Note: The Sherill-Kenwood Water District, created by Chapter 512 of the Laws of 1920, as amended, is applicable to certain portions of the City.
The Common Council, upon a written petition or upon its own motion, after a public hearing as hereinafter provided, may provide for the furnishing of fire protection in the outside district or for any described portion or portions thereof.
Such petition shall be signed, acknowledged or proved in the same manner as a deed to be recorded by resident taxpayers owning taxable real property aggregating at least 1/2 of the assessed valuation of all the real property subject to taxation in such outside district, or described portion or portions thereof, as such valuations appear upon the latest completed assessment roll of the City at the time of the filing of such petition.
Whether such proposal for the furnishing of additional fire protection shall have been initiated by petition or by the Common Council, a public hearing on the proposal shall be held in the City. Notice of such hearing shall be published at least once in the official newspapers of the City, the first publication thereof to be not less than 10 days nor more than 20 days before the day designated therein for the hearing. Such notice shall contain a statement of the purpose of such hearing, a description of the portion or portions of the outside district in which it is proposed that such fire protection be furnished and shall specify the time when and the place where the Common Council will meet to consider such proposal and to hear all persons interested in the subject concerning the same.
After such hearing and upon the evidence given thereat, the Common Council, if such proposal was initiated by petition, shall determine whether the petition is signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law. If the Common Council shall determine that the petition is not signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law, it shall deny the petition. The Common Council shall also determine whether it is in the public interest to furnish such additional fire protection. If the Common Council shall determine such matters in the affirmative, it shall adopt an ordinance to provide for the furnishing of such additional fire protection.
[Amended by L.L. No. 1-1977]
The Common Council shall annually estimate the cost of furnishing fire protection to such fire protection district or districts as may be created hereunder, and the same shall be assessed and levied upon the improvements to the real property subject to taxation in such fire protection district and collected in the same manner at the same time and by the same officers as City taxes are assessed, levied and collected.
The Bureau of Fire of the City of Oneida shall furnish fire protection to such fire protection districts as may be organized hereunder.[1]
Note: There are no Sections 13.4 through 13.10.
The Common Council shall have the power, upon the application, in writing, of the property owners owning at least 2/3 of the number of feet fronting or abutting upon the street and along the line of any proposed improvement for the construction of an improved system of streetlighting, to establish such special lighting districts for the proposed system of streetlighting and from time to time may alter or extend the same, with full power to order such construction and installation and to enter into a contract for lighting in such district or districts so established or extended as it deems proper or expedient in the corporation tax district or outside district of the City.
The amount of any such contract that may be entered into for such special lighting, pursuant to the provisions of this section, shall be assessed, levied and collected upon and between the taxable property in said City and the district or districts, respectively, in the same manner and by the same officers as City taxes, charges or expenses for said City are now assessed, levied and collected.
The Common Council shall, by resolution, apportion the expenses that shall be borne by the property fronting or abutting upon the street and along the line of the proposed system or systems and the City at large, but in no event shall the property fronting or abutting upon the street or streets along the line of the proposed system or systems be charged less than 50% for such charges or expenses, nor more than the per centum specified in the application and agreed to by the property owner or owners.