[Adopted 7-10-1995; amended in its entirety 9-15-1998 (Ch. 15, Art. III, of the 1989 Code)]
[Amended 10-9-2012]
There shall be a Southington Enterprise and Economic Development Commission composed of 12 Town residents and the Town's Economic Developer, who shall serve as Chair, to serve as an advisory commission to the Town Council on matters of the economic growth of the Town and assist in the planning, implementation and management of the enterprise zone. Such commission shall also function as the municipal enterprise zone advisory committee and community enterprise zone board for the Town as required by Connecticut General Statutes, Chapter 585. Subcommittees shall be formed to pursue the goals and objectives of the Commission, including but not limited to:
Business retention;
Business recruitment;
Strategic planning and marketing of the Town for its economic constituents; and
Ongoing communication with the business community, the media and government regarding economic development matters.
The members of the Commission shall be appointed as provided in C.G.S. § 32-70d and shall serve terms of four years. The length of the initial terms shall be set by the Town Council to provide three vacancies to be filled each year. Members of the Commission may be removed by the Council in accordance with the provisions of the Town Charter. Members shall be required to attend meetings. In the event a member is absent three consecutive meetings, the Chairperson of the Commission shall contact that member. If a fourth meeting is missed, the Commission may recommend the removal of that member to the Town Council.
[Amended 10-9-2012]
The Town's Economic Developer shall serve as the Chair of this Commission. The Commission shall appoint its own Vice Chairperson and Secretary and establish its own rules and procedures for the conduct of its meetings with a copy of those rules filed in the office of the Town Clerk.
[Amended 10-9-2012]
The Economic Developer shall make an annual budgetary request to the Town Manager for the purposes of effectively carrying out its official duties. The Economic Developer shall submit in March of each year a written annual report to the Town Council of its activities with appropriate recommendations for improving the economic condition of the Town. The Commission/Economic Developer shall interact as necessary with other Town boards and commissions having an impact on economic development. The Commission may:
Conduct research into the economic conditions and trends in the Town;
Make recommendations to the Town Council, Town Manager or other related Town boards and commissions regarding action which may improve economic conditions locally;
Seek to improve the level of economic investment in the Town through business retention and recruitment activities; and
Coordinate activities, where appropriate, with other responsible community organizations which promote economic development; and
Perform the statutory duties required by Connecticut General Statutes, Chapter 585.
The Commission shall perform other duties related to economic development as assigned to it by the Town Council.