[Adopted as Rev. Ords. 1976, §§ 23-5 to 23-10 (Rev. Ords. 1989, §§ 19-21 to 19-26)]
Editor's Note: Former Art. VI, Physician, adopted as Rev. Ords. 1976, §§ 2-90 to 2-92 (Rev. Ords. 1989, §§ 2-191 to 2-193), was deleted 8-21-2017 by Ord. No. 2018-4.
[Amended 1-22-1991 by Ord. No. 91-122]
The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of MGL c. 98, § 34.
The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall enforce all laws relative to the use of weights and measures and the giving or use of false weights and measures.
[Amended 4-7-2008 by Ord. No. 08-198; 6-3-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-173; 7-17-2023 by Order No. 2023-4]
The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall collect the fees and charges which by law he/she is allowed to receive and shall pay over to the City Treasurer each month all sums so received by him/her.
Inspection fees are as follows:
Gas meters: $35.
Scales fees:
Ten pounds or less: $20.
Greater than 10 pounds up to 100 pounds: $35.
Greater than 100 pounds up to 1,000 pounds: $55.
Greater than 1,000 pounds up to 5,000 pounds: $65.
Greater than 5,000 pounds up to 10,000 pounds: $100.
Greater than 10,000 pounds: $145.
Taxi meters: $35.
Oil truck meters: $50
Retail checkout register and aisle scanners, yearly inspection fee:
One to three scanners: $100.
Four to 11 scanners: $200.
Twelve or more scanners: $300.
Adjustment of scales, meters and scanners, made by or witnessed by the inspector: $60 per hour (with a minimum of $60).
Reinspection: $25.
Nonpayment of fees: $250 per day.
Violations: $250 per day.
The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall, at the time of sealing, furnish the owner of the article sealed or his/her agent with a certificate, signed by the Sealer, stating the name and address of the owner of the article, the date when sealed and the amount of the fee, if any, collected.
The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall keep a detailed record of all work performed by him/her and annually, in the month of January, shall make to the Mayor and City Council a report thereof and of the weights, measures and balances tested, sealed or condemned by him/her, together with an inventory of the standards and working apparatus in the possession of the City, and shall annually make to the Director of Standards and Necessaries of Life of the Department of Labor and Industries a similar report at such time, in such form and of such facts as such Director shall require.
The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall have an office at City Hall and shall establish office hours for the convenience of the public who desire to have scales, weights and measures tested. The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall have the care and custody of all public scales of the City.