Editor's Note: Ord. No. 24-057, adopted 5-7-2024, passed at election 8-27-2024, combined Sections 610.010 through 610.070 into a new Article I, Main Street Special Business District.
[R.O. 2011 § 610.010; R.O. 2009 § 112.01; CC 1981 § 16-159; Ord. No. 74-8, 2-27-1974; Ord. No. 03-280, 10-23-2003]
A special business district is hereby established, the boundaries of which are as follows:
Being all within the City and beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Main Street and Clark Street; thence westwardly along the centerline of Clark Street to its intersection with the centerline of Third Street; thence southwardly along the centerline of Third Street to its intersection with the centerline of Madison Street; thence eastwardly to a point being the intersection of the centerline of Madison Street with the centerline of Second Street; thence southwardly along the centerline of Second Street to its intersection with the centerline of Jackson Street; thence eastwardly along the centerline of Jackson Street to the intersection with the centerline of the alley between Jackson Street and Tompkins Street; thence southwardly along the centerline of the alley between Jackson Street and Tompkins Street to the intersection with Tompkins Street; thence southwardly along the centerline of the alley between Tompkins Street and Pike Street to the intersection with Pike Street; then southwardly along the centerline of the alley between Pike Street and Perry Street to the intersection with the centerline of Perry Street; thence southwardly along the centerline of the alley between Perry Street and Water Street to the intersection with the centerline of Water Street; thence southwardly along the alley between Water Street and McDonough Street to the intersection of the south right-of-way line of McDonough Street; thence eastwardly along the south right-of-way line of McDonough Street to the north property line of a lot, the address being 119 McDonough Street; thence westwardly along such property line to the west property line of said lot; thence southwardly along said property line to the south property line of such lot; thence eastwardly along the such property line to the intersection with the north property line of a lot, the address being 915 South Main Street; thence westwardly along the such property line to a point being common to the west property line of such lot and the north right-of-way line of Boone's Lick Road; thence to a point being common to the south right-of-way line of Boone's Lick Road and the west property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1001 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such west property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1017 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1019 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1025 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1039 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1041 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the intersection with the north right-of-way line of Barbour Street; thence southwardly to a point being in common to the south right-of-way line of Barbour Street and the southward extension of the west property line of a lot, the address being 1101 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1115 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1117 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1119 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1121 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1123 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1125 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1127 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1129 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the west property line of a lot, the address being 1131 South Main Street; thence southwardly along such property line to the intersection with the north right-of-way line of Reservoir Avenue; thence southwardly to a point being in common to the south right-of-way line of Reservoir Avenue and the east property line of a lot, the address being 205 Reservoir Avenue; thence southwardly along such property line the east property line of a lot, the address being 207 Reservoir Avenue; thence southwardly along such property line to the intersection with the north property line of a lot, the address being 1219 South Main Street; thence westwardly along such property line to the west property line of such property; thence southward along such property line to the east property line of a lot, the address being 238 Reservoir Avenue; then southward along such property line to the east property line of a lot, the address being 236 Reservoir Avenue; thence southwardly to the north property line of a lot described as Crestview Condo Lot C; thence eastwardly along such property line to the intersection with the west right-of-way line of South Main Street; thence southwardly along such right-of-way line to the intersection with the north right-of-way line of Interstate 70; thence eastwardly to a point being the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Interstate 70 with the east right-of-way line of South Main Street; thence northwardly along the east right-of-way line of South Main Street to the south property line of a property described as Water Works Lot 1 recorded in Deed Book 1976, Page 993 in the St. Charles County Recorder's Office; thence eastwardly along such property line its intersection with the west property line of the Katy Trail State Park; thence continuing along the bearing of the southern property line of the aforementioned Water Works Lot 1 to the intersection with the east property line of the aforementioned Katy Trail State Park; thence northwardly along such property line its intersection with the centerline of Blanchette Creek, said centerline also being the south property line of Frontier Park; thence eastwardly along such property line to its intersection with the present existing City limits line; thence northwardly along the City limits line to a point, being the intersection of the City limits line and the eastward extension of the centerline of Adams Street; thence westwardly along such extension and centerline of Adams Street to its intersection with the centerline of Main Street; thence northwardly along the centerline of Main Street to the point of beginning.
[R.O. 2011 § 610.020; R.O. 2009 § 112.02; CC 1981 § 16-160; Ord. No. 74-8, 2-27-1974; Ord. No. 80-110, 10-8-1980; Ord. No. 86-94, 4-18-1986; Ord. No. 87-65, 4-18-1987; Ord. No. 88-201, 10-19-1988]
Business Property Tax. There may be imposed annually a tax upon the owner of real property, excluding all properties used exclusively for residential purposes as hereinafter defined, within the special business district up to the amount of forty-four cents ($0.44) on the one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation. The amount of annual tax generated from this special business property tax for any one (1) property or business so taxed shall not exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) annually. The amount to be imposed shall be determined by the City Council prior to September 30 of each year and shall be collected for and paid into a special fund hereby established.
[Ord. No. 24-098, 7-16-2024]
Use Of Funds. The funds produced by the business property tax shall be used for the following purposes:
To close existing streets or alleys or to open new streets and alleys or to widen or narrow existing streets and alleys in whole or in part;
To construct or install pedestrian or shopping malls, plazas, sidewalks or moving sidewalks, parks, meeting and display facilities, convention centers, arenas, bus stop shelters, lighting, benches or other seating furniture, sculptures, telephone booths, traffic signs, fire hydrants, kiosks, trash receptacles, marquees, awnings, canopies, walls and barriers, paintings, murals, alleys, shelters, display cases, fountains, restrooms, information booths, aquariums, aviaries, tunnels and ramps, pedestrian and vehicular overpasses and underpasses and each and every other useful or necessary or desired improvement;
To landscape and plant trees, bushes and shrubbery, flowers and each and every other kind of decorative planting;
To install and operate public music and news facilities;
To purchase and operate buses, minibuses, mobile benches and other modes of transportation;
To construct and operate child care facilities;
To construct lakes, dams and waterways of whatever size;
To provide special police or cleaning facilities and personnel for the protection and enjoyment of the property owners and the general public using the facilities of such business district;
To maintain, as hereinafter provided, all City-owned streets, alleys, malls, bridges, ramps, tunnels, lawns, trees and decorative plantings of each and every nature and every structure or object of any nature whatsoever constructed or operated by the City;
To acquire, construct, reconstruct, extend, maintain or repair parking lots, both above and below ground, or other facilities for the parking of vehicles, including the power to install such facilities in public areas, whether such areas are owned in fee or by easement;
To promote business activity in the district by, but not limited to, advertising, decoration of any public place in the area, promotion of public events which are to take place on or in public places, furnishing of music in any public place and the general promotion of trade activities in the district; and
To retire parking lot revenue bonds for lots in the district.
For the purpose of this Section, a "residential property" is defined as follows: A building or structure, including necessary residential accessory buildings, which is used solely for residential purposes as a dwelling including, but not limited to, a single-family, row house or townhouse and multiple-family dwellings. A dwelling shall not include any home occupation, business room or rooms or any portion of the building or accessory building to be used for business purposes.
Business License Tax. Further, there is imposed a business license tax on the businesses and individuals licensed to do business within the business district. The business license taxes shall be used for the purpose of operating parking facilities, promoting business activities, providing special service for the district and promoting the general improvement and well-being of the district.
State Law Reference: Authorized, § 71.800(2), RSMo.
[R.O. 2011 § 610.030; R.O. 2009 § 112.03; CC 1981 § 16-161; Ord. No. 74-8, 2-27-1974]
The license tax imposed by Section 610.020 shall be fifty percent (50%) of the license tax levied yearly on the businesses and individuals under Chapters 605, 615, 640, 655 and any other applicable provision of this Title and shall be due at the time and place provided in these Chapters.
[R.O. 2011 § 610.040; R.O. 2009 § 112.04; CC 1981 § 16-173; Ord. No. 76-19, 2-25-1976; Ord. No. 80-110, 10-8-1980; Ord. No. 81-56, 6-17-1981; Ord. No. 89-78, 5-4-1989; Ord. No. 03-323, 12-23-2003; Ord. No. 08-32, 2-6-2008; Ord. No. 24-001, 1-2-2024]
There is established a Special Business District Advisory Board which shall be composed of eight (8) persons. There shall be four (4) persons appointed from the Special Business District north of First Capitol Drive and four (4) persons from the Special Business District south of First Capitol Drive.
[R.O. 2011 § 610.050; R.O. 2009 § 112.05; CC 1981 § 16-174; Ord. No. 76-19, 2-25-1974; Ord. No. 80-110, 10-8-1980; Ord. No. 81-56, 6-17-1981; Ord. No. 89-78, 5-4-1989; Ord. No. 08-32, 2-6-2008]
Members of the Board, except for the Councilmember, shall be a property owner in the district who shall pay the special business district property tax or a person who owns a business in the district who shall pay the special business district business license tax. The members may directly or through a corporation, partnership, trust or limited liability company pay the special business district property tax or business license tax.
[R.O. 2011 § 610.060; R.O. 2009 § 112.06; CC 1981 § 16-175; Ord. No. 76-19, 2-25-1976; Ord. No. 80-110, 10-8-1980; Ord. No. 81-56, 6-17-1981; Ord. No. 89-78, 5-4-1989]
The City Council shall have sole discretion on the use of the revenues derived from any tax imposed on the district; however, the Special Business District Advisory Board shall make recommendations to the City Council as to the use of these revenues on any matter that concerns the special business district or that may be referred to the Board by the Mayor and City Council.
All revenues that the City Council may direct to be used by the special business district and any other funds derived, granted or donated shall be used by the special business district for the purposes of the district as previously outlined with the approval of the City Council.
All bills of the Board and all salaries of its employees shall be allowed and paid in the same manner that bills and salaries of other officers and employees of the City are allowed and paid. The Board shall follow the procedures by the City's Director of Finance for payment of bills and salaries.
It shall be the duty of the Board to keep books of accounts showing with entire accuracy contemporaneous current entries of receipts and expenditures of the Board. This shall be done in such a manner as to enable the same to be understood and investigated and also to preserve on file in its offices, duplicate vouchers for all expenditures. Books and duplicates shall, at all times, be open to examination for the City Council or the Director of Finance of the City.
It shall be the responsibility of the Board to prepare an annual statement and budget for each fiscal year operations. This shall be presented to the Mayor and the City Council at the first Council meeting in April of each year.
It shall be the duty of the Board to designate special events upon the mall area of South Main Street and, when so designated, all vehicular traffic or parking is prohibited during such special events. Any such designation shall be secured from the office of the Mayor.
[R.O. 2011 § 610.070; R.O. 2009 § 112.07; CC 1981 § 16-176; Ord. No. 76-19, 2-25-1976; Ord. No. 80-110, 10-8-1980]
The Board shall elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary-Treasurer. The Board shall meet at the call of the Chairperson or upon the call of two (2) members of the Board. Members of the Board shall not receive compensation for serving on the Board. Five (5) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
The Board shall have the power to appoint an executive director and clerical staff for the Board with approval of the Mayor and City Council.
The Board may contract with persons and firms for services and work which may be required by the Board which is necessary for the accomplishment of its work. All contracts, services or expenditures for same shall be approved by the Mayor and City Council.
[Ord. No. 24-057,[1] 5-7-2024]
Pursuant to the SBD Act, the Frenchtown Special Business District is hereby established, and will continue to exist and function until dissolved by an ordinance of the Council. The boundaries of the District are described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of North Riverside Drive and the centerline of Clark Street; thence westwardly along the centerline of Clark Street to the centerline of North Fifth Street; thence northwardly along the centerline of North Fifth Street to where the name of North Fifth Street becomes Mel Wetter Parkway; thence following northwestwardly along the centerline of Mel Wetter Parkway and its extension to the southern right-of-way line of Missouri Highway 370 East; thence eastwardly along the southern right-of-way line of Missouri Highway 370 East to the City's corporate limits line in the Missouri River; thence southwardly along the above-described corporate limits line to the extended centerline of Adams Street; thence westwardly along the centerline of Adams Street to the centerline of North Riverside Drive; thence northwardly along the centerline of North Riverside Drive to the point of beginning.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was passed at election 8-27-2024.
[Ord. No. 24-057,[1] 5-7-2024]
Subject to the approval of the Proposition in accordance with the SBD Act and this Article, and the provisions for the additional taxes described in Section 3 of Ord. No. 24-057, a business property tax may be imposed upon the owner of real property, excluding all residential property as hereinafter defined, within the District with an initial rate of levy up to the amount of forty-four cents ($0.44) on the one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation. The amount to be imposed shall be determined by the City Council prior to September 30 of each year and shall be collected for and paid into a special fund hereby established.
An additional business license tax may be imposed on businesses and individuals licensed to do business within the District which shall be fifty percent (50%) of the license tax levied yearly on the businesses and individuals under Chapters 605, 615, 640, 655, and any other applicable provisions of Title VI of the Code of Ordinances, and shall be due at the time and place as provided in those Chapters and provisions.
The amount of annual tax generated from the special business property tax and business license tax for any one (1) property or business so taxed shall not exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) total annually.
For the purpose of this Section, "residential property" is defined as follows: A building or structure, including necessary residential accessory buildings, which is used solely for residential purposes as a dwelling including, but not limited to, a single-family, row house or townhouse and multiple-family dwellings. "Residential purposes as a dwelling" shall not include any home occupation, business room or rooms, any portion of the building or accessory building to be used for business purposes, or a short-term rental property.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was passed at election 8-27-2024.
[Ord. No. 24-057,[1] 5-7-2024]
The funds produced by the business property and license tax shall be used for the following purposes:
To close existing streets or alleys or to open new streets and alleys or to widen or narrow existing streets and alleys in whole or in part;
To construct or install pedestrian or shopping malls, plazas, sidewalks or moving sidewalks, parks, meeting and display facilities, convention centers, arenas, bus stop shelters, lighting, benches or other seating furniture, sculptures, telephone booths, traffic signs, fire hydrants, kiosks, trash receptacles, marquees, awnings, canopies, walls and barriers, paintings, murals, alleys, shelters, display cases, fountains, rest rooms, information booths, aquariums, aviaries, tunnels and ramps, pedestrian and vehicular overpasses and underpasses, and each and every other useful or necessary or desired improvement;
To landscape and plant trees, bushes and shrubbery, flowers and each and every and other kind of decorative planting;
To install and operate, or to lease, public music and news facilities;
To purchase and operate buses, minibuses, mobile benches, and other modes of transportation;
To construct and operate child-care facilities;
To lease space within the district for sidewalk cafe tables and chairs;
To construct lakes, dams, and waterways of whatever size;
To provide special police or cleaning facilities and personnel for the protection and enjoyment of the property owners and the general public using the facilities of such business district;
To maintain, as hereinafter provided, all City-owned streets, alleys, malls, bridges, ramps, tunnels, lawns, trees and decorative plantings of each and every nature, and every structure or object of any nature whatsoever constructed or operated by the said municipality;
To grant permits for newsstands, sidewalk cafes, and each and every other useful or necessary or desired private usage of public or private property;
To prohibit or restrict vehicular traffic on such streets within the business district as the governing body may deem necessary and to provide the means for access by emergency vehicles to or in such areas;
To lease, acquire, dispose of, construct, reconstruct, extend, maintain, or repair parking lots or parking garages, both above and below ground, or other facilities for the parking of vehicles, including the power to install such facilities in public areas, whether such areas are owned in fee or by easement;
To promote business activity in the district by, but not limited to, advertising, decoration of any public place in the area, promotion of public events which are to take place on or in public places, furnishing of music in any public place, and the general promotion of trade activities in the district.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was passed at election 8-27-2024.
[Ord. No. 24-057,[1] 5-7-2024]
There is established a Frenchtown Special Business District Advisory Board the ("Board") which is a Committee that shall have the composition, powers, and duties as prescribed in Chapter 125, Article I, of the City's Code of Ordinances. The Board shall be composed of eight (8) persons. There shall be appointed three (3) business owners from the District, three (3) commercial property owners from the District, and two (2) residential property owners from the District.
Qualifications. Each member of the Board, except for the residential property owners, shall be a property owner in the District who pays the special business district property tax or shall be a person who owns a business in the District who pays the special business district business license tax. The members may, directly or through a corporation, partnership, trust or limited liability company, pay the special business district property tax or business license tax.
Duties And Responsibilities.
The Council shall have sole discretion on the use of the revenues derived from any tax imposed by the District; however, the Board shall make recommendations to the Council as to the use of these revenues on any matter that concerns the District or that may be referred to the Board by the Mayor and Council.
All revenues that the Council may direct to be used by the District and any other funds derived, granted or donated shall be used by the District for the purposes of the District as previously outlined with the approval of the City Council.
All bills of the Board and all salaries of its employees shall be allowed and paid in the same manner that bills and salaries of other officers and employees of the City are allowed and paid. The Board shall follow the procedures established by the City's Director of Finance for payment of bills and salaries.
It shall be the duty of the Board to keep books of accounts showing with entire accuracy contemporaneous current entries of receipts and expenditures of the Board. This shall be done in such a manner as to enable the same to be understood and investigated, and also to preserve on file in its offices duplicate vouchers for all expenditures. Books shall, at all times, be open to examination for the Council or the Director of Finance of the City.
It shall be the responsibility of the Board to prepare an annual statement and budget for each fiscal year operations. This shall be presented to the Mayor and the Council at the first (1st) Council meeting in April of each year.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was passed at election 8-27-2024.