3-1. Authorizing increase in debt by $7,000 for fire equipment (November 25, 1904)
3-2. Authorizing increase in debt by $7,000 for construction of a Municipal Building (Ordinance 31, January 13, 1905)
3-3. Issuance of bond in the amount of $14,500 (Ordinance 39, June 20, 1910)
3-4. Authorizing increase in bonded debt (Ordinance 63, July 22, 1920)
3-5. Increasing the debt and issuing bonds in the amount of $101,500 for street improvement (Ordinance 66, April 12, 1921)
3-6. Signifying desire to increase the debt by $46,000 to fund floating debt (Ordinance 95, October 17, 1932)
3-7. Increasing debt by $46,000 and authorizing bond issues to fund floating debt (Ordinance 96, December 1, 1932)
3-8. Signifying desire to increase debt by $35,000 to fund deficit (Ordinance 110, September 12, 1938)
3-9. Increasing debt by $35,000 and authorizing bond issue to fund deficit (Ordinance 111, September 12, 1938)
3-10. Amending Ordinance 111 (Ordinance 112, October 3, 1938)
3-11. Signifying desire to increase debt in the amount of $30,000 to fund current deficit (Ordinance 136, March 4, 1946)
3-12. Further signifying desire to increase debt by $30,000, by advertising for sale of bonds (Ordinance 137, July 8, 1946)
3-13. Increasing debt by authorizing issuance of bonds in the amount of $30,000 to fund current deficit (Ordinance 139, August 5, 1946)
3-14. Signifying the desire of the Borough Council, to make an increase of the debt of $86,500 for the purpose of providing funds for and toward the construction of sanitary sewers, storm water sewers, improvements of streets and the purchase of equipment, and calling an election for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the electors. (Ordinance 174, September 8, 1952)
3-15. To authorize and direct the issuance of general obligation bonds in the maximum amount of $115,000. (Ordinance 176, April 8, 1953)
3-16. Signifying the desire of the Borough to make an increase of the debt in the sum of $200,000 for the purpose of construction and reconstruction of storm water sewers and the construction and paving of streets; and calling an election for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the electors. (Ordinance 210, March 3, 1958)
3-17. To authorize and direct the issuance of general obligation bonds of the Borough in the maximum amount of $200,000 for the purpose of construction and reconstruction of storm water sewers and the construction and paving of streets. (Ordinance 218, March 11, 1959)
3-18. Issuing general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $425,000 for funding Capital Improvements (Ordinance 350, 3/22/1982)
3-19. Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough of Fountain Hill, County of Lehigh, Pennsylvania, by the issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $100,000 for improvements and renovations to the municipal swimming pool. (Ordinance 430, September 6, 1988)
3-20. Authorizing and directing the issuance of a general obligation note of the Borough in the maximum amount of $150,000 for the purpose of renovating the condominium unit for the purpose of providing the Borough offices. (Ordinance 499, June 8, 1992)
3-21. Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough of Fountain Hill, County of Lehigh, Pennsylvania, by the issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $735,000 for renovation of a municipal building and construction and reconstruction of public streets. (Ordinance 518, June 14, 1993)
3-22. Authorizing and directing the issuance of a general obligation note of the Borough in the maximum amount of $1,500,000 for the purpose of financing the construction and renovation of certain capital improvements in the Borough. (Ordinance 571, November 16, 1995)
3-23. Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $150,000 for the purchase of firefighting apparatus. (Ordinance 695, September 7, 2004)
3-24. Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $208,280 for the construction of sanitary sewers at Star Village. (Ordinance 712, July 20, 2005)
3-25. Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $2,000,000 for the reconstruction of Delaware Avenue. (Ordinance 789, May 6, 2013)
3-26. Finalizing the note amount for the Delaware Avenue reconstruction project. (Resolution 2014-51, December 17, 2014)
3-27. Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $1,500,000 for the construction and renovation of a Public Works building. (Ordinance 835, April 3, 2017)