[Ord. 11-9-1937, Art. I, § 1]
The minimum membership of any company established under Section 10-2 hereof shall be twenty (20), and in case the minimum membership of any company so established shall be less than the said minimum of twenty (20) members, the Council may transfer to said company members from another company or companies until said company’s minimum membership shall be equal to the required minimum membership. The fire apparatus of the borough shall be in the care and operation of said companies.
Until the Council shall establish different companies under Section 10-2, there shall be and hereby is established one (1) company, with a minimum membership of twenty (20) and a maximum membership as may from time to time be determined by the Council. The fire apparatus of the borough shall be in the care and operation of said company. Said company may divide itself into parts or patrols, with a minimum membership of eight; may assign to each said part or patrol the care and operation of a fire apparatus; and may prescribe the duties of each part or patrol in regard thereto, subject to the provisions of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 11-9-1937, Art. I, § 2]
The company or companies established under this chapter may have a separate organization known as the "Morris Plains Fire Association," a corporation under the state laws. The association may elect such officers and adopt such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary or proper, provided that such rules and regulations must conform particularly to Article 3 of this chapter, and generally to the provisions of this chapter, its amendments or supplements and any rules and regulations that the Council may adopt.
[Ord. No. 11-9-1937, Art. V, § 11; 4-11-1946, § 3; No. 12-99, § 1]
The Fire Chief shall appoint as many Captains and Lieutenants as the Chief deems necessary, but at no time shall there be less than two Captains and two Lieutenants. The Captains and Lieutenants shall be responsible for the duties assigned to them from time to time by the Fire Chief. The Borough Council may, by rule or regulation, set the eligibility qualifications for Captains and Lieutenants.
Each company or patrol may appoint other officers for its government.