To accommodate industrial activities of an intrusive nature that are not normally compatible with, or that detract from, the viability of other use activities because of high levels of traffic generation, noise, adverse aesthetic conditions and related circumstances and further to permit adult-oriented entertainment and businesses.
M-2 uses permitted by right.
Uses by right in M-1 District
General manufacturing and fabrication
Mini warehousing
Supply yard
Trucking terminal
Contractor's plant: sales, storage
Coal mine, underground
Coal mining adjunct facility
Gas processing facility accessory use
[Added 9-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-2]
M-2 conditional uses.
Waste recycling center
Business campus
Adult businesses
M-2 special exception.
The following conditional uses may be authorized by the Township Supervisors pursuant to the standards and criteria specified herewith:
Waste recycling center.
Waste recycling and related handling activities shall be restricted to nonhazardous materials and all activities and functions shall be in accordance with applicable federal, state, county and Township rules, regulations and directives.
No recycling activities and functions shall be established on a site containing less than five contiguous acres.
All facilities shall have a chain-link fence at least six feet high around all activity areas, and said areas shall be secured during nonbusiness hours.
The perimeter of any site that borders a public highway or an adjacent A-1, R-1, R-2 or R-3 Zoning District shall be screened and landscaped consistent with the applicable requirements of Article XVII of this chapter.
Site access points shall be designed to preclude the stacking of entering vehicles onto any adjacent public right-of-way.
All parking in association with on-site activities shall be accommodated on site.
All materials brought to the site shall be processed and shipped from the site in an expedient manner, consistent with commonly accepted recycling procedures and practices. No extended-term storage or keeping of materials shall be permitted in conjunction with recycling centers.
The applicant for the conditional use permit shall be responsible for correcting any litter problems that occur within 1/2 mile of the recycling center that are attributable to the center and related operations. Failure to correct said problem shall be cause for revocation of the conditional use permit.
Business campus, subject to the standards and criteria of Article XIII, § 260-45A, of this chapter.
Adult businesses. This use shall be subject to the following express standards and criteria and to any other standards and criteria generally applicable to all conditional uses:
Adult businesses may be established only in a M-2 District.
Persons or owners who intend to open an adult business must obtain from Carroll Township a license to operate such an enterprise and must pay a five-hundred-dollar investigation fee in Carroll Township. In addition, such persons or owners must supply to the Township detailed information as to the ownership and financing as required on the licensing application form. This form can be obtained at the office of the Township Secretary.
No adult business can be located within 500 feet of a preexisting residence, school, hospital, day-care center, nursing home, sanitarium, retirement or convalescent home, group home, personal care home, public park, church, establishment which is licensed to and does sell alcoholic beverages or other adult business.
No adult business can be located within 1000 feet of an area zoned residential.
An adult business shall be initially licensed, where it has met all ordinance requirements, through December 31 of the year in which the license is issued. For each year thereafter that the adult business intends to continue its business as an adult commercial enterprise, it must seek from the office of the Secretary of Carroll Township a renewal of this license. The application for renewal is due in the Secretary's office no later than November 1 of the year preceding the year for which the license renewal is sought. The lack of a license or the failure to seek license renewal on a timely basis shall be a proper basis for the Township to deny or revoke an occupancy permit to an adult business.
Any adult business found to be in violation of this chapter, as amended, shall be subject to the enforcement penalties provided for in this chapter and/or the Municipalities Planning Code.
Mine entrance. Subject to the standards and criteria of Article VI, § 260-13G, of this chapter.
[Added 10-16-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-3]
Coal mine conveyor. Subject to the standards and criteria of Article VI, § 260-13H, of this chapter.
[Added 10-16-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-3]
Gas processing facility. This use shall be subject to the express standards and criteria specified in Article VI, § 260-13I, and to any other standards and criteria generally applicable to conditional uses in the Township of Carroll.
[Added 9-4-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-2]
The following special exceptions may be authorized by the Zoning Hearing Board, pursuant to the standards and criteria specified herewith:
Junkyards, subject to the standards, criteria and regulations of Carroll Township and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The following requirements shall apply in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District:[1]
Editor's Note: The Table of Lot, Area and Dimensional Requirements for M-2 Heavy Industrial Districts is attached to this chapter.