[Ord. 683, 10/15/1987, § 1; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001]
These rules and regulations are a part of the contract with every person who takes sewer service and every such person by taking that service agrees to be bound hereby. These rules and regulations are not intended to conflict with any local, State or Federal legislation. Any provisions that are found to be in direct conflict with such legislation shall not be applicable.
[Ord. 683, 10/15/1987, § 2; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001]
These rules and regulations shall become effective on the date of adoption of this Part for all properties then and after connected to the sewer system. All prior rules and regulations not consistent herewith are hereby repealed; provided, however, that all rights and fees due the Borough under such rules and regulations are preserved. The Borough reserves the right to amend these rules and regulations in such manner and at such time as, in its opinion, may be advisable.
[Ord. 683, 10/15/1987, § 3; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001]
A person, building owner or lot owner who applies sewer services at a premises.
Form supplied by the Borough indicating the desire to connect to the sewer system.
Borough of Elizabethtown.
The service pipe and appurtenances extending from the Borough's main including:
SEWER SERVICE LINEThe tee or tap in the main and the lateral pipe to the curb.
Any person who receives water service from the Borough.
That part of the sewer service pipe extending from the Borough's service line to the premises.
The person in whose name the deed for a property is designated.
Borough of Elizabethtown sewer permit (including application form).
The property, building, or other site to which sewer service is furnished, including:
A building under one roof and occupied by one family or one business;
Each combination of buildings owned by one person, serviced by one service line, and occupied by one family or business;
Each side of a double house or each housing unit;
Each apartment, office, or suite of offices located in a building having several such apartments, offices, or suites of offices and using in common one or more means of entrance;
Any mobile home occupied by one family or business.
Any other type of dwelling unit or business requiring sewer usage as determined by the Borough.
The Borough's sewer treatment and collection facilities, taken as a whole, or as any portion thereof.
Mount Joy Township or West Donegal Township.
[Ord. 683, 10/15/1987, § 4; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001; by Ord. No. 1007, 4/6/2023]
Any applicant desiring sewer service from the Borough's main into his or her premises must first make a written application on the form furnished by the Borough.
The applicant must also demonstrate that the premises has received final subdivision or land development plan approval and recorded at the County level. If the applicant's premises is located within the Township, the applicant must also produce a letter from the Township stating that the lot(s) have received final plan approval and recordation as above mentioned.
The application, which must be signed by the owner or duly authorized agent, shall not be approved until the Borough receives full payment of all applicable service connection charges, tapping fees or other charges adopted by the Borough.
Separate service applications shall be made for each premises as defined by this Part.
The fact that an application may not exist, or may not be signed by the owner, shall not relieve the owner of his or her responsibility for ultimate payment of all service charges related to the premises.
Applications for sewer service will be reviewed by the Borough and its consulting engineers. Completed applications shall be reviewed in order of date of submittal.
All administrative, legal, and engineering services incurred by the Borough as a result of the application seeking availability for use of the sewer system shall be paid by the property owner. Review expenses will be billed on a time and cost basis.
In the event that service connections are available on a limited basis only, applications will be reviewed and approved in order of date of submittal. A waiting list of approved applications will be on file at the Borough office until new permits are issued.
In the event that a deposit is required, no interest will be paid by the Borough.
A permit shall be issued when the completed application has been approved by the Borough.
[Ord. 683, 10/15/1987, § 5; as amended by Ord. 829, 11/15/2001]
No customer or any premises receiving sewer service shall be allowed to supply such service to other persons or other premises without written consent of the Borough.
Upon approval of the sewer service application, and payment of all applicable charges, the Borough will install its service lines. The location of the service line will be designated by the Borough.
All Borough property owners, customers or premises shall be connected to Borough sewer service lines as of the effective date of this Part. A waiver of this provision may be granted only by Borough Council.
The Borough will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of its service line.
The customer's service line, beyond the Borough's service line, shall be installed and maintained by the customer at his expense.
The customer's service line shall be installed as a continuous length of pipe and shall meet Borough specifications.
When a customer desires to change in location or size of an existing service line, he shall bear the entire cost of the change, including the Borough's service line.
Although service line pressure may be undesirably low, the Borough shall be under no obligation to increase pressure by pumping or other means.
Each customer will be supplied through a separate metered service connection unless the Borough waives this requirement in written form.
In private developments, the Borough shall own and maintain the Borough sewer service line in the same manner as a publicly owned development.
No cross-connections of any type shall be allowed by the Borough.
[Ord. 683, 10/15/1987, § 8]
Conversions of existing industrial or commercial structures to a residential use, provided that the previous use has not lapsed by more than 30 months, may average the previous metered usage towards the proposed residential use for the purpose of computing the connection fees. Future residential use shall be calculated at 12,000 gallons per quarter for each premises.
Example: An existing industrial structure consumed 480,000 gallons in the four quarters prior to closing its operation. An applicant seeks to renovate this structure or include 20 apartment units. The connection fee for water and sewer services would by calculated as follows:
Four hundred eighty thousand gallons ÷ four quarters = 120,000 gallons per quarter.
Twelve thousand gallons per quarter ÷ 12,000 gallons = 10 units.
Twenty proposed units — 10 adjusted units = 10 units.
The applicant would pay $10,000 for water connections and $10,000 for sewer connections.
[Ord. 683, 10/15/1987, § 9]
Borough Council may, at its sole discretion, review and modify the sewer connection fees for a particular property when such an adjustment is in the overwhelming public good.