[Ord. No. 515; Ord. No. 692]
It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the City that all persons subject to its jurisdiction shall enjoy equal freedom and the opportunity to peaceably pursue their just aspirations and that practices or conditions based upon or resulting from considerations of race, creed, educational association, color, sex, handicap, age, marital status, national origin or association which result in hindrance or restrictions upon the enjoyment or exercise of that freedom or those aspirations are harmful to the common good and contrary to the public policy of the City.
[Ord. No. 515; Ord. No. 692; Ord. No. 726]
There is hereby created a Human Relations Commission for the City, to be composed of nine members to be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and approval of the Council. Three members of such Commission shall be appointed in June of each year and shall serve for terms of three years, each commencing on the first day of July following appointment. Initial appointments hereunder shall be for partial terms appropriate to initiate the system of staggered terms outlined above; provided, that such initial appointments hereunder shall be made in such a manner so as to permit all of the present members of the Commission to complete the terms of their present appointment. Each vacancy among the appointed members of the Human Relations Commission shall be filled in the manner provided for making original appointments and shall be for the balance of the term vacated. Membership shall be broadly representative of the City. The Mayor may, with the advice and approval of the Council, appoint additional officers of the City as nonvoting, ex officio members of such Commission.
[Ord. No. 515; Ord. No. 692]
The Human Relations Commission shall:
Promote amicable relations and mutual respect between and among the racial, cultural, religious and other groups within the greater City community, and discourage discrimination practices toward or within any such groups.
Make investigations and studies and conduct research to gather statistics or data which will aid in substantiating need for programs promoting meaningful social change in accordance with public policy, as declared in Section 2-19.
Cooperate with and aid in the organization of activities of other public and private organizations in efforts to improve relationships and conditions among the citizens of the greater City area.
Assemble, analyze and disseminate factual data, information and materials of educational value relating to group relations.
Advise and consult with the City Council and other public or quasi-public bodies on matters within its scope of activity.
Encourage, receive, investigate, evaluate and conciliate complaints, from any person or group, of discrimination contrary to the public policy as defined in Section 2-19 and make known to such person or group the procedures which may be used to complain of such discrimination.
Promote equal opportunity, counter results of past discrimination, initiate action necessary to effectuate the public policy as stated in Section 2-19 and concern itself with the cultural, educational and other matters contributing to a harmonious society.
All legislative and policy-making functions in the field of human relations heretofore vested in the Council or in other public bodies shall remain the prerogative of each such public body.
[Ord. No. 515]
The Human Relations Commission shall adopt rules of organization and procedure appropriate to the performance of its duties.
[Ord. No. 515]
The City Manager shall provide a meeting place and secretarial services for the Human Relations Commission.
[Ord. No. 515]
The Human Relations Commission shall annually prepare and submit to the City Manager an estimate of the expenditures of such Commission for the next fiscal year, as provided in Chapter 9 of the Charter of the City.