[Ord. No. 12-97, § 1]
Unless otherwise provided by statute, ordinance, individual contract or collective bargaining agreement, officers and employees of the Borough are at will employees and may be terminated at any time for cause or no cause. When cause is cited as a reason for disciplinary action, such officer or employee shall be subject to several forms of discipline, including but not limited to oral reprimand, written reprimand, suspension from work, demotion, withholding of salary increases and/or termination. All forms of discipline, with the exception of oral reprimands, will be memorialized in writing, and a copy of this writing will be placed in the officer's or employee's personnel file. Although the Borough will normally engage in a system of progressive discipline, officers and employees should be aware that they can be terminated at any time.
[Ord. No. 12-97, § 1; No. 7-2011, § 22; Ord. No. 30-2018, §§ 4, 5]
The following is an illustrative but not exhaustive list of actions which could result in discipline, if a cause is in fact provided:
Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while at work.
Insubordination (willful disobedience of an order).
Indecent, profane or harsh language.
Disrespect to a superior officer/employee.
Absence without authorized leave.
Lewdness or immoral or indecent conduct.
Excessive absenteeism, tardiness or absence without leave.
Inability to perform assigned duties.
Conviction of any criminal act or disorderly persons offense that reflects adversely on the employee's ability to perform the job for which he or she was hired, or a conviction as set forth in N.J.S.A. 2C:51-2.
Conduct subversive of good order and discipline of the Borough.
Failure to report for assigned shifts or emergency duty.
Negligent or willful mishandling or destruction of Borough property or equipment.
Use of Borough property or equipment without the appropriate licensing requirements.
Conduct in violation of the Borough's antiharassment policy.
Use of Borough property for personal use, including but not limited to the use of computers for instant messaging or other personal business.
Violating the Borough policies and procedures governing the use of procurement cards.
Falsification of public records, including attendance and other personnel records.
Theft or attempted theft of property belonging to the Borough, fellow employees, volunteers or visitors.
Unauthorized disclosure of confidential Borough information.
Violating any Borough rules or policies.
Other sufficient cause.
The Borough shall not be limited to the above causes for imposition of disciplinary action.
[Ord. No. 12-97, § 1; No. 15-97, § 1]
The Borough Council believes that all employees should have the right to direct access to the Borough Council in the resolution of any complaint arising out of discipline received by an officer or employee. Accordingly, upon receipt of a proposed disciplinary action, the officer or employee may file an appeal thereto as outlined herein.
Any officer or employee who is disciplined pursuant hereto shall have the right to appeal the action directly to the Borough Council. The appeal shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the Personnel Director within five working days after the officer or employee receives notice of the proposed disciplinary action. Failure to submit a written appeal to the Personnel Director within five working days shall act as a waiver of the appeal process, and the disciplinary action will be final and binding.
The Borough Council may provide an officer or employee the opportunity for a hearing before the Borough Council, or its designee, prior to the imposition of "major discipline" which shall be defined as a fine or suspension in excess of five days. If the employee seeks a public hearing, he or she must submit a written request to the Personnel Director no later than 72 hours in advance of the scheduled hearing.
The Borough Council, in its discretion, may designate one of its standing committees or an independent person as hearing officer for the purpose of conducting the disciplinary hearing. The hearing officer shall, if appointed, submit a report and recommendation to the Borough Council as an initial decision. The Borough Council may accept, reject or modify the initial decision of the hearing officer.
The Borough Council's decision shall be final and binding on all parties.
The provisions of this article shall not supersede any statutory provisions, Borough rules and regulations or other ordinances governing any of its departments as to disciplinary procedures. This article shall not apply to employees of the Police Department, whether sworn regular or special police officers or civilian employees.
[Ord. No. 12-97, § 1]
The following Table of Recommended Penalties shall be utilized as a resource in assessing the proper degree of disciplinary action.[1]
Editor's Note: This table can be found as an attachment to this chapter.