To provide incentives for orderly commercial development in conjunction with major highway corridors at local regional highway access points.
C-2 uses permitted by right.
All uses permitted by right in C-1 Districts
Automotive: sales, service, rental, car wash
Restaurant, including drive-in
Garden center and related equipment sales
Municipal building
Medical clinic
Wholesale business
Veterinary clinic
C-2 conditional uses.
Institutional facility/hospital
Retail shopping center/plaza
Recreation, indoor-outdoor
Warehousing, mini only
C-2 special exceptions. No uses are authorized as special exceptions in C-2 Districts.
The following conditional uses may be authorized by the Township Supervisors pursuant to the standards and criteria specified herewith:
Institutional facility and/or hospital.
The application shall include and be supported by documents, maps, plans and other materials that contain the following information and such other related data as may be specified by the Township Planning Commission and/or Supervisors:
Name and address of the owner and/or applicant and a statement that the applicant, if not the owner, has the permission of the owner to make application and act as agent for the owner.
Legal description, street address, and other identifying data concerning the site.
A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics, and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. This data shall include a complete description of proposed supervision procedures and policies.
A dossier on the organization and all principals involved in any manner with the control, establishment and operation of the facility for which the application is being made, including organizational structure, financial status, experience, qualifications, references and any pertinent documentation deemed necessary by Township officials to evaluate the application.
A site plan showing proposed development of the site, including topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, usable open space, landscaped area, and utilities and drainage features.
Preliminary building plans and elevations sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and interior plan of all buildings.
Such additional material as may be prescribed or that the applicant may submit pertinent to the application and to the findings prerequisite to the issuance of a conditional use permit.
All uses in conjunction with a conditional use permit issued by the Township Supervisors pursuant to this section shall comply with the following:
Compliance with any and all local, state, county and federal laws and regulations relating to the approval, development and operation of the facility.
The correction within the time specified of any violation by the facility owner or operator of any local, county, state or federal law, regulation, rule or enforcement order or any condition to any permit, license or authorization of authority issued in connection with the facility.
The applicant shall obtain, as required, from each appropriate local, county, state and federal regulatory agency or authority, a permit issued in accordance with all applicable regulations for the proposed use. In the event any required permits have not been issued at the time Township zoning approval is requested, the zoning approval shall be expressly conditioned on the granting of necessary permits. At the time of making application to such local, county, federal or state authorities, the applicant shall file with the Township Secretary a copy of each state or federal application with supporting documentation for the proposed use.
All facilities shall be served by public water facilities as provided by a duly constituted water authority consistent with all rules and regulations thereof.
In the absence of public sanitary sewerage facilities, a central private sewage disposal processing plant shall be established to serve all planned site requirements. Plans for said facility shall be approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection prior to conditional use approval under the terms of this chapter.
The site shall be a minimum of five contiguous acres and shall meet all requirements specified in § 260-43 of this chapter.
Institutional facilities and hospitals shall comply with the then current editions of the BOCA National Fire Prevention Code and the BOCA National Building Code and with the Pennsylvania Fire and Panic Act and regulations promulgated pursuant to that Act.
Motel, hotel.
These establishments may have related facilities such as restaurants, auditorium spaces, swim club areas and similar functions. All such related facilities available to other than registered guests shall require additional parking facilities as prescribed in this chapter for public assembly facilities.
In addition to the regulations governing the C-2 District, establishments shall be subject to the following additional safeguards and regulations:
No operation providing five or more guest rooms shall be conducted on a lot of less than two acres.
Establishments shall be serviced by and connected to a water system regulated by the PUC and approved by PADEP and a municipal sewage system or a sewage treatment system approved by PADEP.
Front, side and rear yards that are not permanently paved shall be landscaped and maintained year round.
Units, or parts and amenities thereof, shall be placed no closer than 50 feet of any property line.
The required side clearance between separate buildings shall not be less than 20 feet, and the clearance between the front or rear of units shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
Signs and off-street parking and loading space shall be developed in accordance with Articles XV and XVI of this chapter.
Every application for a permit shall be accompanied by a plan showing as a minimum:
The boundaries and area of the lot;
All entrances, exits, driveways, roads and walkways;
Locations of all structures and their use; and
Location and source of all utilities, including sewers, water, electricity and natural gas.
Retail shopping center/plaza. A combination of retail commercial and service uses situated on a common site and designed as an integral retail center:
The proposed site shall not be less than five acres in size, meet Act 537 and all local sewerage requirements, be under single ownership or control and shall be developed as a single entity. Permitted uses shall be limited to those uses specified for C-2 Districts under the provisions of this chapter for use by right.
Off-street loading, parking and signs shall be provided and developed consistent with the requirements of Articles XV and XVI of this chapter. The following area and bulk requirements shall apply.
Site size: 217,800 square feet (five acres).
Site width: 150 feet, minimum.
Site coverage: 40%, maximum.
Distance between building: 30 feet, minimum.
Building setback line: 100 feet, minimum.
Side yards: 50 feet, minimum.
Rear yards: 50 feet, minimum.
Paved areas: 60%, maximum.
Building height: 45 feet.
A site plan, prepared by a licensed architect or civil engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, shall be submitted as part of the application for conditional use for review by the Planning Commission and the Township Supervisors. The site plan shall include:
A survey drawn to scale, prepared by a licensed professional land surveyor registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing the exact size, shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon.
The exact size and location of all existing buildings and structures on the lot.
The exact size and location on the lot of the structure or building proposed to be erected, moved, repaired or altered.
All adjacent streets or alleys with traffic flow patterns.
The proposed parking facilities including the size, arrangement and number of parking stalls and placement of lighting standards.
The circulation plan for all vehicles and ingress and egress drives for all off-street parking and loading areas both front and rear to ensure the prevention of blockage of vehicles entering and leaving the site and to provide for clean lines of vision.
Preliminary architectural and engineering sketches showing plan levels, elevations and other necessary information related to water runoff control, slope, contours, type of building construction, etc.
Areas to be utilized for the exterior storage of materials and type of architectural screen to be provided.
Such other information as may be required by the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission and the official subdivision regulations.
Recreation, private and commercial, indoor and outdoor, subject to the standards and criteria of Article VI, § 260-13A, of this chapter.
Mini warehouse.
No business activities other than rental of storage units and attendant administrative functions shall be conducted on the premises.
All storage shall be accommodated indoors in permanent on-site buildings designed for storage purposes. No temporary structures, portable units, containers or similar arrangements shall be permitted.
No activities, such as miscellaneous or garage sales, shall be conducted on the premises.
The servicing or repair of vehicles, boats or equipment shall not be conducted on the premises.
The operation of a mini warehouse shall in no way be deemed to include a transfer and storage business.
A landscaped strip of at least 10 feet in width shall be provided along the entire perimeter of the property. Landscaping shall consist of a variety of evergreen plant materials consisting of trees, shrubs and suitable ground covers. All vehicular and pedestrian ways shall be paved with asphalt or concrete. Remaining areas of the site shall be planted with grass or otherwise suitably landscaped and maintained.
No uses are specified for approval as special exceptions in the C-2 Highway Commercial District.
The following requirements shall apply in C-2 Highway Commercial Districts:[1]
Editor's Note: The Table of Lot, Area and Dimensional Requirements for C-2 Highway Commercial Districts is attached to this chapter.