[Amended 10-9-2012]
Before a license pursuant to this article is granted, the applicant
must file with the Town Engineer's office an acceptable letter of
credit, in the sum of $5,000, made out on a form provided by the Engineer's
office for the purpose, by a regular indemnity or surety company authorized
to transact business in the state and approved by the Town Engineer.
A cash deposit of $2,500 must be maintained at all times to
cover the costs of street opening repairs. As the account is drawn
down to 50% or less, no additional permits shall be issued until the
account is returned to the required amount. A deposit in excess of
the minimum required may be made to cover several anticipated excavations
or trench excavations.
The applicant for a license pursuant to this article shall file
his business address and the telephone number at which he may be reached
in case of emergency with the Town Engineer's office and shall notify
such office promptly of any change therein. Any orders or notices
that the Town Engineer's office may have to give to such applicant,
if mailed to the address as filed, shall be considered as due notice
delivered to him personally and shall relieve the Town of further
obligation in the matter.
All licenses under this article will expire on January 1 next
following their date of issue, unless sooner revoked, and a new application
must be made in all respects like the first, and a new license obtained
before any work can be performed thereafter by the licensee. If licensing
occurs after July 1, the license fee shall be prorated.
No one but a contractor, duly licensed by the Town Engineer
or governmental agency or public service company, shall do any work
upon any public right-of-way in the Town. Further, the licensed contractor
shall supervise work being done at all times. This section shall not
prevent the making of, without such license, temporary or minor repairs
by the owner of the abutting property.
No licensed contractor or abutting property owner shall transfer
his license or permit under this chapter to any other person for any
purpose whatsoever.
No permittee shall commence work on a public right-of-way until
such line and grade or the location of buried utilities has been marked.
Notice must be given at the office of the Town Engineer not less than
48 hours, excepting weekends and holidays, before starting any work
for which line, grade or the location of buried utilities, or any
other pertinent information is required to be obtained prior to commencing
work. If any stakes or marks are moved or lost, the permittee shall
not proceed without them but shall notify the office of the Town Engineer
and request their replacement. Any work which is not true to line
and grade shall be ordered by the Town Engineer to be removed and
shall be replaced by the permittee.
Where, in the opinion of the Town Engineer, a test pit or pits are required to ascertain subsurface conditions, they shall be provided by the permittee prior to performing the permitted work at no expense to the Town. The excavation, backfill, and restoration for test pits shall be in accordance with Article
III of this chapter, as applicable.
Exceptions to this article are as follows:
A. The Town Engineer shall waive all requirements concerning licensing,
bond and insurance where work is to be performed by the employees
of any governmental agency or public service company. Nothing in this
section, however, shall be deemed to waive permits. Any such agency
or company, except under this subsection, shall be considered a licensed
contractor for the purpose of this chapter.
B. None of the provisions of this chapter shall apply to any work performed
by the employees of any public service company in connection with
the installation, maintenance, repair, replacement or relocation of
utility poles owned by any public service company, nor to the erection
of any temporary protective warning signs or devices.
C. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the making
of any necessary excavation or the performance of any work related
thereto by any public service company in the event of an emergency.
Any person who violates provisions of Article
II through
IX of this chapter shall pay a civil penalty for each offense. Each day that the violation exists or continues shall be deemed a separate offense. In any action brought by the Town to collect such civil penalties and/or to enforce this chapter by means of injunction, the violator shall be liable for costs of suit including reasonable attorney's fees. Fines are listed in the Fine Schedule, §
37-2 of this Code, and posted in the Town of Southington website.