[Ord. 399, 4/19/1960, § I; as amended by Ord. 453, 10/15/1963, § 1; by Ord. 507, 10/17/1967, § I; by Ord. 524, 1/7/1969, § I; by Ord. 563, 4/17/1973, § 1; by Ord. 587, 7/15/1975, § 1; by Ord. 606, 3/31/1978, § 1; by Ord. 636, 12/17/1981, § I; by Ord. 679, 12/18/1986, § I; by Ord. 739, 4/15/1993, § I; by Ord. 791, 12/17/1998, § I; by Ord. 849, 9/16/2004; by Ord. 924, 10/21/2010; by Ord. 965, 12/18/2014; by Ord. 971, 12/17/2015; by Ord. No. 1003, 12/2/2021; by Ord. No. 1012, 12/21/2023]
There is hereby imposed upon all owners of property located within the Borough of Elizabethtown which are connected to and have use of Borough sewers, sewerage system and sewage treatment plant, hereinafter collectively called "sewer system," an annual sewer rental, effective April 1, 1978, and thereafter, and which shall be due and payable quarterly in accordance with the schedule of rates and classifications hereinafter set forth:
Private Dwellings or Living Units.
Each single-family dwelling unit: $120 per quarter.
Each apartment unit: $120 per quarter.
Commercial and Industrial and Other Nonresidential Users.
Sanitary Sewage. The quarterly sewer rents or charges for all commercial or industrial users, including without limitation, retail gas stations with or without car washing facilities, laundromats, bowling alleys, motel and hotel units, restaurants, bars, grocery stores, drug stores or pharmacies, nursing homes, private clubs, photofinishers, swimming pools, hospitals, retail stores, beauty salons, barber shops, funeral homes, financial institutions, office buildings, theaters, municipal buildings, dry cleaners, coin-operated car washes and bakeries, shall be based on the volume or quantity of water used as evidenced by meter readings of water meters installed by the water supplier for the purpose of measuring water purchased from such water supplier or such other meters or measuring devices as may be installed or otherwise determined pursuant to the provisions of this Part, and shall be subject to the minimum charges hereinafter provided, all as follows:
Quarterly rate: $0.0105 per gallon per quarter.
Minimum charge per quarter: $120 per quarter.
Sanitary Sewage Users Who Have Purchased Reserved Capacity. The quarterly sewer rate or charges for all industrial establishments and nonresidential users who have purchased reserved capacity in the treatment works shall be the proportion of the total cost to the Borough of operating the wastewater treatment plant (including applicable administrative costs but excluding debt service cost) equal to the ratio of the user's total recorded flow of wastewater to the total recorded flow of all industrialized and sanitary wastewater from all sources discharged into the facility. The charge shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula:
The charge shall be determined by multiplying the total operation and maintenance cost of the treatment works (excluding the Borough's debt service) by the ratio of the user's total recorded flow of wastewater to the total recorded flow of all industrial and sanitary wastewater from all Borough customers through the treatment works.
A = B x C/D
User's basic operation and maintenance charge
Total operation and maintenance cost of the treatment works exclusive of all principal or interest payable by the Borough because, on account of, or by reason of any outstanding obligation of the Borough
User's total recorded quarterly wastewater flow through the treatment works
Total recorded quarterly wastewater flow through the treatment works
Surcharge. In addition, a surcharge shall be imposed for any industrial waste which the Borough consents to accept into the sewer system which has a total suspended solids concentration in excess of 250 milligrams per liter or a total biochemical oxygen demand concentration in excess of 250 milligrams per liter or an oil and grease concentration in excess of 80 milligrams per liter, and the charge for treatment of such industrial waste shall be computed in accordance with the following formula:
Total Charge = Q + [0:01 Q(TSS-250)] + [0.01 Q(BOD-250)] + [0.01 Q(OG-80)]
Quarterly metered charge
Total suspended solids in milligrams per liter
Biochemical oxygen demand in milligrams per liter
Oils/grease in milligrams per liter
Nutrient Surcharge. Due to the addition of nutrient limits to the Borough's NPDES wastewater discharge permit, a nutrient surcharge shall be imposed for any industrial waste which the Borough consents to accept into the sewer system which has a total nitrogen concentration in excess of 40 milligrams per liter and a total phosphorus concentration in excess of 10 milligrams per liter, and the charge for treatment of such industrial waste shall be computed in accordance with the following formula:
Total Nutrient Surcharge = Q + [0.01 Q(NITROGEN-40)] + [0.01 Q(PHOSPHORUS-10)]
Quarterly metered charge
Total nitrogen concentration in milligrams per liter
Total phosphorus concentration in milligrams per liter
Mixed Usage. In case of a combination of one or more private dwellings or living units with one or more commercial or industrial establishments in one building or structure, such unit and such establishment having the use of the sewer system through one sewer connection, then the sewer rentals and charges shall be determined as follows:
A quarterly flat rate of $120 per quarter shall be imposed for each private dwelling or each living unit.
The nonresidential fraction of the total combined discharge shall be determined using the rate schedule in Subsection B of this section allowing a credit of 15,000 gallons per quarter per residential unit included in the combined total.
In no case shall the quarterly charge be less than the total number of residential and nonresidential units multiplied by a rate of $120 per quarter.
Where a single building or structure contains a multipurpose commercial or industrial use and each unit and establishment has its own separate connection to the sewer system, then the metered charges and rentals shall be based on each separate connection as if each unit and establishment were located in a separate structure.
Definitions. Unless the contest specifically and clearly indicated otherwise, the meanings of the terms used in this Part shall be as follows:
Any structure or portion thereof intended to be used wholly or in part for the purpose of carrying on a trade, business or profession of for social, amusement, charitable or public uses. In a structure where the individual offices or similar units share sanitary facilities, those units sharing the same facilities shall be considered as one establishment.
Any structure or portion thereof intended to be used wholly or in part for the manufacturing, fabricating, processing, cleaning, laundering or assembling of any product, commodity or article. In a structure where the individual units share sanitary facilities, those units sharing the same facilities shall be considered as one such establishment.
Any solid, liquid or gaseous substance or water borne wastes or form of energy ejected or escaping from any industrial, manufacturing, trade or business process or from the development, recovery or processing of natural resources as distinct from sanitary sewage.
Any structure or building which contains a combination of one or more dwelling or living units with a commercial or industrial establishment or a combination of a commercial establishment with an industrial establishment.
Any structure or building which contains a combination of one or more dwelling or living units with a commercial or industrial establishment or a combination of a commercial establishment with an industrial establishment.
Any structure intended to be occupied as a whole by one family, or an apartment intended to be occupied by one family, or a one-family living unit containing plumbing for kitchen or toilet facilities.
The normal water-carried household and toilet wasted from residences, business building, institutions and commercial or industrial establishments.
Any public agency or private company furnishing water service to the particular property connected to the sewer system.
Measuring Volume or Quantity.
Methods of Measuring Volume or Quantity. Whenever a person purchasing all water used from the water supplier discharges sanitary sewage and/or industrial waste into the sewer system, the volume of water used, as determined from meter readings, made by, or made available to the Borough, shall be used in computing the sewer rentals.
In cases where persons have sources of water supply in addition to, or other than from, the water supplier and discharge sanitary sewage and/or industrial waste into the sewer system the Borough may require owner to furnish and install at owner's cost and expense, a meter on such additional or other source of supply. The total amount of water used as shown by these meter readings will be used in computing the sewer rentals.
In cases where persons (a) use water from the water supplier and/or from any other source and (b) all or any part of the water so used in not discharged into the sewer system, the quantity of water used to determine the sewer rentals shall be computed by one of the following methods:
Method No. 1. By placing a meter or measuring device on the sewer connection. The readings from this meter or measuring device shall be used in computing the sewer rentals.
Method No. 2. By placing a meter or measuring device on the effluent or waste water not discharging into the sewer system. The reading from this meter or measuring device will then be deducted from the total water meter readings and the remainder will be used in computing the sewer rentals.
Method No. 3. When in the opinion of the Borough Manager it is not desirable or practical to install devices to continuously determine the quantity of water discharged to the sewer system, the Borough Manager will determine, in such manner and by such method as he may prescribe, the percentage of metered water and waste discharged into the sewer system and the quantity of water used to compute the sewer rentals shall be the percentage so determined of the quantity measured by the water meter or meters, or may determine the appropriate sewer rental in any other manner which he may deem appropriate; provided however, that any sewer rental established by this Method No. 3 shall be reasonable in light of sewer rentals determined by other methods established hereunder. Any dispute as to the estimated amount shall be submitted to Borough Council after notice of the estimate, whose decision on the matter shall be final for the current calendar year.
Measuring Devices. All water supply, meters or water supply measuring devices not provided by the water supplier but otherwise used under the provisions of this Part shall be furnished and installed by owner, at owner's own cost and expense. All sewage meters and sewage measuring devices used under the provisions of this Part shall be used only upon the election of the owner and with the consent of the Borough. All sewage meters and sewage measuring devices shall be furnished and installed by the owner, at the owner's cost and expense. All meters and measuring devices shall be under the control of the Borough and may be tested, inspected or repaired by Borough employees whenever deemed necessary. The owner shall be responsible for maintenance and safekeeping of all meters or measuring devices and all repairs thereto shall be made by the Borough at the property owner's expense, whether such repairs are made necessary by ordinary wear and tear or other causes. Bills for such repairs shall be due and payable at the same time and collected in the same manner as are Bills for sewer services.
Meter Readings. The Borough shall be responsible for the reading of all meters or measuring devices, unless such readings are otherwise made available to the Borough by the water supplier, and such meters shall be made available to Borough employees for meter reading at any reasonable time.
[Ord. 399, 4/19/1960, § II; as amended by Ord. 900, 11/20/2008; by Ord. No. 1003, 12/2/2021; by Ord. No. 1012, 12/21/2023]
All billings for sewer rentals shall be rendered quarterly on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year and shall be subject to a 10% penalty if not paid within 30 days from the date of the invoice.
The annual rental or charge imposed under this Part if not paid shall be a lien against the property served, and the lien thereof shall be preserved by the Borough against the property served by filing in the office of the Prothonotary, all as now is or may in the future be provided by law.
[Ord. 399, 4/19/1960, § III]
The Borough reserves the right to refuse connection to the sewer system, to compel discontinuance of the use of any sewer, or to compel pretreatment of industrial wastes deemed harmful to the sewer system or sewage treatment plant.
[Ord. 399, 4/19/1960, § IV]
The Borough's representative shall have access at all times to industrial establishments and any meters used for establishing or determining volumes of sewage and/or waste water discharged into the sewer system.