In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1986 Code have been included in the 2018 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1986 Code
Location in 2018 Code
Ch. 1, Administration and Government
Part 1, Elected Officers
Ch. 60, Art. I
Part 2, Appointed Officers and Employees
A. NonUniformed Employees
Ch. 60, Art. II
B. Reserved
C. Delinquent Tax Collector
Ch. 28
Part 3, Bonds of Elected and Appointed Officers
Ch. 44, Art. I
Part 4, Boards, Commissions, Departments and Officers
A. Boards, §§ 401 and 402
Ch. 20, Arts. II and IV
B. Commissions, §§ 404 and 405
Ch. 20, Arts. III and I
C. Reserved
Part 5, Authorities
A. Parking Authority
Superseded by Ord. No. 1743; see Ch. 14, Art. IV
B. City of Washington Municipal Authority
Ch. 14, Art. II
C. Washington-East Washington Joint Authority
Ch. 14, Art. I
D. Washington Business District Authority
Ch. 14, Art. III
Part 6, Fiscal Procedures and Records
Ch. 35, Art. I
Part 7, Employee Regulations and Benefits
A. Residency Requirements
Ch. 44, Art. II
B. Sick Leave
Ch. 44, Art. III
C. Military Leave
Ch. 44, Art. III
D. Reserved
E. Police and Fire Personnel Temporary Disabilities
Ch. 44, Art. IV
F. Wage Continuation
Ch. 44, Art. V
Part 8, Retirement, Pensions and Social Security
A. Retirement System for Officers and Employees
Ch. 49, Art. III
B. Police Pension Fund
Ch. 49, Art. I
C. Police Pension Fund Regulations and By-Laws
Ch. 49, Art. II
D. Firemen's Pension Fund and By-Laws
Ch. 49, Art. V
E. Social Security
Ch. 49, Art. IV
Part 9, Reserved
Part 10, Capital Reserve Funds for Anticipated Capital Expenditures
Ch. 35, Art. II
Part 11, City Administrator
Ch. 5
Part 12, Arrest Without Warrant
Ch. 72
Part 13, Collection of Fees and Costs for Delinquent Accounts
Ch. 208, Art. I
Ch. 2, Animals
Part 1, Dogs at Large
Ch. 115, Art. IV
Part 2, Keeping of Animals
Ch. 115, Art. I
Part 3, Cat Regulations
Ch. 115, Art. III
Ch. 3, Bicycles (Reserved)
Ch. 4, Buildings (Reserved)
Ch. 5, Code Enforcement
Part 1, Building Code
Ch. 130, Art. V
Part 2, International Property Maintenance Code
Ch. 130, Art. IV
Part 3, Fire Code
Ch. 130, Art. I
Part 4, Plumbing Code
Ch. 130, Art. III
Part 5, Regulation of Building Repair and Improvement Businesses
Ch. 130, Art. II
Part 6, Private Sewage Disposal Code
Ch. 130, Art. VI
Part 7, Mechanical Code
Ch. 130, Art. VI
Part 8, Energy Conservation Code
Ch. 130, Art. VI
Part 9, Fuel Gas Code
Ch. 130, Art. VI
Part 10, Uniform Construction Code
Ch. 130, Art. VII
Ch. 6, Conduct
Part 1, Curfew
Ch. 136
Part 2, Disorderly Conduct
Ch. 240, Art. II
Part 3, Fireworks
Ch. 173
Part 4, Littering
Ch. 202, Art. II
Part 5, Missiles and Firearms
Ch. 159, Art. I
Part 6, Noise
Ch. 215
Part 7, Obscenity
Ch. 228
Part 8, Public Property
Ch. 254, Art. I
Part 9, Tear Gas and Chemical Devices
Ch. 159, Art. II
Part 10, Hours for Public Amusement
Ch. 240, Art. I
Part 11, Public Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 96, Art. I
Ch. 7, Fire Prevention and Fire Prevention
Part 1, Outdoor Fires
Ch. 168, Art. II
Part 2, Inflammable Liquids
Ch. 168, Art. I
Ch. 8, Flood Plains
Superseded by Ord. No. 1870; see Ch. 180
Ch. 9, Grading and Excavating (Reserved)
Ch. 10, Health and Sanitation
Part 1, Barbed Wire Fences
Ch. 153
Part 2, Birds
Ch. 115, Art. II
Part 3, Explosives
Ch. 148
Part 4, Storage and Accumulation of Health Hazards
Ch. 222, Art. III
Part 5, Stagnant Water
Ch. 222, Art. II
Part 6, Unlawful to Bury Deceased Person in City
Ch. 222, Art. I
Part 7, Weeds, Grass and Vegetation
Ch. 342
Part 8, Dropping Matter from Vehicles
Ch. 202, Art. I
Part 9, Storage of Motor Vehicles on Private Property
Ch. 222, Art. IV
Part 10, Fire Insurance Proceeds
Superseded by Ord. No. 1777; see Ch. 194, Art. I
Part 11, Ambulance Service
Ch. 102
Part 12, Nuisances
Ch. 222, Art. V
Ch. 11, Housing
Part 1, Registry of Rental Dwelling Unit Tenants
Superseded by Ord. No. 1818; see Ch. 260, Art. I
Part 2, Multiple Dwelling Operation Licenses
Repealed by Ord. No. 1757
Ch. 12, Libraries (Reserved)
Ch. 13, Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations
Part 1, Alarm Systems
Superseded by Ord. No. 1768; see now Ch. 90
Part 2, Circus and Carnival Licenses
Ch. 107, Art. I
Part 3, Mechanical and Electronic Amusement Device
Ch. 107, Art. II
Part 4 Reserved
Part 5, Restaurants
Ch. 265, Art. I
Part 6, Transient Merchants
Ch. 246, Art. I
Part 7, Reserved
Part 8, Garage and Yard Sales
Ch. 187
Part 9, Sidewalk Obstruction by Vendors
Ch. 310, Art. IV
Part 10, Sexually Oriented Businesses
Ch. 276
Ch. 14, Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks (Reserved)
Ch. 15, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 335
Ch. 16, Parks and Recreation
Part 1, Park Regulations
Ch. 234, Art. III
Part 2, Bassettown Square Ordinance
Ch. 234, Art. I
Part 3, Playgrounds
Ch. 234, Art. II
Part 4, Greater Washington Area Swimming Pool
Ch. 234, Art. IV
Ch. 17, Planned Residential Development (Reserved)
Ch. 18, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Part 1, Sewer Regulation and Rental
Ch. 271, Art. I
Part 2, Termination of Water Service for Nonpayment
Ch. 271, Art. II
Part 3, Pretreatment Standards and Regulations for Users of the Washington-East Washington Joint Authority Municipal Wastewater Disposal Systems
Ch. 271, Art. III
Part 4, Dye Tests and Certifications
Ch. 271, Art. IV
Ch. 19, Signs and Billboards
Ch. 286
Ch. 20, Solid Waste
Part 1, Garbage and Rubbish Collection and Disposition
Ch. 294
Part 2, Solid Waste Management Plan
Ch. 294
Part 3, Waste Hauler Licensing Program
Ch. 294
Part 4, Recycling
Ch. 294
Part 5, Temporary Use of Dumpsters
Ch. 300, Art. I
Ch. 21, Streets and Sidewalks
Part 1, Street Excavations
Ch. 310, Art. VII
Part 2, Street Grades
Ch. 310, Art. I
Part 3, Sidewalks
Ch. 310, Art. V
Part 4, Care of Sidewalks
Ch. 310, Art. VI
Part 5, Sledding on Sidewalks
Ch. 310, Art. II
Part 6, Use of Red Dog
Ch. 310, Art. III
Part 7, Fee for Abandonment of Paper Streets
Ch. 22, Subdivision and Land Development
Superseded by Ord. No. 1891; see Ch. 315
Ch. 23, Swimming Pools
Ch. 319
Ch. 24, Taxation, Special
Part 1, Business Privilege Tax
Ch. 325, Art. III
Part 2, Deed Transfer Tax
Ch. 325, Art. II
Part 3, Earned Income Tax
Repealed by Ord. No. 1846; see now Ch. 325, Art. XI
Part 4, Occupational Privilege Tax
Repealed by Ord. No. 1786; see now Ch. 325, Art. X
Part 5, Real Estate Tax
Ch. 325, Art. IV
Part 6, Mercantile License Tax
Ch. 325, Art. I
Part 7, (Reserved)
Part 8, Assessment and Valuation for Tax Purposes
Superseded by Ord. No. 1797; see Ch. 9, Art. I
Part 9, Local Economic Revitalization
Superseded by Ord. No. 1801; see Ch. 325, Art. VII
Part 10, Local Taxpayers Bill of Rights
Ch. 325, Art. V
Part 11, Parking Tax
Superseded by Ord. No. 1826; see Ch. 325, Art. VIII
Part 12, Interim Assessment and Taxation of Improvements to Real Estate
Ch. 325, Art. VI
Ch. 25, Trees
Ch. 282
Ch. 26, Water
Superseded by Ord. No. 1868; see Ch. 305
Ch. 27, Zoning
Superseded by Ord. No. 1890; see Ch. 350
A. Annexation of Territory
B. Bond Issues and Loans
C. Franchises and Services
D. Governmental and Intergovernmental Affairs
E. Plan Approval (Reserved)
F. Public Property
G. Sewers
H. Street Lighting
I. Streets and Sidewalks
J. Water (Reserved)
K. Zoning/Reclassifications