[Added 7-28-2008]
Every owner of land in the Renaissance Zone District in the Town of Southington whose premises fronts on a sidewalk and who desires to participate in the Renaissance Zone Program either to improve the sidewalk area in front of his/her property or who is required to repair either by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Town Engineer's Office shall qualify for said program.
Under the Renaissance Zone Program, the property owner either making voluntary or necessary repairs shall be entitled to reimbursement pursuant to § 364-2A of this chapter. Plus, all additional costs for the Renaissance upgrade shall be borne by the Town of Southington; specifically, the property owner will be required to pay 60% of the cost of installation of a new standard sidewalk and the Town of Southington shall contribute 40% of the cost of a new standard sidewalk and the cost of all additional beautification as determined by the Town Engineer, including but not limited to brick pavers and granite curbing. Nothing in this article shall prohibit the Town Council from negotiating special payment provisions when, in its opinion, the beautification being required by the Town will generate additional cost to the applicant. If the applicant is proposing additional construction or improvements not required by the Town, the applicant shall bear such additional costs unless a special payment is requested and approved by the Town Council.
This program shall not be eligible to properties whose sidewalk improvements were required by the Planning and Zoning Commission through the site plan application process.
A map outlining the Renaissance Zone shall be approved by the Town Council and shall be considered a part of this article.