The following signs are permitted in all business and industrial districts upon the granting of a permit and subject to the following regulations:
Wall signs. Wall signs placed on or against the exterior walls of business buildings shall not extend more than one foot outside of a building's wall surface and shall not exceed in sign area the equivalent of two square feet for each linear foot of building frontage facing an access street for any one premises. Wall signs and structures shall not extend above the ceiling level of the top floor of the building upon which they are located.
Projecting signs. Projecting signs fastened to, suspended from or supported by structures on business and industrial buildings shall not exceed 50 square feet in sign area or 100% of the setback from the property line as expressed in square feet, whichever is larger, for any one premises, shall not extend more than six feet into any required yard for the district, shall not extend into any public right-of-way, shall not be less than 10 feet from all side lot lines, or beyond the building wall, whichever is less, shall not exceed a height of 20 feet above the adjacent center-line street grade and shall not be less than 10 feet above the sidewalk or 15 feet above a driveway or an alley and may not be located within 150 feet from a ground sign.
Ground signs. Ground signs shall not exceed 20 feet in height for ground pole signs, and 10 feet for ground monument signs, above the main center-line grade of the nearest street and shall not exceed in sign area 32 square feet on one side at the street property line but may be increased in sign area size one square foot for each one foot the sign is set back from the street property line to a maximum of 150 square feet on one side.
Ground monument signs must be at least 10 feet from all rights-of-way, and ground pole signs must not be within a vision triangle and meeting all other requirements of this chapter, unless otherwise permitted by the Plan Commission.
Said signage must be compatible with the surrounding landscaping and built environment, unless otherwise permitted by the Architectural Review Board.
Only one ground sign shall be allowed to be constructed on a street frontage of a single (individual) property, and no ground sign shall be placed closer than 150 feet to another ground sign or projecting sign.
Awning signs. Individual letters or symbols shall be applied to or integral with an opaque, nontranslucent material covering an awning structure. Signage shall not exceed 12 inches in height and shall only be illuminated by an above light source facing downward onto the signage or symbol.
Off-premises directional/sales signs. Off-premises directional/sales signs, when permitted by the Village Board, shall meet the requirements of the type of sign as set forth in this article; shall not exceed two in number per business; shall only indicate the business name, direction and distance to the specific business, resort or commercial recreation facility as well as the principal merchandise sold; shall not exceed in sign area 25 square feet on one side at the street property line, but may be increased in size one square foot for each one foot the sign is set back from the street property line to a maximum 100 square feet on one side; and shall be a minimum of 1/2 mile distant from the designated business.
Window signs. Window signs shall be placed only on the inside of business buildings and shall not exceed 25% of the glass area of the window upon which the sign is displayed. Illuminated window signs shall not be used as night lights.
Combinations. Combinations of any of the signs in this article shall meet all requirements for the individual sign.
Roof signs. Roof signs shall not be permitted.
Signs. On-site signage for business and industrial zoned districts may only provide information to identify the facility or to promote such business or industry's product or service.
Unified center signs. In addition to signage used to advertise individual businesses, signage to advertise a group of businesses functioning as a unified development, such as a business park, industrial park, or a shopping center, shall be permitted as follows:
A unified sign shall be used instead of pole or ground signs.
One additional business sign shall be permitted, in addition to those signs permitted in this section, for each main entrance to the center. Such signs shall indicate only the name of such center and the name and type of business of the occupants of such center.
The maximum surface area of each sign shall not exceed 200 square feet.
Freestanding unified center signs shall be ground style signs. In no circumstances shall a unified center sign exceed 10 feet above the building or 35 feet total, whichever is less. The design, materials, and color of the structure supporting a unified center sign shall be required to have a design, similar materials, and colors of the structure or structures being identified. Materials permitted are wood, masonry, stucco over wood or steel frame, and pre-cast concrete.
[Added 11-29-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-11-03]
Regional motor vehicle fuel stations are allowed the following signs as specified:
Wall signs.
Maximum number: one per side of a building.
Maximum sign area: one square foot for each lineal foot of the building face.
Display: static display.
Placement: wall signs must be placed on or against the exterior wall and shall not extend beyond the end of the wall.
Fuel canopy signs.
Maximum number: one on each side of the canopy face.
Maximum sign area: one square foot for each five feet of canopy length.
Display: static display.
Placement: canopy signs must be placed on or against the side of the canopy face and shall not extend above the top of the face or below the face or beyond the end of the face.
High-rise pole sign.
Maximum number: one.
Maximum height: 75 feet above the surrounding grade.
Maximum sign area: 280 square feet per side on a double-faced sign, 280 square feet on a single-sided sign.
Display: static display, except for fuel prices.
Placement: the center of the pole must be located at least 35 feet from the lot line abutting the interstate highway, but not more than 100 feet; and at least 35 feet from the front lot line, but not more than 100 feet. In addition, the sign shall be no closer than 250 feet to a low-rise sign.
Low-rise sign.
Maximum number: one.
Maximum height: 20 feet above the surrounding grade.
Maximum sign area: 100 square feet per side on a double-faced sign, 100 square feet on a single-sided sign.
Display: no more than 30% of the sign area (per side) may be used for an electronic display.
Placement: at least 10 feet from the front lot line, but not more than 50 feet. In addition, the sign shall be no closer than 250 feet to a high-rise pole sign.
Truck scale sign.
Maximum number: one.
Maximum height: 23 feet above the surrounding grade.
Maximum sign area: 100 square feet per side on a double-faced sign, 100 square feet on a single-sided sign.
Display: static display.
Directional signs (e.g., enter/exit with no commercial message).
Maximum number: eight.
Maximum height: five feet above the surrounding grade.
Maximum sign area: five square feet.
Display: static display.
Placement: At least five feet from any lot line.
Window signs.
Window signs shall be placed only on the inside of the building and shall not exceed 25% of the glass area of the window upon which the sign is displayed. Illuminated window signs shall be used as night lights.
The following signs are permitted in agricultural zoning districts upon the granting of a permit and subject to the following regulations:
Name, occupation or organization signs. Name, occupation or organization signs not to exceed 10 square feet in sign area and not exceeding two in number per farm.
Off-premises directional signs. Off-premises directional sales signs are allowed as set forth in § 309-20.
Real estate signs. Real estate signs pertaining to the lease or sale of any building, land, farm equipment or animals, provided that such signs do not exceed 32 square feet in sign area and are located not less than 25 feet from the public right-of-way of any street or highway and upon the property so offered for sale or lease, but no such sign shall be erected or maintained within an inside curve of a highway or within 100 feet of the commencement of any inside curve of a highway unless such signs are placed at least 50 feet back from the highway right-of-way and so much farther back than 50 feet as may be necessary to prevent such sign from interfering with vision along the highway for a distance of at least 1,000 feet in each direction by those traveling thereon. Such signs shall be removed no later than 10 days after closing of the sale, and the permit for such sign shall be void at the end of six months from the date of issue, unless extended by action of the Village Board.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Billboards shall:
Be set back from all property lines as set forth in the particular zoning district regulations for principal buildings;
Be located not closer than one mile to another existing or proposed billboard;
Be located not closer than 1,320 feet to any other off-premises sign that is not a billboard; and
Meet all state signage regulations.
Double-decked, stacked, or side-by-side billboards are prohibited.
The maximum area for such signs shall be no larger than 300 square feet per advertising face. All extensions to the sign of any advertising message or copy on the sign structure shall be included as part of the sign's total area.
The following signs are permitted in residential districts upon the granting of a permit and subject to the following regulations:
Name and occupation signs. Name and occupation signs that do not exceed six square feet in sign area and located on the premises are permitted.
Ground monument subdivision identification signs. Permanent ground monument subdivision identification signs are permitted when not exceeding 50 square feet in sign area and a maximum amount of two per each subdivision, constructed of wood, metal and/or masonry, and of a design that is compatible with the landscape and surrounding built environment, and to state only the name of the subdivision. Such signs and their location shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Inspector and Planning and Zoning Administrator. The Plan Commission must review and approve subdivision ground monument signage that exceeds the maximum sign area permitted, if not compatible with surrounding landscaping and built environment, and/or if located within a vision triangle.
Subdivision lot sales signs. Subdivision lot sales signs relating to the sale of land in a newly developed subdivision not exceeding 32 square feet in sign area and removed no later than the date on which all lots in the subdivision have been sold at least once.
[Amended 2-17-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-2-1]
Signage for parks may only provide information to identify the facility or to promote public or private park events or functions directly related to the facility, unless explicitly stated elsewhere in this chapter. Advertising of products and/or services is not permitted, except as may be incidental to the message on a temporary sign or as a permitted temporary support banner. The following signs are permitted in P-1 Park and Recreation Districts, and publicly/privately owned park district properties, upon the granting of a permit and subject to the following regulations:
Wall signs. Wall signs placed on or against the exterior walls shall not extend more than one foot outside of a building's wall surface and shall not exceed in sign area the equivalent of one square foot of signage for every linear foot of building frontage facing an access street for any one premises. Wall signs shall not extend above the ceiling level of the top floor of the building upon which they are located.
Projecting signs. Projecting signs fastened to, suspended from or supported by structures on buildings shall not exceed 50 square feet in sign area or 100% of the setback from the property line as expressed in square feet, whichever is larger, for any one building, shall not extend more than six feet from the building facade, shall not extend into any public right-of-way, shall not be less than 10 feet from all lot lines or within vision triangles, shall not exceed a height of 20 feet above the adjacent center-line street grade and shall not be less than 10 feet above a sidewalk or 15 feet above a driveway or an alley, and may not be located within 150 feet of a ground sign.
Ground signs. Ground signs shall not exceed 10 feet in height, for ground monument signs, above the main center-line grade of the nearest street and shall not exceed 32 square feet on one side at the street property line but may be increased in sign area size one square foot for each one foot the sign is set back from the street property line to a maximum of 150 square feet on one side. Only one ground sign shall be allowed to be constructed on a street frontage of a single (individual) property, and no ground sign shall be placed closer than 150 feet to another ground sign or projecting sign. Ground monument signs must be at least 10 feet from public rights-of-way and not within a vision triangle, unless otherwise reviewed and approved by the Plan Commission. Ground pole signs in P-1 Districts are not permitted.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Bulletin boards. Bulletin boards may be permitted up to 32 square feet upon issuance of a permit from the Building Inspector. Such signs shall be set back from the property line at least 1/4 of the building setback requirements of the district in which they are located and be illuminated only to the extent necessary to permit reading of the sign from a maximum distance of 10 feet.
Temporary support banner. A person or entity receiving a permit under § 309-28 of this chapter to use a municipal ball diamond in a publicly owned park may hang a temporary support banner as authorized by this subsection, upon receiving a permit as required under § 309-28 of this chapter. All banners at a facility shall be applied for and permitted to a single person or entity, which will be responsible for oversight of the installation and must meet the following requirements:
Application. A person or entity applying for a permit under § 309-28 of this chapter to use a municipal ball diamond in a publicly owned park must also apply for a supplemental permit specifically pertaining to temporary support banners provided by the Village. Such forms shall require the following information:
The name and address of applicant(s).
The eligible park and ball diamond where the applicant is requesting permission to or has received a permit to conduct softball or baseball tournaments or other games.
The date or dates the applicant is requesting to or has received a permit to conduct ball games.
The date or dates the applicant is requesting permission to hang one or more temporary support banner(s).
A description of the proposed temporary support banner(s), attaching a photograph, drawing or other reproduction thereof.
The proposed number of temporary support banners to be hung during the date or times listed in the application.
Such other information as the Village Administrator or designee may require.
[Amended 8-15-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-8-2]
All banners at a facility must all be rectangular in shape, identical in size, no larger than four feet by eight feet and have a uniform, frontside background color of black and a backside color of green.
Banners shall be capable of being affixed to the backstop and/or outfield fences located at publicly owned baseball diamonds. Also, a temporary support banner must be attached to the fence in a way that allows for it to be easily removed and so that the graphic designed side of the banner faces the infield if placed on the outfield fence and so that the graphic designed side of the banner faces away from the infield if placed on the baseball diamond's backstop.
[Amended 1-19-2023 by Ord. No. O2023-01-01]
Banners shall only be permitted to display the company logo and two lines of text.
No more than 11 banners shall be allowed on the outfield fence and one banner shall be allowed on the backstop, per baseball field.
[Amended 1-19-2023 by Ord. No. O2023-01-01]
Banners shall only be permitted between May 1 and October 31. Banners must be removed by the date listed on the temporary sign permit.
Banners are excluded from private property.
The Village may remove banners upon any damage occurring to them and they must be replaced by the applicant with identical banners within 10 regular business days. If, in the opinion of the Village Administrator or designee, the temporary support banner posted at an eligible ball diamond under this chapter becomes unsightly due to the failure of the applicant to maintain the banner, or the banner poses a threat to persons or property, the Village may take such steps as the Village Administrator deems necessary to maintain or remove the banner. The applicant shall be responsible for any costs incurred by the Village under this subsection, which may be collected upon notification to the applicant.
[Amended 8-15-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-8-2]
Revocation. The Village Administrator or designee may revoke any permit authorized under this section and § 309-28 of this chapter for any of the following reasons:
[Amended 8-15-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-8-2]
Violation of any of the conditions of approval for the permit.
Revocation of the permit issued under § 309-28 of this chapter.
Violation of a Village ordinance or state statute.
Failure or refusal of the applicant to pay any amount due or billed under § 309-28.
Approval. The temporary support banner(s) must not only conform to all the rules and regulations of this Subsection E but must also be in conformance with the rules and regulations of the Village of Richfield's advertisement policy.
Banners must conform to the wind pressure and construction standards laid out in §§ 309-15 and 309-28J of this chapter.
Signage that solely promotes an on-site contest, community service, or other on-site promotional activity for the benefit of the community is permitted with issuance of permit. The following requirements shall be adhered to:
Contest or other promotional-related signage shall not exceed 32 square feet in size;
The product or service promoted shall be on the same sign as the community activity. Said product or service shall not exceed half of the square footage allotted, per each sign;
The amount of signage shall not exceed two signs per each field, on property currently zoned P-1 Park and Recreation District;
The location shall be placed solely on baseball outfield fencing, with views of signage not in view of any public right-of-way;
Signs are only allowed from May 1 to October 31;
Signs are excluded from public property;
All signage shall consist of a white background; and
An annual fee shall be issued to the Village prior to sign installation, based on fees assigned by the Village.
Signage for institutional zoned districts may only provide information to identify the facility or to promote public or private events and functions. Advertising of products and/or services is not permitted, except as may be incidental to the message on a temporary sign. The following signs are permitted in I-1 Institutional Districts upon the granting of a permit and subject to the following regulations:
Wall signs. Wall signs placed on or against the exterior walls shall not extend more than one foot outside of a building's wall surface and shall not exceed in sign area the equivalent of one square foot of signage for every linear foot of building frontage facing an access street for any one premises. Wall signs shall not extend above the ceiling level of the top floor of the building upon which they are located.
Projecting signs. Projecting signs fastened to, suspended from or supported by structures on buildings shall not exceed 50 square feet in sign area or 100% of the setback from the property line as expressed in square feet, whichever is larger, for any one building, shall not extend more than six feet from the building facade, shall not extend into any public right-of-way, shall not be less than 10 feet from all lot lines or within vision triangles, shall not exceed a height of 20 feet above the adjacent center-line street grade and shall not be less than 10 feet above a sidewalk or 15 feet above a driveway or an alley, and may not be located within 150 feet of a ground sign.
Ground signs. Ground signs shall not exceed 10 feet in height, for ground monument signs, above the main center-line grade of the nearest street and shall not exceed 32 square feet on one side at the street property line but may be increased in sign area size one square foot for each one foot the sign is set back from the street property line to a maximum of 150 square feet on one side. Only one ground sign shall be allowed to be constructed on a street frontage of a single (individual) property, and no ground sign shall be placed closer than 150 feet to another ground sign or projecting sign. Ground monument signs must be at least 10 feet from public rights-of-way and not within a vision triangle, unless otherwise reviewed and approved by the Plan Commission. Ground pole signs in I-1 Institutional Districts are not permitted.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Bulletin boards. Bulletin boards may be permitted up to 32 square feet upon issuance of a permit from the Building Inspector. Such signs shall be set back from the property line at least 1/4 of the building setback requirements of the district in which they are located and be illuminated only to the extent necessary to permit reading of the sign from a maximum distance of 10 feet.
Signs as permitted in § 309-23A and C shall be permitted in the conservancy zoning districts upon the granting of a permit by the Building Inspector.
The use of searchlights is not allowed except by law enforcement and other governmental agencies in the pursuit of their official duties.
No illuminated signs, except those permitted in residential zoning districts, shall be permitted to face a residential zoning district when within 400 feet of such district boundary, and no sign-related luminary shall be directed toward residential parcels in a residential district.
Permits for exterior temporary signs, banners, or portable signs shall be issued by the Building Inspector upon approval of a sign permit application. Temporary signs, banners, and portable signs are subject to the following regulations:
The maximum size of temporary banners and signs shall not exceed 40 square feet in area.
Banners and temporary signs shall not be illuminated.
Portable signs shall be permitted for use by business or service and charitable organizations, provided that such signs shall:
Be no greater than six feet in height.
Not obstruct the flow or sign pattern of vehicular traffic on any established right-of-way.
Not be less than 20 feet from adjoining residential lots.
Have a face not exceeding 40 square feet.
Not have blinking lights or arrows.
Not more than one banner, temporary sign, or portable sign per street frontage may be displayed at any one time.
Permits for banners, temporary signs, and portable signs shall expire after 21 days.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Not more than six nonconsecutive permits with one week in between, per business or organization, per calendar year, may be permitted.
Permits issued for community signs are contingent upon a public event or function; however, a maximum amount of permits, time frame and duration between permits is not applicable. All community-related and/or off-premises related signage shall not be posted prior to four weeks of the start of the event and must be removed no later than one week after the closing of the event.
Setbacks. Banners, temporary signs, and portable signs shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the front or side lot line and not in the public right-of-way or within any vision triangle.
A permit fee for temporary signs and banners shall be set by the Village Board in its fee schedule.
All banner signage shall be constructed using the highest grade of material and using the best available technology, such as but not limited to 15 mil weather-fast banner material and with the use of a three mil UV vinyl laminate.
Opening soon or grand-opening-type temporary signs or banners are allowed for a period not to exceed 120 days, provided a permit is acquired from the Building Inspector and appropriate fees are paid, subject to the following:
No more than one sign/banner is allowed per 25 linear feet of storage frontage with no more than three signs per business.
A one-time fee per sign/banner shall be twice the temporary banner fee established by the Village Board in the fee schedule.
The Village also requires that:
Sign(s) shall be removed that are in poor condition, inconsistent with intent of the sign, above size requirements, or after the time approved; and
The Village is not responsible for any damaged or vandalized property or repairing or replacing any signage.