[Ord. No. 18-72, § 1; Ord. No. 18-84, § 2; No. 12-99, § 3; No. 26-99, § 1; No. 15-2003, § 1]
Except as otherwise provided by law, no person shall be eligible to apply for membership in the Borough Fire Department unless he or she:
Is a citizen of the United States of America;
Is at least 18 years of age;
Is employed full-time in the Borough or maintains a Borough mailing address;
Is of good moral character and sound in mind and body;
Is physically fit to perform the duties of a fireman, as evidenced by a certificate to that effect by a licensed physician practicing in the County of Morris, after a physical examination for that purpose;
Has not been convicted of a violation of Subsection a, b, c or d of N.J.S.A. 2C:17-1;
Has not been convicted of a violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:33-3 during the last 10 years; and
Has not been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
[Ord. 11-9-1937, Art. VI, § 14; No. 12-99, § 4; No. 15-2003, § 2]
New members may be appointed as follows:
Written application for membership shall be made to the Council and a copy of that written application, together with a duly notarized request for background check, shall be furnished to the Morris Plains Police Department. Each applicant shall also present himself or herself to the Police Department so that fingerprints may be taken and shall be responsible for paying any and all applicable fees associated with those fingerprints.
Upon receipt of the written application, the applicant's fingerprints and executed request for background check, the Police Department shall be authorized to conduct a field investigation and directed to conduct a criminal records check on the applicant.
The Police Department shall prepare a factual summary of the background investigation and criminal records check of each applicant and transmit such summary to the Borough Council for the purpose of determining the fitness of the applicant. The summary may contain recommendations to the Council concerning the suitability for acceptance of the applicant.
Upon receipt of the factual summary from the Police Department, the Borough Council shall determine whether the applicant's qualifications meet the requirements of this chapter and any state law. If so, the Council shall refer the application to said Morris Plains Fire Association for its consideration. Any applicant who is denied acceptance based upon the results of the Police Department's investigation may inspect the written summary prepared by the Police Department for the purpose of clarifying, explaining or denying the accuracy of its contents.
Said association shall ballot upon the application at any of its regular meetings within two months following the receipt of the application. The Association shall, within one week after said ballot is taken, report to the Council the results thereof, said report showing the number of members present at the meeting and the number of ballots in favor of and against the applicant. If the number of ballots in favor of the applicant shall be at least 2/3 of the members present at the meeting when the ballot is taken, and upon the approval of the applicant's membership by the Council, the applicant will then become a member of the Department.
The action of said Association on any such reference to it shall be advisory to the Council, and the Council shall not be precluded from electing or rejecting such applicant, whether or not the application is referred to said Association and whether or not the action to the Council conforms to the recommendations of the Association.
All new members of the Fire Department shall serve a one-year probationary period that shall commence upon the member's date of appointment by the Borough Council. During this probationary period, the new member shall successfully complete training required by law. The Borough Council may, by rule or regulation, set additional requirements for probationary members.
[Ord. No. 11-9-37, Art. VI, § 16]
Each fireman upon entering upon his duties as a fireman shall promise to obey his officers and to be present to fight any fire or fires upon all occasions. He shall answer the roll call at the firehouse after each fire in order to be accredited with attendance, unless dismissed at the scene of the fire by the officer in charge from answering roll call. In case of a member's failure to answer the roll call without being dismissed by the officer in charge at the scene of a fire, an excuse must be furnished which must show good cause for his absence. In case of any member's willful refusal or neglect to attend a fire or fires, such member shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $1.00, payable to and for the use of the company, and he shall also be liable to suspension or expulsion from the fire department, upon recommendation of the chief and with the concurrence therewith by the council.
[Ord. No. 11-9-37, Art. VIII, § 22; 4-11-46, § 4]
Every member of the fire department shall, in each year, perform such duty as the council may set by rule or regulation; said duty to consist of attendance and duty at fires or drills, and a record shall be kept of such attendance and duty by the chief and shall be reported to the clerk as prescribed in section 10-24. This requirement is subject to whatever exemption any exempt fireman under the state laws may have.
[Ord. No. 11-9-37, Art. VI, § 15]
Each member of the fire department shall be furnished with an appropriate badge, which he shall wear as an emblem of his membership. Every such badge shall be and remain the property of the Borough. Said badge shall be surrendered to the chief in the event of the member's death, resignation, removal or expiration of his service in any other manner.
[Ord. 11-9-37, Art. VI, § 17]
Any member of the fire department may be removed by the council after a hearing, upon 5 days' notice by mail, for incapacity, misconduct, violation of the state laws, violation of the terms of this chapter and of rules and regulations of the council, or for any act whatsoever unbecoming to a fireman.
Any fireman, not an officer, as enumerated in section 10-12, may be removed by the company of which he is a member for violation of the rules and regulations of the company, but such removal shall not become effective without and until the approval of the council.