[Adopted 2-22-1982 by Ord. No. 592 (Ch. 7 of the 1981 Code)]
There is hereby created a Condominium Conversion Review and
Appeal Board consisting of five members who shall administer the provisions
of the Senior Citizens and Disabled Protected Tenancy Act.
The members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice
and consent of the Borough Council for three-year terms.
The duties of the members shall be to administer the terms of
the Senior Citizens and Disabled Protected Tenancy Act as set forth
[Adopted 1-13-2003 by Ord. No. 1125 (Ch. 37 of the 1981 Code)]
Pursuant to and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:12-1 et seq.,
there shall be and hereby is established a Board of Parks and Recreation
Commissioners in the Borough of Lindenwold which shall consist of
12 persons, who must be residents of the Borough of Lindenwold.
The following positions shall be elected by the Board of Parks
and Recreation Commissioners at the January meeting each year: Chairperson,
Vice Chairperson, and Secretary.
The Board may charge and collect a reasonable fee, to offset costs, from each person or group using any park facility in the Borough of Lindenwold. Fees would be charged according to the schedule in §
The member of Borough Council who is the head of the Public
Works and Sewer Authority of Lindenwold shall be the liaison officer
between the Borough Council and the Board of Commissioners.
Applications can be obtained from the Borough Clerk and also
returned to the Borough Clerk. The Borough Clerk will review for completeness
(checklist provided) and date sensitive applications. If the application
is incomplete, it will be immediately returned to the applicant and
missing information identified. If it is date sensitive, the Chairperson
will be immediately notified so a determination can be made to hold
an emergency meeting if needed. When a completed application is received
it will be given to the Director of Public Works and then delivered
to the Board's meeting place.