[Ord. 318, 9/9/1974, § 1; as amended by Ord. 741, 12/30/2002, § 1]
The purpose of this Part is to require owners, lessors and rental agents of real estate in the Borough of Jefferson Hills, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, to notify the Building Inspector of changes in the names and addresses of the lessees and occupants of all leased real estate and structures thereon and providing penalties for the violation thereof.
[Ord. 318, 9/9/1974, § 2]
Unless the context specifically and clearly indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this Part shall be as follows:
Any person who possesses property not as an owner, or who has the right to possess property, or place other persons in possession.
Any person vested with ownership, legal or equitable, sole or partial, of any property located in the Borough.
Any individual, partnership, company, association, corporation or other group or entity.
Any person to whom a fee has been paid, or is payable, for the rental or leasing of property.
[Ord. 318, 9/9/1974, § 3; as amended by Ord. 741, 12/30/2002, § 1]
The owners, lessors and rental agents of all real estate residences, apartments, stores and other structures in the Borough of Jefferson Hills leased, offered for lease or occupied by persons, partnerships, corporations or others than the owner thereof shall, within 30 days after the effective date of this Part, supply to the Borough of Jefferson Hills Building Inspector lists of the names and addresses of all current lessees and occupants of real estate, residences, apartments, stores and other structures of which they are the owners, lessors or rental agents and shall thereafter supply to the Building Inspector, in writing and within 30 days of their taking possession, the names and addresses of all new lessees or occupants of such premises.
[Ord. 318, 9/9/1974, § 4; as amended by Ord. 741, 12/30/2002, § 1]
The Building Inspector shall supply the names and addresses of all lessees and occupants of real estate obtained by him hereunder or by any other means to all other officials and departments of the Borough of Jefferson Hills requesting same for the proper performance of their duties.
[Ord. 318, 9/9/1974, § 4; as amended by Ord. 685, 11/5/1998; and by Ord. 844, 9/8/2014]
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days; provided that each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense and notice to the offender shall not be necessary in order to constitute an offense. In the event that such claims for fines and penalties exceed the monetary jurisdiction of a Magisterial District Judge as set forth in the Pennsylvania Judicial Code (relating to jurisdiction and venue), exclusive of interest, costs or other fees, the Borough may bring such action in the Court of Common Pleas or may, pursuant to the Pennsylvania Judicial Code, waive that portion of fines or penalties that exceeds the monetary jurisdictional limits so as to bring the matter within the monetary jurisdiction of the Magisterial District Judge.
[Ord. 586, 1/14/1991, § 1; as amended by Ord. 741, 12/30/2002, § 1]
The purpose of this Part is to henceforth require owners, lessors and rental agents of real estate in the Borough of Jefferson Hills, Allegheny County, to obtain occupancy permits from the Building Inspector whenever the occupancy of real estate within the Borough of Jefferson Hills changes in conjunction with providing the information required in Ord. 318, 9/9/1974 [Part 1].
[Ord. 586, 1/14/1991, § 2; as amended by Ord. 685, 11/5/1998; and by Ord. 741, 12/30/2002, § 1]
Before a change in occupancy of real estate within the Borough of Jefferson Hills shall occur, whether by sale, lease, gift, bequest, devise or otherwise, the persons required to report said change in occupancy as set forth in § 11-201, above, shall first obtain an occupancy permit by providing the Building Inspector the information required in Ord. 318, 9/9/1974 [Part 1] and paying a permit fee in an amount to be established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council.
[Ord. 586, 1/14/1991, § 3; as amended by Ord. 685, 11/5/1998; and by Ord. 844, 9/8/2014]
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Part shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days; provided that each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense and notice to the offender shall not be necessary in order to constitute an offense. In the event that such claims for fines and penalties exceed the monetary jurisdiction of a Magisterial District Judge as set forth in the Pennsylvania Judicial Code (relating to jurisdiction and venue), exclusive of interest, costs or other fees, the Borough may bring such action in the Court of Common Pleas or may, pursuant to the Pennsylvania Judicial Code, waive that portion of fines or penalties that exceeds the monetary jurisdictional limits so as to bring the matter within the monetary jurisdiction of the Magisterial District Judge.