Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the streets or parts of streets described herein are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street except where yield signs are provided.
Schedule of Medford Lakes Borough Through Streets
Through Street
Cross Street
T Intersections
Briarwood Trail
Bassler Road (one stop sign)
Trout Way (one stop sign)
Wawa Trail (stop signs both sides)
Hunter Road (one stop sign)
Cheyenne Trail
Atsion Road (one stop sign)
Wabeeno Trail (one stop sign)
Winooska Trail (one stop sign)
Tontonava Trail (one stop sign)
Tuckerton Road (stop signs both sides)
Peeshekee Trail (one stop sign)
Sitting Bull Trail (one stop sign)
Cayuse Trail (one stop sign)
Mohawk Trail (one stop sign)
Chickagami Trail
Winnebego Trail (no controls present)
Cayuga Trail (no controls present)
Tahteepay Trail (no controls present)
Beach Drive (one stop sign)
Chickahominy Trail
Tuckerton Road (one stop sign)
Peeshekee Trail (stop signs both sides)
Kihade Trail (one stop sign)
Chippewa Trail
McKendimen Road (one stop sign)
Huron Trail (no controls present)
Oak Drive (one stop sign)
Tonkawa Trail (no controls present)
Beach Drive (one stop sign)
Tonkawa Trail (no controls present)
Hunter Road (no controls present)
Wawa Trail (no controls present)
Trout Way (no controls present)
Bassler Road (no controls present)
Kiowa Trail (no controls present)
Shinnecock Trail (no controls present)
Shawnee Trail (no controls present)
Decotah Trail
McKendimen Road (one stop sign)
Tabernacle Road (stop signs both sides)
Iroquois Trail (stop signs both sides)
Blackfoot Trail (one stop sign)
Hahiah Trail
Osage Trail (one stop sign)
Cutchogue Trail (stop signs both sides)
Onondago Trail (stop signs both sides)
Manhasset Trail (stop signs both sides)
Lenape Trail (stop signs both sides)
Natchez Trail (no controls present)
Hiawatha Trail
Nantucket Trail (one stop sign)
Ottawa Trail (one stop sign)
Ossage Trail (one stop sign)
Oswego Trail (one stop sign)
Kosoto Trail (one stop sign)
Cutchogue Trail (stop signs both sides)
Onondago Trail (stop signs both sides)
Manhasset Trail (stop signs both sides)
Lenape Trail (stop signs both sides)
Natchez Trail (one stop sign)
Setauket Trail (one stop sign)
Algonquin Trail (stop signs both sides)
Minnetonka Trail (one stop sign)
Mohawk Trail (stop signs both sides)
Mishemokwa Trail (one stop sign)
Kawasea Trail (one stop sign)
Mudjekeewis Trail (one stop sign)
Kenozha Trail (no controls present)
Kihade Trail
Atsion Road (one stop sign)
Wabeno Trail (one stop sign)
Winooska Trail (one stop sign)
Tontonava Trail (stop signs both sides)
Tuckerton Road (stop signs both sides)
Peshekee Trail (one stop sign)
Chickahominy Trail (one stop sign)
Migazee Trail (stop signs both sides)
Miami Trail (one stop sign)
Mishemokwa Trail (one stop sign)
Lenape Trail
Tuckerton Road (one stop sign)
Nantucket Trail (one stop sign)
Beno Trail (one stop sign)
Mishemokwa Trail (stop signs both sides)
Wagush Trail (stop signs both sides)
Wyandot Trail (stop signs both sides)
Hiawatha Trail (stop signs both sides)
Hahiah Trail (stop signs both sides)
Seminole Trail (one stop sign)
Natchez Trail (stop signs both sides)
Stokes Road (traffic light)
McKendimen Road
Tabernacle Road (one stop sign)
Chippewa Trail (one stop sign)
Seneca Trail (one stop sign)
Mohave Trail (one stop sign)
Decotah Trail (one stop sign)
Syosset Trail (one stop sign)
Oak Drive (stop signs both sides)
Hunter Road (one stop sign)
Wawa Trail (one stop sign)
Bassler Road (one stop sign)
Mishemokwa Trail
Nantucket Trail (one stop sign)
Onondago Trail (one stop sign)
Manhasset Trail (stop signs both sides)
Lenape Trail (stop signs both sides)
Setauket Trail (one stop sign)
Wabun Trail (one stop sign)
Algonquin Trail (stop signs both sides)
Kihade Trail (one stop sign)
Pegwuk Trail (one stop sign)
Wagush Trail (stop signs both sides)
Meeshaway Trail (one stop sign)
Mohawk Trail (stop signs both sides)
Nokomis Trail (stop signs both sides)
Hiawatha Trail (one stop sign)
Mohawk Trail
Tuckerton Road (one stop sign)
Cayuse Trail (stop signs both sides)
Cheyenne Trail (one stop sign)
Conawaga Trail (stop signs both sides)
Mudjekeewis Trail (one stop sign)
Meeshaway Trail (one stop sign)
Kawasea Trail (one stop sign)
Mishemokwa Trail (stop signs both sides)
Nokomis Trail (one stop sign)
Hiawatha Trail (stop signs both sides)
Niska Trail (one stop sign)
Bowker Road (one stop sign)
Pawnee Trail (one stop sign)
Navajo Trail (one stop sign)
Apache Trail (one stop sign)
Stokes Road (one stop sign)
Nantucket Trail
Lenape Trail (one stop sign)
Mishemokwa Trail (one stop sign)
Wagush Trail (one stop sign)
Wyandot Trail (one stop sign)
Oswego Trail (one stop sign)
Ottawa Trail (one stop sign)
Hiawatha Trail (one stop sign)
Narragansett Trail
Tuckerton Road (one stop sign)
Peshekee Trail (stop signs both sides)
Mudjekeewis Trail (one stop sign)
Migazee Trail (one stop sign)
Wagush Trail (one stop sign)
Pawnee Trail
Stokes Road (one stop sign)
Apache Trail (stop signs both sides)
Navajo Trail (stop signs both sides)
Mohawk Trail (one stop sign)
Powhatan Trail
Tabernacle Road (one stop sign)
Tecumseh Trail (no controls present)
Pocahontas Trail (one stop sign)
Iroquois Trail (one stop sign)
Chinook Trail (one stop sign)
Omaha Trail (no controls present)
Shingowack Trail
Stokes Road (one stop sign)
Cayuga Trail (no controls present)
Winnebago Trail (no controls present)
Sitting Bull Trail
Cheyenne Trail (one stop sign)
Conawaga Trail (no controls present)
Mudjekeewis Trail (stop signs both sides)
Piute Trail (no controls present)
Macosa Trail (no controls present)
Wagush Trail (one yield sign)
Meeshaway Trail (one yield sign)
Stokes Road
Lenape Trail (traffic light)
Tabernacle Road (one stop sign)
Trading Post Trail (traffic light)
Minnetonka Trail (traffic light)
Mohawk Trail (one stop sign)
Pawnee Trail (one stop sign)
Bowker Road (one stop sign)
Comanche Trail (one stop sign)
Timbo Trail (one stop sign)
Beach Drive (one stop sign)
Shingowack Trail (one stop sign)
Hapatee Trail (one stop sign)
Tabernacle Road
Stokes Road (one stop sign)
Trading Post Trail (one stop sign)
Powhatan Trail (one stop sign)
Sagamore Trail (one stop sign)
McKendimen Road (one stop sign)
Cherokee Trail (one stop sign)
Pequot Trail (one stop sign)
Seneca Trail (stop signs both sides)
Mohave Trail (stop signs both sides)
Decotah Trail (stop signs both sides)
Syosset Trail (stop signs both sides)
Oak Drive (stop signs both sides)
Chickasaw Trail (one stop sign)
Tuckerton Road
Lenape Trail (one stop sign)
Wabasso Trail (one stop sign)
Algonquin Trail (one stop sign)
Migazee Trail (stop signs both sides)
Kihade Trail (stop signs both sides)
Chickahominy Trail (one stop sign)
Narragansett Trail (one stop sign)
Cheyenne Trail (stop signs both sides)
Mohawk Trail (one stop sign)
Nahma Trail (one stop sign)
Wagush Trail
Nantucket Trail (one stop sign)
Cutchogue Trail (one stop sign)
Onondago Trail (stop signs both sides)
Manhasset Trail (stop signs both sides)
Lenape Trail (stop signs both sides)
Setauket Trail (stop signs both sides)
Wabun Trail (stop signs both sides)
Algonquin Trail (stop signs both sides)
Pegwuk Trail (one stop sign)
Mishemokwa Trail (stop signs both sides)
Miami Trail (one stop sign)
Narragansett Trail (one stop sign)
Sitting Bull Trail (one yield sign)
Wyandot Trail
Nantucket Trail (one stop sign)
Kosoto Trail (one stop sign)
Cutchogue Trail (stop signs both sides)
Onondago Trail (stop signs both sides)
Manhasset Trail (stop signs both sides)
Lenape Trail (stop signs both sides
Setauket Trail (stop signs both sides)
Wabun Trail (one stop sign)
Algonquin Trail (no controls present)
The following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as one-way streets in the direction indicated. Parking on these streets will be permitted on the sides indicated below.
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Parking Permitted
Mudjekeewis Trail
From Hiawatha Trail to Mohawk Trail
24 hours
Monday through Sunday