The management, operation, and control of the sewer system for the Village shall be vested in the Village Board, its officers, agents, committees, and Village departments as assigned. All records, minutes and all written proceedings thereof shall be kept by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, and all financial records thereof shall be kept by the Village Clerk-Treasurer.
The Village Board shall have the power to construct sewer lines for public use, and shall have the power to lay sewer pipes in and through the public alleys, streets, and public grounds of the Village; and generally, to do all such work as may be found necessary or convenient in the management of the sewer system as provided and authorized under § 61.39, Wis. Stats.
Laterals. The property owner will be responsible for replacing the lateral, as defined in this chapter to include the Y or similar fitting designed for connection with the public sewer system, from the main to the property line. The property owner will be responsible for keeping the lateral to the main open and is directed to notify the Village of any clogged pipe and allow sufficient time for the Village to check the connection sewer main before attempting any means of opening the building sewer. The Village will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by the property owner in attempting to open a building sewer when the Village had not been notified and allowed sufficient time to check the sewer main. The Village will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by the property owner in unclogging a building sewer when the connecting sewer main is open. Any construction within any street right-of-way or any public easement shall occur only upon issuance of any permits required under other provisions of this chapter and upon notice to the Village Director of Public Works sufficient to allow his supervision and inspection.
Damage recovery. The Village shall have the right of recovery from all persons, partnerships, corporations, organizations, associations or groups of any expense or increased cost incurred by said sewer system for the operation, maintenance, repair or replacement of any aspect of the sewer system because of any act, whether intentional or inadvertent, by said persons, partnerships, corporations, organizations, associations or groups.
Whenever any real estate or any easement therein, or use thereof, shall in the judgment of the Village Board be necessary for the sewer system, and whenever, for any cause, an agreement for the purchase thereof, cannot be made with the owner thereof, the Village Board shall proceed with all necessary steps to acquire such real estate easement or use by condemnation in accordance with Ch. 32, Wis. Stats., and applicable federal statutes.
All property, real, personal, and mixed, including but not limited to easements, acquired for the construction of the Village sewer system, and all plans, specifications, diagrams, papers, books and records connected therewith, and all buildings, machinery, and fixtures pertaining thereto, shall be the property of and titled in the name of the Village.