Authorities and responsibilities. The Department of Public Works
designs and administers the design and construction of public works
projects, including buildings, roads, bridges, drainage culverts,
sidewalks, bike paths, drainage, and traffic control devices, including
traffic signals, pavement markings and signs; provides technical support
to other City departments and agencies; provides routine and special
survey services in support of City projects; maintains record plans,
drawings, reports, field books, easements, maps and documents; and
prepares and updates Assessors' maps. The Department provides for
the maintenance and repair of roads, sidewalks, and drainage structures;
sweeping of roads and parking lots; installation and maintenance of
traffic markings; snow and ice control; and maintenance and repair
of vehicles and equipment. The Department manages solid waste programs
including trash disposal, recycling and yard waste. The Department
maintains City buildings (excluding schools and the Mount Hood Memorial
Park and Golf Course) and provides for the maintenance of the Wyoming
Cemetery, parks and open spaces through its own forces or through
the management of private contractors; maintenance and field preparation
of recreation areas; planting, care and maintenance of flower beds,
trees, and ornamental shrubs along City-maintained ways, active and
passive parks, recreation areas and conservation lands; and servicing
of trash containers located throughout the City. The Department manages
the wastewater collection system, including operation and maintenance
of pumping stations and gravity mains, maintenance of an accounts
receivable and billing system for water and sewer use and trash fee