whichever is less. Habitable area includes areas where bedrooms and living space are permitted, it does not include attic space, unfinished basement space or an attached garage. A single accessory structure shall not exceed 3,000 square feet in accordance with Subsection
A(2) above.
Agriculture uses on qualified farms are not subject to the size
restriction above, provided the accessory structure is to be utilized
for the farming/agricultural operation. (Qualified farms are a minimum
size of five acres and meet the farmland assessment criteria.)
Utility sheds.
Sheds which are 100 square feet or less may have a setback of
three feet.
In campgrounds one shed of no more than 100 square feet is permitted
on the leased pad site. The shed must be in the rear of the modular/trailer
Home professional office. Where single-family residential units
are a permitted use, they may have a home professional office as a
permitted accessory use in accordance with the following:
A home professional office would not employ anyone on site.
An example of a home professional office is a business, profession,
occupation or trade conducted for gain or support by a resident of
the dwelling unit and is incidental and secondary to the use of the
dwelling unit.
A home professional office shall not include retail sales to
the general public unless through mail, Internet or another similar
service wherein the retail customers are not visiting the residential
B. Permitted accessory uses/structures in nonresidential districts in
accordance with the standards herein:
Other accessory uses/structures which are customarily incidental
and subordinate to the principal use.
C. Any accessory buildings attached to the principal building shall
be considered part of the principal building, and the total structure
shall adhere to the yard requirements for the principal building,
regardless of the technique of connecting the principal and accessory
D. Distance between adjacent buildings. The minimum distance between an accessory building and any other buildings on the same lot shall be as required in Article
X, except that no poultry or livestock shelter shall be erected nearer than 50 feet to any dwelling on the same lot.
E. Height of accessory building. The height of accessory buildings shall
not exceed 18 feet. An agricultural accessory structure may have a
maximum height of 25 feet provided it is to be utilized for the farming/agricultural
operation. (Qualified farms are a minimum size of five acres and meet
the farmland assessment criteria.)
[Amended 4-23-2023 by Ord. No. 129-2023]
F. Location of accessory buildings.
An accessory building may be erected in the side and rear yard
areas of the principal building only.
The required side and rear yard setbacks shall be 1/2 that required
for primary structures.
In no case shall side or rear yard setbacks for accessory buildings
be less than 12 feet.
If erected on a corner lot, the accessory building shall be
set back from the side street to comply with the setback line applying
to the principal building for that side street.
G. Poultry or livestock shelters shall be erected per §
H. Seasonal stands are exempt from front yard provisions, provided that
such seasonal stands occur as accessory uses to a farm.
I. Private garages. No business, service, or industry shall be conducted
within a private garage, other than the storage of personal vehicles.
Community residences for developmentally disabled or shelters for victims of domestic violence, housing more than six but fewer than 15 persons, including resident staff, may be permitted in those districts specified in Article
X of this chapter, subject to the following provisions:
A. In addition to complying with site plan submission and other requirements
of this chapter, any such community residence application shall:
Include a statement setting forth full particulars about the
building and use.
Provide at least 240 square feet of habitable floor area for
each person housed.
Provide evidence of licensing by the New Jersey Department of
Human Services.
Provide evidence that the total population of this and other
such residences in the Township (not including resident staff) will
not exceed 1/2% of the Township's population or 50 persons, whichever
is greater; and
Provide evidence that the proposed residences will be located
at least 1,500 feet from any other such residence.
B. Operation of any such community residence shall conform to the following:
The lot containing such a residence shall not contain any other
use, nor shall any structure or facility on the site provide services
for any person not residing on the site.
Basement areas shall not be utilized for living, sleeping or
recreation areas.
The community residence use shall provide and maintain one off-street parking space for each staff member and employee on maximum working shift and one additional space for each three other residents of the facility. Off-street parking shall conform to the specifications contained in §
115-41A and shall be screened as per §
The municipal agency shall assure that the facility will harmonize
with adjacent structures and residence districts.