[Amended 12-11-1978]
Editor's Note: Former Art. I, In general, adopted 10-13-1993, as amended, which immediately preceded this article, was repealed 10-9-2012.
[Amended 3-13-1989; 7-14-1997]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
The registered owner of any motor vehicle found in violation of § 390-2.
To permit a motor vehicle to remain stationary upon the public highway, a Town parking lot or posted Town property, whether occupied or not, other than temporarily for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, receiving or discharging passengers or loading or unloading merchandise or goods, or in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals.
A parking lot, use of which is regulated by the Southington Town Parking or Housing Authority or which is situated on Town or school property.
[Amended 3-13-1989; 7-14-1977;11-8-1999; 10-9-2012]
It is not permitted to park a motor vehicle within the public way in the Town or as to Subsections A, D, G, H, J of this section within a Town parking lot and Subsections K and L of this section on posted Town property or a Town roadway as indicated in Subsection M of this section. Fines are listed in the Fine Schedule, § 37-2 of this Code, and posted on the Town of Southington website.
Overtime. For a longer period of time than permitted and noticed by a sign signifying the maximum length of time permitted, for violations of which the offender shall be fined.
More than 12 inches from curb. Unless it is parked so that its right-hand wheels are no more than 12 inches from the curb or right-hand edge of the paved portion of the highway, for violation of which the offender shall be fined.
Wrong side of street. Except upon the right-hand side of the highway in the direction in which the vehicle is headed, for violation of which the offender shall be fined.
Blocking driveway. In such manner as to block safe access to a driveway, for violation of which the offender shall be fined.
Within 25 feet of intersection. Within 25 feet of an intersection, for violation of which the offender shall be fined.
Within 25 feet of stop sign. Within 25 feet of a stop sign caused to be erected by a state or local traffic authority, for violation of which the offender shall be fined.
Blocking crosswalk. So as to block or invade a marked crosswalk, for violation of which the offender shall be fined.
On sidewalk. So that any portion of the wheels of said vehicle remain stationary upon a sidewalk, for violation of which the offender shall be fined.
Double parking. In such manner as to constitute a traffic hazard or obstruct the free movement of traffic upon the highways, for violation of which the offender shall be fined.
Restricted parking. Alongside any curbing which has been painted yellow, signifying "restricted area - no parking," or alongside any portion of the public highway or in a Town parking lot upon which the Town, Board of Education, state or local traffic authority has caused to be erected a "no parking" sign or other sign which restricts parking to emergency vehicles, for violation of which the offender shall be fined.
On posted property. Upon Town property in violation of posted signs prohibiting trespass or restricting entry thereon, for violation of which the offender shall be fined.
On grass on public property, for which an offender shall be fined.
On a Town or state roadway in which the local, or state, traffic authority has authorized and prohibited the blocking of one or more intersections by any vehicle as listed in Public Act Number 09-171, An Act Prohibiting Blocking the Box.
The municipality shall:
Post a minimum of one sign at each such designated intersection indicating that blocking the intersection is prohibited and violators are subject to fine; and
Mark, in white paint, the boundary of such intersection with a line not less than one foot in width and the area within such boundary line with parallel diagonal lines not less than one foot in width.
Ordinance enforcement.
Any violation of this Subsection M shall be fined in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes § 14-250b, Operation, Improper-Blocking the Box.
[Amended 3-13-1989]
No vehicle shall be parked or permitted to remain stationary for any purpose within 10 feet of any fire hydrant. For violation of this section, the offender shall be fined. Fines are listed in the Fine Schedule, § 37-2 of this Code, and posted on the Town of Southington website.
The Police Department shall cause written notice of violation to be placed on offending vehicles with the fine for the offense stated thereon.
[Amended 10-9-2012]
All fines are to be paid at the Southington Police Department, or such other place as designated on the traffic ticket, within seven days after the offense. Fines remaining unpaid more than seven days after the offense shall be doubled. If fines remain unpaid more than 14 days from the date of the offense, a warrant may be issued for the arrest of the offender.
[Amended 3-13-1989; 7-14-1997]
In addition to the payment of fines as provided in §§ 390-2 and 390-3 for motor vehicles illegally parked, any motor vehicle parked in violation of this article shall be subject to removal from any public highway, any Town parking lot or posted Town property within the municipality by order of the Police Department, and the offender shall pay for the towing, moving, parking and storage of the vehicles.