[R.O. 2011 § 400.965; Ord. No. 10-244 § 1, 11-18-2010]
Purpose. The purpose of these architectural and design standards is to ensure the highest quality and most aesthetically pleasing development in all areas of the City. Redevelopment and new development in the City reflects on the image of St. Charles and it is crucial that new structures and rehabilitation or additions to old structures adhere to a higher standard to reflect positively on the City's progressive attitude toward its future. These standards are not intended to restrict imagination or variety, but rather to assist in focusing on a design which results in an architectural style that creates a signature appearance that is distinctly St. Charles.
Architectural And Design Standards. These architectural and design standards shall apply to all new structures (as structure is defined in the building code), reconstruction of structures, rehabilitation of structures and expansion of structures in all zoning districts, except: (1) single-family and two-family residential structures; (2) all structures legally existing or for which building permits have been legally approved on or prior to December 1, 2003; and (3) structures which have previously been approved pursuant to Section 400.980(I) where said approval authorized the use of specific building materials. Architectural and design standards shall be defined as follows:
[Ord. No. 19-013, 1-15-2019; Ord. No. 20-102, 7-21-2020; Ord. No. 20-104, 7-21-2020; Ord. No. 20-107, 7-21-2020; Ord. No. 24-009, 2-6-2024]
All structures, except industrial zoned structures identified as Building Code Use Groups 'F' or 'S' in excess of fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet footprint, shall have exterior finished walls composed of one hundred percent (100%) masonry on all sides of the structure and shall be designed so as to match or complement existing buildings in the vicinity. "Masonry," as used here, shall be defined as exposed face brick or natural building stone which is used as a facing component which is applied over exterior wall back-up construction. Face brick shall be prismatic units in a variety of sizes, colors and shapes. Brick shall be manufactured from clay, shale or similar naturally occurring earthy substances and subject to firing in a kiln. Natural building stone shall include stone that is sawed, cut, split or otherwise finished or shaped having a minimum thickness of one (1) inch. Natural building stone shall include granite, limestone, marble, slate, soapstone, sandstone or other natural stones of similar characteristics and physical properties. Molded, cast or otherwise artificially aggregated units composed of fragments of natural stone (excluding concrete masonry units) may be used with the approval of the City or, if applicable, the HLPARB. Masonry shall not be painted. Clear sealers and non-pigmented stains may be used. All colors shall be approved by the City or, if applicable, the HLPARB. Other non-masonry exterior finish materials shall be considered as accent materials and shall be limited to a maximum area of twenty-five percent (25%) of all exterior wall surfaces excluding windows and doors.
"GPRS" Bonus:
All Tiers. Projects may utilize up to seventy-five percent (75%) recycled building materials. Recycled materials to be utilized shall be approved by the City or, if applicable, the HLPARB.
Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened by increased parapet height or other means architecturally consistent and harmonious with the proposed structure so as to not be visible from a point six (6) feet above the elevation of the property line on which the structure is located and from a point four (4) feet above the elevation of any public right-of-way.
"GPRS" Bonus:
All Tiers. Solar panels are excluded from the rooftop mechanical equipment screening requirement. Solar panel design and placement shall be approved by the City or, if applicable, HLPARB.
Lighting. All lighting shall be compliant with Section 400.570.
[Ord. No. 24-072, 6-4-2024]
All exterior solid waste containers and container racks or stands shall be screened from public view by an enclosure which meets the following standards:
Multi-Family Residential Buildings. All exterior solid waste containers and container racks or stands for a multiple-family dwelling shall be screened from public view by an enclosure which shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in height. Enclosures shall have a concrete floor, solid gates, and shall otherwise be constructed of masonry, wood or fencing with sight-proof treatment. In no case shall slatted, chain-link fencing be used for such purpose.
Commercial/institutional/industrial Buildings. All refuse and waste removal storage areas shall be screened with minimum six-foot-high solid screen walls of masonry construction to complement the primary structure. Enclosures shall have a concrete floor, gates shall be composed of metal or solid vinyl in a complementary color to the masonry and in no case shall slatted, chain-link fencing be used for such purpose. The City may consider alternative materials if the primary building on the property has a ground floor area less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
SMPD, HDD, FPD, LMPD And CPD. All exterior solid waste containers and container racks or stands shall be screened from public view by an enclosure which shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in height. Enclosures shall have a concrete floor, solid gates, and shall otherwise be constructed of masonry, weather-resistant wood or fencing with sight-proof treatment. In no case shall slatted, chain-link fencing be used for such purpose.
A fence permit is required for all trash enclosures.
Fencing used to screen areas from view of adjacent properties shall be a minimum of six (6) feet high and shall be composed of wood or solid vinyl as approved by the City or, if applicable, the HLPARB. In no instance, shall slatted, chain-link fence be used for such purpose.
All landscaping areas shall be provided with underground irrigation or shall be entirely planted with native drought-resistant plant species. Where native drought-resistant plantings are provided, a planting schedule shall be provided and shall be signed and sealed by a Missouri-registered landscape architect or certified arborist.
The Planning and Zoning Commission or, if applicable, the HLPARB may consider the alternative materials to those listed in Subsection (B) if the applicant demonstrates that any of the following factors are present:
The proposed structure is greater than listed in the following table; or
Building Code Use Group
Covered Structure Footprint Area In Square Feet
Height And/Or Stories
Assembly "A-1," "A-2," "A-3," "A-4"
50 feet and/or 2 stories
Business "B"
50 feet and/or 3 stories
Educational "E"
50 feet and/or 1 story
Factory Group "F"
50 feet and/or 2 stories
High Hazard Group "H"
50 feet and/or 1 story
Institution "I-1"
50 feet and/or 3 stories
Institution "I-2"
50 feet and/or 1 story
Institution "I-3"
50 feet and/or 2 stories
Institution "I-4"
50 feet and/or 1 story
Mercantile "M"
50 feet and/or 3 stories
Residential "R-1," "R-2," "R-4"
50 feet and/or 3 stories
Storage Group "S"
50 feet and/or 3 stories
Utility and Miscellaneous Group "U"
50 feet and/or 2 stories
The existing surrounding development is of a nature that the application of the architectural and design standards will not further the aesthetic qualities of the area; or
The proposed structural change is an expansion or rehabilitation of an existing structure and application of the architectural and design standards will not further the aesthetic qualities of the structure or the area; or
Screening of rooftop mechanical equipment will not further the architectural quality of the structure or improve the aesthetics of the structure; or
Landscape irrigation is of such a scale and scope that it will not be practically feasible to irrigate the entire site or landscaping is already established without irrigation and is proposed to remain.
[2]Screening for power inverters. capacitors, converters and all other transformer equipment used to power an electric vehicle charging station not located within the pump housing unit shall be screened to the height of the equipment either by sight-proof fencing or equivalent landscaping.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection (B)(8), regarding exceptions to the required use of materials in Subsection (B), was repealed 1-15-2019 by Ord. No. 19-013.
Cross Reference: As to penalty, § 400.1890.
[Ord. No. 24-009, 2-6-2024]
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review applications for construction of new structures and substantial exterior improvements outside the historic districts and extended historic districts utilizing the criteria for appearance set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and shall issue or deny site plan and architectural review approval for such construction under the following circumstances:
New construction or substantial exterior improvements associated with conditional use requests;
New construction or substantial exterior improvements not compliant with the minimum masonry standards of Section 400.965; or
Projects which by a finding of the Community Development Director for projects which may have negative impact against the health, safety and general welfare of the City and its residents.
Single-family homes, mobile homes, and multi-family structures containing four (4) or less dwelling units are exempt from site plan and architectural review.
Applications for site plan and architectural review approval and permits for construction of structures outside the historic districts and extended historic districts shall be reviewed by the City using the architectural and design standards set forth in Section 400.965. Applications for certificates of appropriateness and permits for construction of structures in the extended historic district and not subject to the specific requirements of an historic district shall be reviewed by the Historic Landmark Preservation and Architectural Review Board (HLPARB) using the architectural and design standards set forth in Section 400.965 as applicable.
Each application shall be submitted with all plans, elevations, detail drawings and specifications. The application shall be in the form and contain such additional information as may be prescribed by regulation by the City. The Department of Community Development shall review the application and determine that the application contains sufficient data to adequately describe the situation. If the data is not adequate, the Department of Community Development shall notify the applicant of the additional required information.
If the application complies with each of the criteria prescribed by this Article and is accordingly approved by the City or Commission (as applicable), then the City shall issue a site plan and architectural review approval. If the application does not comply with the criteria, then the City shall disapprove the application and within five (5) days after the disapproval shall specify, in writing, the facts supporting the disapproval.
Validity Of Approval. Site plan and architectural review approval shall be valid for a period of one (1) year after the date of approval and thereafter shall become null and void unless construction or use is substantially underway during such one (1) year period or unless an extension of time, not exceeding one (1) year, is approved by the Department of Community Development for good reasons shown before the expiration of such one (1) year period.
Site plans shall be clearly drawn to scale as specified below and shall show the following:
The title of the project and the name of the engineer, architect, designer or landscape architect, developer and property owner.
The North arrow, scale and date.
Existing zoning and zoning district boundaries.
The boundaries of the property involved, County or municipal boundaries, the location of all existing easements, property lines, existing streets, sidewalks, right-of-way lines, buildings, waterways, major tree masses and other existing physical features in or adjoining the project.
Topography of the project area with contour intervals of two (2) feet or less shall be required if the lot area exceeds one (1) acre.
The location and sizes of sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts, fire hydrants, electric and telephone lines and street lights and other underground structures, existing and planned.
Proposed changes in zoning, if any.
The location and character of construction of proposed streets, rights-of-way, sidewalks, alleys, driveways, curb cuts, entrances and exits, loading areas (including numbers of parking and loading spaces), outdoor lighting systems, storm drainage and sanitary facilities.
The location of lots, setback lines and easements and proposed reservations for parks, parkways, playgrounds, school sites and open spaces.
A tabulation of the total number of acres or square feet in the project, gross or net as required in the district regulations and the percentage thereof proposed to be devoted to the several dwelling types, commercial uses, other non-residential uses, off-street parking, streets, parks, schools and other reservations.
A tabulation of the total number of dwelling units of various types in the project and the overall project density in dwelling units per acre, gross or net as required by district regulations.
Location, height and material of all fences, walls, screen planting and landscaping used for protective screening.
Location and approximate height of all buildings and structures, accessory and main.
Location of all open space or parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved for the use of property owners, with the purpose indicated.
Any other pertinent information as requested by the Director of Community Development or designee.
[Ord. No. 24-009, 2-6-2024]
The applicant for a site plan and architectural review approval under Article X may appeal staff's or the Commission's decision to the City Council by filing a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the date of decision to deny. Each request for appeal must include the following:
The name, address, phone number and electronic mail address of the party filing the request for appeal;
A statement setting forth the standing of the party to file the appeal;
The application number on the application that is the subject of the appeal; and
A statement of the basis for the appeal, setting forth specific applicable facts and provisions of the City Code and why the decision was in error.
Notice. After the filing of an appeal pursuant to this Section, the Community Development Director, or his/her designee, shall promptly, and at least fifteen (15) days before the hearing, mail a notice of appeal to all necessary parties, if any, and to all persons designated, in writing, by the petitioner, intervener, the applicant for the site plan, and to any other persons to whom the Community Development Director may determine that notice should be given:
The notice of institution of the case to be mailed as provided in this Section shall state in substance:
The application number of the case;
That an appeal has been filed in such case, the date it was filed, and the name of the party filing the same;
A brief statement of the matter involved in the case unless a copy of the appeal or protest accompanies said notice;
That a copy of the appeal may be obtained from the City Clerk, giving the address to which application for such a copy may be made. This may be omitted if the notice is accompanied by a copy of such appeal or protest;
A notice of hearing stating:
The application number of the case; and
The time and place of the hearing.
Hearing Requirements. The City Council shall conduct a hearing on the appeal within forty-five (45) days of the date of the filing of the notice of appeal with the Community Development Director. The City Council may hear testimony and receive evidence from the applicant, adjoining property owners, the Community Development Department, the Planning and Zoning Commission or any other interested person. In reviewing the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission or staff, the City Council shall apply the guidelines, standards and criteria specified in Article X or incorporated therein by reference. The City Council may consider the appeal on the record of the decision or may at its sole discretion, receive additional evidence. The Planning and Zoning Commission or staff decision shall only be reversed or modified by a vote of not less than two thirds (2/3) of the entire City Council. The City Council shall render a decision on an appeal within sixty (60) days from the date first considered, or the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission or staff, as applicable, will be deemed upheld. For purposes of this Section, the term "first considered" shall mean that the application request appears on the City Council agenda and is discussed by the City Council. The City Council may issue findings of fact to support its decision.
Judicial review of the appeal may be taken in accordance with Chapter 536, RSMo., as amended.