The fiscal year of the City shall be the same as the municipal year.
The Common Council shall raise annually by tax upon the real and personal property assessable in the City in each year such moneys as it shall deem necessary and appropriate for any public or municipal purpose. Unless otherwise provided in this Charter or other provision of law, all expenses incurred or authorized shall be borne by the City as a whole. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter or other provision of law, expenditures for the Bureau of Fire, streetlighting, repair and maintenance of storm and sanitary sewers, tree removal and snow removal in the corporation tax district, and any new or additional services or benefits which shall be available only to the corporation tax district, shall be raised by tax upon the real and personal property assessable in the corporation tax district. The Common Council shall apportion the moneys to be raised by tax among the several City funds, as established by this Charter or other provision of law, and the City Comptroller shall state and keep his accounts of the funds accordingly.
[Amended 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[1]]
On or before the 30th day of October of each year, the City Manager shall submit to the Common Council a proposed budget and capital program, together with a message concerning the same for the ensuing fiscal year.
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
The budget message shall:
Describe the important features.
Enumerate the specific funds to be charged against the City as a whole, the specific funds to be charged against the corporation tax district and the specific funds to be charged against special districts.
Outline the proposed work and capital program.
Point out any major changes from the current fiscal year in financial policies, expenditures and revenues, together with the reasons for such changes.
Summarize the City's debt position.
Include such other material as the City Manager deems advisable.
[Amended 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
The proposed budget shall provide a complete financial plan of all City functions and activities for the ensuing fiscal year. It shall enumerate those funds which are to be borne by the City as a whole and those funds which are to be chargeable only against the corporation tax district or special districts. The budget shall be in such form as the City Manager deems advisable or as the Common Council may direct, but shall include the following:
[Amended 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[1]]
Actual revenues and expenditures of the preceding fiscal year and actual and estimated revenues of the current fiscal year.
A capital program which shall include a clear general summary of its contents; a list of all capital improvements which are proposed to be undertaken during the ensuing five fiscal years with supporting information as to necessity, cost estimate, method of financing, affect of operation and maintenance upon the budget, and recommended time schedules and the specific capital program to be instituted or carried out during the ensuing fiscal year, stating the amount to be paid by direct budgetary appropriation and the amount to be financed, if any, and the method thereof.
All estimated revenues and proposed expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year, including detailed estimates of revenue from all sources and the amount proposed to be raised from the tax levy upon real estate.
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
The proposed expenditures shall be itemized as follows:
Each office, department, board, bureau, commission and agency shall be listed separately, showing the proposed amount for salaries and wages, supplies and other expenditures and the total thereof.
Reserve for uncollected taxes.
Debt service.
Judgments and settlements outstanding and not covered by insurance.
Special funds and purposes not otherwise contained in the budget.
Anticipated deficit, if any, of the current fiscal year.
Contingency fund for the City as a whole and contingency fund for the corporation tax district.
Immediately after presentation of the proposed budget to the Common Council, said budget shall be filed in the City Clerk's office, and sufficient copies of the same and the budget message shall be made available for distribution to the public. The proposed budget shall be a public record and shall be open to inspection by the public during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office.
A public hearing on the proposed budget shall be held before the Common Council at the date, time and place determined by the Common Council but not later than four weeks after its submission. The public notice shall specify:
The date, time and place of the public hearing.
The total amount of the proposed budget.
The amount thereof to be raised by taxes.
The anticipated tax rate per thousand of assessed valuation for the City as a whole and for the corporation tax district.
That copies of the proposed budget are available to the public in the City Clerk's office during regular business hours. The public notice shall be published in the official newspapers of the City by the City Clerk not less than five days prior to the date of the public hearing.
The Common Council shall meet and hold the public hearing at the date, time and place specified in the public notice.
After conclusion of the public hearing, the Common Council shall consider the adoption of the proposed budget and may adjourn from time to time until it has fully considered and reviewed the proposed budget.
The Common Council may add new programs or amounts and may increase, decrease or strike out programs or amounts. Expenditures required by law, for debt service, for estimated deficit or estimate of revenues may not be changed except to correct omissions or mathematical errors.
The Common Council may, however, decrease the amount of the tax levy for the ensuing fiscal year as proposed in said budget in proportion to such decrease in the total expenditures as it may have determined. If the Common Council shall increase the total expenditures, such increase shall be included in the amount to be raised by taxes.
Upon the completion of the consideration and review of the proposed budget, the Common Council shall adopt a resolution approving the budget in the final form approved by it and shall forthwith adopt an appropriation resolution. The appropriation resolution shall be passed on the budget as adopted but need not be itemized further than by each office, board, bureau, department, commission, agency, fund and program. As soon as practicable after the Board of Supervisors of Madison County shall file a resolution with the City Clerk ascertaining and directing the amount of tax to be levied in the City for state and county purposes, the Common Council shall pass a resolution making a levy upon all real and personal property situate in the City liable to taxation in the ensuing fiscal year for City, state and county purposes.
Upon the adoption of the budget, the appropriation resolution and the tax levy resolution, the City Clerk shall file a certified copy of each with the City Chamberlain.
No payment shall be made and no obligation incurred by any official of the City against any appropriation unless there is a sufficient unexpended and unencumbered balance in the appropriation. Every expenditure or obligation authorized or incurred in violation of these provisions shall be void and any payment so made shall be deemed illegal. All officers who shall knowingly authorize or make such payment shall be jointly and severally liable to the City for the full amount so paid and such action shall be cause for removal.
If, at any time during the fiscal year, the City Manager shall ascertain that the revenues for the City as a whole or for the corporation tax district, including any surpluses from the preceding year, will be less than the total appropriations, he shall order the reduction of expenditures in those appropriations that he deems advisable. No later than the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Common Council, he shall report such action and the Common Council may, by resolution, confirm, modify or amend the action of the City Manager or take such other appropriate action as it deems necessary to handle the deficit.
[Amended 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
Transfer of appropriations. The Common Council, upon request of the head of a department, office, board, bureau, commission or agency, may at any time transfer any unencumbered appropriations, balance or portion thereof within a department, office, board, bureau, commission or agency. The Common Council may by resolution transfer from the contingency fund or any unencumbered appropriation, balance or portion thereof, from one department, office, board, bureau, commission or agency to another.
Supplemental appropriations. Upon recommendation of the City Manager and certification by the City Comptroller that the funds to be appropriated are not needed for the purpose of preventing a deficit for the fiscal year, the Common Council may, by resolution passed by a 2/3 vote of all of the Councilmen, appropriate any unanticipated revenue received during the fiscal year for the use of any department, office, board, bureau, commission, agency, program, City object or purpose.
[Amended 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
Capital program. The Common Council may, by resolution passed by a 2/3 vote of all of the Councilmen, add, modify or abandon projects or may modify the methods of financing. No capital project shall be authorized or undertaken unless it is included in the capital program as adopted or amended.
Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions, the Common Council shall have the power to borrow money, to make additional appropriations and to exercise all other powers and control over the financial affairs of the City pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law or other provisions of law. Except as otherwise provided by law, the Common Council shall exercise the powers enumerated in this section by resolution of the Common Council by a 2/3 vote of all of the Councilmen.
[Amended 6-1-1982 by L.L. No. 4-1982; 3-2-1990 by L.L. No. 1-1990; L.L. No. 2-1993; L.L. No. 1-1994; L.L. No. 4-1996; 12-19-2000 by L.L. No. 6-2000; 7-16-2013 by L.L. No. 4-2013]
Limitations, qualifications and procedure. Bond resolutions providing for the issuance of bonds in a principal amount exceeding $1,000,000 shall be subject to mandatory referendum after such resolutions have been adopted by the Common Council.
Qualified voters shall be those who are qualified to vote for the election of officers of the City.
All such resolutions shalt be submitted to the qualified electors at a special election. Except as expressly provided in this section, such election shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Election Law of the State of New York.
Notice of such referendum shall be given by publication once in each week for three successive weeks in the official newspapers of the City, the first publication to be at least 21 days prior to such special election. The Common Council, by resolution, shall designate the hours of voting and the polling places, and the notice of special election shall set forth the purpose of the special election, the date of the election, the location of the polling places, the hours of voting and qualifications of voters.
The election inspectors shall canvass the votes immediately after closing the polls and make a certificate signed by them stating the number of votes cast and the number of votes for and against the proposition and deliver the same to the City Clerk, together with the registers and poll books. The City Clerk shall deliver the same to the Common Council at its next meeting.
The Common Council shall meet at the Council chambers on the day following such referendum and shall examine and tabulate the statements of the result of the special election. The Common Council shall canvass the returns contained in such statements and shall determine the number of votes cast on such propositions and shall declare the result of the canvass. If the proposition shall receive a majority of the votes cast, it shall be declared adopted.
Exceptions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to bond resolutions authorizing the issuance of bonds for the payment of judgments, or compromised or settled claims against the City pursuant to a determination by a court, or an officer, body or agency acting in an administrative or quasi-judicial capacity, or to provide disposal or treatment facilities required by an order of the State Commissioner of Health or of the State Commissioner of Environmental Conservation directing compliance with standards, determinations or orders promulgated pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law, § 17-0101 et seq., for water pollution and wastewater issues and Article 11, § 1107, of the Public Health Law for water supply issues to prevent pollution of the waters of the state or the payment of the costs of sanitary sewer installations where special assessments are to be levied against the benefited property for such improvements.
Any portion of an annual appropriation, except an appropriation for a capital improvement, remaining unexpended and encumbered at the close of the fiscal year shall lapse. An appropriate appropriation for a capital improvement shall continue in force until the purpose for which it was made has been accomplished or abandoned; the purpose of any such appropriation shall be deemed abandoned if three years pass without any expenditure from, or encumbrance of, the appropriation.
[Amended 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[1]]
There shall be a Department of Finance which shall be headed by the City Comptroller. The City Manager shall appoint the City Comptroller. The City Comptroller shall be the chief fiscal officer of the City and shall have and possess all the powers and duties as such as provided in this Charter or other provisions of law.
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
The City Comptroller shall:
Have charge of the administration of all the financial affairs of the City except as otherwise provided in this Charter or other provision of law.
Maintain and supervise the general accounting system of the City in accordance with the uniform system of accounts prescribed by the state comptroller.
Examine and audit the accounts of all officers of the City and all persons indebted to the City, and certify the condition of such accounts prescribed and controlled.
Be responsible for the issuance of receipts to be used by all offices, departments, boards, bureaus, commissions and agencies of the City.
Have supervision over and be responsible for the disbursement of all City funds.
Submit the annual financial statement of the City to the State Comptroller and provide such other statements or reports as may be required from time to time by the City Manager, the Common Council or as otherwise prescribed by law.
[Amended 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
Have custody over the investment and management of all City funds unless otherwise provided in this Charter or other provision of law.
Serve as purchasing agent for the City, and he shall contract for and purchase all supplies, materials, equipment and services required by any office, department, board, bureau, commission or agency of the City pursuant to rules and regulations established by the Common Council and except for professional and technical services and public works contracts. All purchases made and contracts executed by the City Comptroller shall be pursuant to an approved request from the head of the office, department, board, bureau, commission, agency, or their designee, whose appropriation is to be charged; provided, however, that in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Common Council, the City Comptroller may make purchases in advance of needs or in bulk amounts where such practices would result in economy or improved efficiency.
[Amended 10-7-2014 by L.L. No. 7-2014; 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[2]]
Under the supervision of the City Manager and Common Council, he shall:
Establish specifications for supplies, materials and equipment to be purchased by the City.
Determine financial responsibility of all bidders and such prerequisites for determining the qualification of bidders.
Prescribe the time and period for which purchasing requests are to be made.
[Amended 10-7-2014 by L.L. No. 7-2014]
Inspect or cause to be inspected all supplies, materials and equipment and, if necessary, to cause tests to be made as soon as practicable after receipt of the same and to determine if they comply with all requirements and specifications.
Supervise, control and maintain any central supply office as may be provided by the Common Council; when authorized by the Common Council, to enter into cooperative purchasing agreements with other governmental agencies.
Transfer, with approval of the Common Council, to or between offices, departments, boards, bureaus, commissions and agencies any supplies, materials and equipment or to sell the same if determined to be unneeded, surplus or obsolete.
Any supplies, materials or equipment purchased in advance of actual need shall remain in the custody of the City Comptroller for delivery to the office, department, board, bureau, commission or agency until its use is required. The City Comptroller shall keep records of all purchases made by him and of the ultimate destination or use of such material, equipment or supplies. The City Comptroller shall cause to be kept and inventoried all municipal property in his custody; and it shall be the duty of each officer or employee having municipal property in his custody to keep an inventory of such property and to furnish a copy thereof to the City Comptroller on request.
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
Assist the City Manager and Common Council in preparing the annual City budget.
[Amended 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[3]]
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
Perform such other similar and related duties as may be assigned to him by the City Manager or the Common Council.
[Amended 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[4]]
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
[Added 12-19-2000 by L.L. No. 6-2000]
The Deputy City Comptroller shall:
Assist the City Comptroller in the performance of her duties.
Perform such other duties as directed by the City Comptroller.
The City Chamberlain shall:
Receive and have custody of all public funds belonging to or handled by the City.
Collect all taxes, assessments, license fees and other revenues of the City for whose collection the City is responsible, except those payable by law to the City Clerk or as otherwise provided in this Charter or other provision of law.
Deposit all funds coming into his hands in such depositories as may be designated by resolution of the Common Council, subject to the requirements of law as to depositories and depository's undertakings.
Require reports of receipts and disbursements from all offices, departments, boards, bureaus, commissions and agencies of the City at such intervals as he may deem it advisable or as otherwise required by law.
Perform all the duties required by this Charter or other provision of law and such other additional and related duties as the Common Council may direct.
Editor's Note: Former Section 5.18, Powers and duties of Deputy City Chamberlain, was repealed 7-2-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the City Comptroller may establish a petty cash fund and may make payments therefrom, prior to audit of claims, for purchases and disbursements certified by the head of a City office, department, board, bureau, commission or agency to be a valid claim. No payment from such fund shall be in excess of $100, and in the event that said claim is disallowed after audit, the person certifying the same shall be required to immediately reimburse the City, and upon failure to do so, the amount of the claim shall be deducted from the salary of such person.
All purchases shall be made in conformity with the provisions of the General Municipal Law and such further and additional regulations as may be imposed by ordinance of the Common Council.
All contracts for public works and capital improvements shall comply with the provisions of the General Municipal Law and such other and additional rules and regulations established by the Common Council. All such contracts shall be approved and awarded by the Common Council. The Common Council in its discretion may reject any or all bids and order the readvertising for new bids or direct that the Department of Public Works execute the work or improvement.
Every claim for the payment of money shall be in writing and itemized. It shall also contain a statement that the service was actually rendered, the disbursement actually and necessarily made, the supplies or equipment actually delivered or other appropriate statement that the consideration has passed to the City. The City Comptroller may require claims to be verified. A written contract for the payment of money at stated amounts and at stated intervals shall be deemed a certified or verified claim, as required by the City.
[Amended 7-2-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013]
Every claim for the payment of money shall be audited by the Common Council or by such other officer or employee designated by it. Disbursement shall be made from any funds of the City either by check signed by the City Comptroller and countersigned by the City Manager or by means of electronic transmission using a secure account.
[Amended 7-16-2013 by L.L. No. 4-2013; 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
Approval of payment of the claim shall also be made in writing by the respective head of the various department, office, board, bureau, agency or other administrative unit of the City against whose account the claim is made.
All claims shall be audited by the Common Council prior to payment unless otherwise provided by this Charter or by resolution of the Common Council.
[Amended 10-7-2014 by L.L. No. 7-2014]
All purchases made and contracts executed by the City Comptroller shall be pursuant to an approved request from the head of the department or their designee, board, bureau, agency, commission, office, or other administrative unit whose appropriation is to be charged except as otherwise provided in this Charter.
The City Comptroller may, under the direction of the Common Council, establish rules and regulations pertaining to the time, mode, form and other related matters for the making of purchasing requests.
[Amended 2-20-2018 by L.L. No. 2-2018; 11-1-2021 by L.L. No. 10-2021; 7-18-2023 by L.L. No. 6-2023[1]]
The City of Oneida shall have one Assessor appointed by the City Manager for a six-year term, which office of Assessor shall be classified in the noncompetitive class of the civil service. The Assessor may also be employed in any other position by the City not incompatible with the office of Assessor. The Assessor shall meet all of the minimum qualification standards as required by the Real Property Tax Law. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, the Assessor shall possess all the powers and duties of an Assessor as provided in the Real Property Tax Law.
Editor's Note: This local law was subject to mandatory referendum and approved by the electors of the City of Oneida 11-7-2023.
[Amended by L.L. No. 1-1992]
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, the assessment procedure shall be as prescribed by the Real Property Tax Law.
The assessment roll shall be prepared so as to show separately the assessed parcels of real property within and without the corporation tax district, the name or number of any special district in which special ad valorem levies are made for district purposes and each special franchise, together with the date of payment and such other items and details as may be required.
The taxable status of real property shall be determined annually as of the first day of May.
On or before the first day of June, the Assessor shall complete the tentative assessment roll and shall file the same and cause notice thereof to be published in the manner prescribed by the Real Property Tax Law.
[Amended by L.L. No. 1-1992]
There shall be a Board of Assessment Review appointed by the Mayor to consist of three members who shall be appointed in accordance with the Real Property Tax Law and shall have all the powers and duties prescribed therein. Each appointment shall be subject to the majority affirmative vote of the total voting power of the City of Oneida Common Council. Compensation for each member of the Board of Assessment Review shall be established by resolution of the Common Council.
[Amended 12-1-2015 by L.L. No. 4-2015[1]; 7-2-2024 by L.L. No. 3-2024]
Editor's Note: This local law provided an effective date of 1-1-2016.
Beginning on the second Tuesday of June and so many days thereafter as the Board of Assessment Review deems necessary, such Board shall meet to hear complaints in relation to assessments, in the manner prescribed by law.
[Amended by L.L. No. 1-2001]
[Amended 2-19-2013 by L.L. No. 1-2013]
Consistent with the provisions of the Real Property Tax Law and the Municipal Home Rule Law, for the purpose of enabling the Assessor to prepare and perpetuate a more perfect record of the names of owners and claimants of real property within the City of Oneida, every deed of conveyance of lands in said City, or other instrument in writing, whereby the ownership of said lands shall be changed, made and executed after this local law takes effect, shall, before the same be received for record by the Clerk of the County of Madison, be presented at the office of the Assessor, who shall note the transfer of title upon their records. Such presentation to the Assessor shall be noted upon such deed or other written instrument. Each and every map or plat of lands within the City, showing a subdivision of such lands into blocks or lots, shall, before it shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Madison, or in any City office, be presented to the Assessor and copy thereof filed in the office of the Assessor. Such presentation to the Assessor shall be noted upon the original map or plat. The fee for recording the aforementioned deeds, written instruments, and maps or plat with the Assessor shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Common Council.
The Assessor shall file the original and two certified copies of the finally completed assessment roll in the office of the City Cleric on or before the first day of August.
On or before the fast day of September, the City Clerk shall deliver one certified copy to the Chairman or Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Madison.
The original assessment roll shall be delivered to the City Chamberlain as provided in Section 5.30.
The Board of Supervisors of Madison County shall in each year equalize the assessment within the City of Oneida with the assessments in the towns of said county, in the same manner as the assessments are required to be equalized between such towns. The Board of Supervisors shall not cause the state and county tax apportionment to said City to be spread upon any tax roll of property within the City, but shall, by resolution, ascertain and direct the amount of tax to be levied in the City for state and county purposes, and shall, on or before the 15th day of December in each year, certify such resolution under the hands of the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, to the Common Council of the City, and file such resolution with the City Clerk, and the City Chamberlain shall thereupon extend and apportion such tax on the assessment roll together with the City taxes levied as hereinafter provided, and no other extension and apportionment of such state and county taxes need be made.
The Common Council must annually cause to be levied and raised by general tax upon all taxable property, according to valuation upon the assessment roll for the current year, levying and apportioning the several amounts to be raised, upon the taxable property in the corporation tax district and in the entire City as authorized by and provided in this Charter and other provision of law:
The amount of taxes certified to the Common Council of the City by the Board of Supervisors to be assessed upon the entire City.
The amount of all interest and any installment of principal falling due upon the bonds or other obligations of the City, which shall be kept in a separate fund to be called "bond fund."
The amount necessary to defray the expenses for the next fiscal year as authorized and provided in this Charter and other provision of law.
[Amended 7-2-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013]
The City Chamberlain in accordance with the levy of taxes as finally adopted by the Common Council in each year, as soon as practicable thereafter, shall extend and apportion the taxes to be raised in the City on the original assessment roll delivered to the Chamberlain by the Madison County Hoard Supervisors, command the Chamberlain to extend, apportion, receive and collect the taxes from the persons or property therein mentioned or described with such percentage of penalty and interest as hereinafter provided in the manner provided by this Charter or as otherwise provided by law.
From the time the assessment roll and warrant are delivered to the City Chamberlain, all taxes assessed and levied upon any real estate shall be a lien upon such real estate for the amount thereof with percentage and interest until the same is fully paid.
[Amended by L.L. No. 4-1974; L.L. No. 4-1983; 7-15-2014 by L.L. No. 4-2014]
Immediately upon completion of the extension and apportionment of the City tax roll and pursuant to the warrant delivered to him, the City Chamberlain shall publish a notice in the official newspapers of the City, weekly for four consecutive weeks, that he will attend at his office with said roll and warrant after the first publication of said notice, Sundays, legal holidays and half holidays excepted, during the regular business hours, to receive the City, county and state taxes, and it shall be his duty to attend accordingly. All taxes or assessments paid within 30 days after the first publication of the City Chamberlain's notice shall be payable without fee, percentage or interest thereon. On all taxes or assessments remaining unpaid after the expiration of such 30 days, and within 60 days, the City Chamberlain shall collect 1% additional; on all remaining unpaid after the expiration of 60 days and within 90 days, he shall collect 5% additional; and all remaining unpaid after the expiration of 90 days from such publication shall bear, and there shall be collected thereon in addition to said 5%, interest at the rate of 1% per month from the expiration of said 90 days up to a maximum of 10%, which interest shall belong to the City.
In the event that any unpaid charge, including water and sewer charges, special assessment, lot mowing, sidewalk replacement, sewer lateral repair or any other miscellaneous charges billed to the property and remaining unpaid as of October 31 of each year, shall be relevied pursuant to the provisions of this Charter or any other provision of law, there shall be added, to the amount then due and owing, a surcharge in the amount of 10% thereof, which said surcharge shall be collected in the same manner as set forth in this Charter.[1]
Editor's Note: The third unnumbered paragraph of Section 5.31, dealing specifically with taxes for fiscal year 1975, which immediately followed this paragraph, was repealed 12-19-2000 by L.L. No. 6-2000.
Immediately upon receiving any tax, the City Chamberlain shall enter in a column prepared for the purpose, and opposite the names of the persons paying the same, the fact of payment and the date thereof and shall give the person paying the same a receipt therefor. Any person may pay any one or more taxes or assessments upon his property, leaving others unpaid, to be enforced in the manner provided by this Charter or other provision of law. All receipts issued by the City Chamberlain for taxes paid to him shall be numbered consecutively, commencing with number "1" on the first receipt issued for taxes for any one year, and he shall not receipt for more than one year's taxes on the same property in one tax receipt; but shall use a separate and distinct series of numbers or receipts, issued for the taxes of each year for which the same is levied and assessed. All tax receipts shall be printed and numbered and firmly bound together in book form, in duplicate. and each duplicate to bear the same number.
[Amended 7-2-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013]
The City Chamberlain is hereby authorized and empowered to issue a warrant to any police officer of the City for the amount of any tax remaining unpaid for a period of 90 days. The officer to whom such warrant shall be delivered shall proceed as therein directed. Public notice of the time and place of sale of the property to be sold shall be given by posting the same in at least three public places in the City at least six days previous thereto. The officer conducting such sale shall return the proceeds thereof together with his warrant to the City Chamberlain within 15 days after the same shall have been issued to him. He shall be entitled to charge the same fee as the sheriff is entitled for collecting money by virtue of execution. If the proceeds of such sale shall be more than the amount of such tax, the fees of collection and the expenses of the sale, the surplus shall be paid to the person against whom the tax is assessed, unless his right thereto is disputed by some other persons, in which case such surplus shall remain in the hands of the City Chamberlain, without liability on his part or on that of the City for costs, until the rights of the parties thereto shall be determined by due process of law.
The City Chamberlain is hereby authorized and empowered to recover, by action in any court of competent jurisdiction, and in the corporate name of the City, the amount of every tax remaining unpaid after the expiration of 90 days, with the additions and fees unpaid thereon, and to recover judgment therefor with 12% interest thereon and the cost and expenses of such action. The City Judge shall have exclusive jurisdiction to try such action when the sum claimed does not exceed $500. A transcript of the judgment obtained in such action may be filed and such judgment docketed in the office of the Clerk of Madison County, and it shall, however small the amount, thereupon become a judgment of the County Court of said county, and a lien to the amount of said judgment upon all real estate of the judgment debtor situated in said county, and shall have the same priority over any other lien or encumbrance thereon, or transfer of the property charged with the tax sought to be recovered in said action. Upon any judgment recovered for said unpaid taxes and docketed in said County Clerk's office, execution may be issued and collected as provided by law, and all the provisions of law in reference to sale and redemption of real estate on execution or to proceedings supplementary to executions shall apply to sales, redemptions or such proceedings which may be had under this Charter.
On or before the 15th day of June next after any tax shall have been imposed upon any real estate in said City, the City Chamberlain shall make and deliver to the Assessor a transcript of any and all such taxes which remain unpaid, and it shall be the duty of the Assessor on or before the 15th day of July thereafter to make and deliver to the City Chamberlain a statement containing a brief general description of the location, boundary and estimated quantity of each parcel of said lands, and in case any such lands shall have been erroneously assessed, then it shall be the duty of the Assessor to make and include in said statement a corrected assessment at the same valuation as before, and such corrected assessment and amount of taxes levied upon said lands shall be as valid and effectual for all purposes as though they had originally been corrected.
Whenever any such tax, penalty or interest, or any part of either of them, shall remain unpaid on the first day of September, the City Chamberlain shall proceed on or before December 1 to advertise and sell the lands upon which the same was imposed for the payment of such tax, penalty or interest, or in part remaining unpaid, and the expense of such sale, as hereinafter prescribed, shall be also a charge upon such lands.
The City Chamberlain shall cause to be published a notice of such sale containing a description of the lands to be sold and specifying the time and place for sale, in the official newspapers of the City, once a week for at least three successive weeks, immediately prior to date of sale, and shall also post such notice of sale in at least three public places in the City at least 21 days before the day of sale. On the day named, the City Chamberlain shall commence the sale of such lands and shall continue such sale from day to day until the whole thereof shall be sold. Before the sale, the owner of any parcel of land or his representatives may avoid the sale thereof by paying the tax or taxes to the City Chamberlain with all accrued interest, fees, additions and expenses.
Each parcel shall be sold at public auction to the owner, his representatives or assigns or be bid in by the City Chamberlain in the name of the City for the gross amount of the taxes, plus interest, penalties and all other charges allowed by law with respect thereto. A purchaser on such sale, as permitted herein, shall make payment to the City Chamberlain immediately after each parcel is struck off. In default of such payment, the City Chamberlain shall offer the parcel for sale again to any eligible bidder, and if there is none, then said City Chamberlain shall bid in said parcel on behalf of the City as hereinbefore set forth. Any and all parcels so acquired by the City shall be under its care and control and may be leased or sold and conveyed by it. As soon as practicable after the sale, the City Chamberlain shall prepare and execute in duplicate, as to the parcel sold, a certificate of such sale describing the parcel purchased by a brief general description of the location, boundary and estimated quantity thereof and stating the fact of the sale, the name of the purchaser, the sum paid therefor, the amount due thereon at the time of the sale, the name of the person or persons against whom such tax was assessed and the name of the reputed owner thereof. One of said duplicates shall be delivered to the purchaser or, in the case the parcel was struck off to the City, then it shall be retained by the City Chamberlain. The City Chamberlain shall deliver the other duplicate certificate to the Clerk of the County of Madison, who shall file said certificate in his office and record the same in a book to be kept in said Clerk's office for that purpose, and shall index the certificate in the name of the person to whom the parcel was assessed, the name of the reputed owner thereof and in the name of the purchaser in the same book and manner as deeds are required by law to be indexed. The County Clerk shall be entitled to receive a fee of $1 for each certificate so filed and recorded, which fee shall be paid by the City Chamberlain and shall be a part of the expenses of the sale of the parcel. If from any cause the City Chamberlain shall be unable to attend at the time and place of sale, the Deputy City Chamberlain of said City may conduct the sale with the same force and effect as though made by the City Chamberlain.
The proceeds of the sale of each parcel, other than those struck off to the City, shall be applied to the payment of the expenses of the sale as herein provided and the extinguishment of the tax, penalty or interest for which it was sold. In case any taxes shall be assessed and levied on real estate which has been sold for taxes, subsequent to such sale and before the redemption thereof or conveyance thereof to the purchaser and the same shall be unpaid, the person redeeming shall pay the same; otherwise, the purchaser shall pay the same before he shall receive his conveyance of the same.
The owner of or any person interested in or having a lien upon any parcel or lot so sold may redeem the same from such sale at any time within two years by paying to the City Chamberlain for the use of the purchaser or his assigns the sum mentioned in the certificate as having been bid for the premises with interest thereon at the rate of 10% per annum from the day of the sale, together with any tax or assessment or other amount as shall have accrued thereon, with interest at the rate of 10% per annum upon such tax or assessment or other amount from the time of payment. In case of the redemption of any land sold for taxes, as herein provided, by the person who was the owner thereof at the time of the sale, the City Chamberlain shall give such owner a receipt for the amount paid by him to effect such redemption, and on the production thereof by such owner to him, the County Clerk shall cancel the certificate of sale by a proper entry at the foot of the record of such certificate in his office.
At least three months before the expiration of the time for the final redemption of any parcels or lots so sold, the City Chamberlain shall commence the publication of a notice of redemption from such sales, which shall show the year when the sale took place and the last day for the redemption of the lands not already redeemed by the owners, without other or further description, and such notice shall be published at least twice in each of said three months in the official newspapers of the City. The publication of such notice shall bar and preclude any and all persons except the purchaser on such sale or his assigns or the person finally redeeming from claiming any interest in or lien upon such lands or any part thereof, in case said lands shall not be redeemed from such sale herein before provided.
If any parcel or lot so sold shall not be redeemed as herein provided, the City Chamberlain, immediately after the expiration of the said two years, shall execute and deliver to the City or its assigns a conveyance of the real estate sold, which conveyance shall vest in the grantee an estate in fee. All purchases made for the City in any year shall be included in one conveyance, and no fee shall be charged therefor. Every such conveyance shall be executed by the City Chamberlain, and the execution thereof shall be acknowledged before some officer authorized to take and certify acknowledgments of instruments for record in said county, and such conveyance shall be conclusive evidence that the sale and subsequent proceedings were regular and presumptive evidence that all the previous proceedings were regular and according to law. Any such conveyance may be recorded in like manner and with like effect as any other conveyance of real estate. In case of failure to redeem within the time herein specified, the sale and conveyance thereof shall become absolute and the occupant and all other persons barred forever. The City or its assigns, as the case may be, shall be entitled to have and to possess the granted lands from and after the execution of such conveyance and may cause the occupants of such lands to be removed therefrom and the possession thereof delivered to it in the same manner and by the same proceedings and by and before the same officers as in the case of a tenant holding over after the expiration of his term without permission of his landlord.
It shall be the duty of the City Chamberlain to pay over to the County Treasurer of Madison County at the end of each month during the period that the tax roll and warrant is in his hands all moneys received by him for county and state taxes. He shall take duplicate receipts for each payment, one of which shall be immediately filed with the City Clerk. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, the City Chamberlain shall settle with the County Treasurer for state and county taxes in the manner required by law of town collectors. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, the existence of any order of a court of competent jurisdiction enjoining the collection of such taxes by the procedures provided in this Charter or the existence of a lien or liens against any premises subject to tax, which lien or liens have priority to the lien of the state and county tax uncollected by the City Chamberlain, at the expiration of the period for the collection of such tax shall operate to relieve the City Chamberlain and the City of Oneida from any liability for the payment to the County Treasurer of the uncollected tax assessed against such premises. The fact of the existence of such prior lien or liens shall be certified by the City Chamberlain to the County Treasurer at the time prescribed for the settlement of the taxes not so collected. The County Treasurer shall thereupon credit the City Chamberlain with the amount of such uncollected tax. Upon the final settlement with the County Treasurer, the City Chamberlain may pay from the general fund of the City the amount of the uncollected state and county taxes in his hands for collection and thereupon such taxes shall belong to the City of Oneida. At the time of the delivering to him of the assessment roll and tax warrants, the City Chamberlain shall receipt for the same and shall then be charged with the whole amount which he is thereby authorized to collect. He shall not be authorized to credit himself with any amount as unpaid on any warrant until he shall make and file with the City Clerk an affidavit stating the amount paid and setting forth the reason in each case why such tax or assessment is or has not been collected. The Common Council may thereupon order and authorize said City Chamberlain to credit himself with the whole or any part of said tax or assessment unpaid, and the City Chamberlain shall be credited only with such amount as the Common Council shall so order. Upon reporting to the Common Council, the City Chamberlain must show that he has duly settled with one County Treasurer for state and county funds.
The Common Council may, at its discretion, release, discharge, remit or commute any portion of the taxes assessed or levied against any person or property for any error, irregularity or omission in the levying of said taxes or in any of the proceedings relating to the same. In case any assessment shall remain unpaid on account of any assessment authorized by this Charter or the laws in force when such tax was levied, or in case of error in the description of lands or in the description of the owner or occupants, the Common Council may, in its discretion or upon the application of any person interested, proceed to correct such irregularity, omission or error or cancel, remit or commute such tax or cause the amount so unpaid to be reassessed on the property, the assessment against which remains unpaid, or upon the owner or occupant thereof, and the Common Council is hereby authorized and empowered to make such reassessment upon giving 10 days' personal notice thereof to the owner, agent or occupant of the property against which the amount remains so unpaid. The Common Council may direct the City Chamberlain to correct any irregularity, omission or error, and such reassessment or correction shall have the same effect as if the assessment had been properly made. But the Common Council shall not alter any valuation made by the Assessor. Any omission to comply with the provisions of this Charter in making an assessment or levying a tax or creating a lien shall not render such assessment or the tax levied thereunder or the assessment made or lien created thereby void, but shall be treated as an irregularity merely, and it shall be the duty of any and all courts, in case it shall appear that such irregularity exists, to direct the same to be corrected or amended or the omission supplied, if possible. In case any tax or assessment shall be void or have failed for want of jurisdiction or for any irregularity, mistake or inadvertence in levying or assessing the same, the Common Council shall have the power, and it shall be its duty, to cause the same to be reassessed in a proper manner. Any sum paid thereon shall be credited upon the tax so reassessed, and if the sum paid shall exceed the amount so reassessed, the excess shall be refunded to the person entitled thereto.
[Amended by L.L. No. 3-1974]
The Assessor shall have the power and be charged with the duty to carry out the purpose and intent of Economic Development Law, § 485 of the Real Property Tax Law and other applicable laws of the state to grant to business facility owners or operators exemption from taxes and special ad valorem levies to the extent provided in the aforesaid mentioned New York State laws. [Amended 12-19-2000 by L.L. No. 6-2000]
The Assessor shall determine the assessed value of the exemption pursuant to such state laws and shall grant as an exemption of 100% thereof for the first six years; 80% thereof for the seventh year; 60% thereof for the eighth year; 40% thereof for the ninth year; and 20% thereof for the 10th year, for a maximum of 10 years for each eligible business facility.