[Ord. No. 09-128 §§1—7, 10-28-2009]
Pursuant to Section 2.507 of the St. Charles County Charter and the recommendation of the County Executive, there is hereby established the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Reporting Oversight Board of St. Charles County. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the Board shall have the duties and responsibilities set out in Article I of Chapter 120 of the Ordinances of St. Charles County, Missouri.
The purpose of the Board shall be performing oversight of the utilization of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant funds and monitoring expenditures of those funds. All County departments administering or accessing ARRA funds shall report utilization and expenditure data to the ARRA Reporting Oversight Board on a quarterly basis for the duration of the receipt of such funds. The ARRA Reporting Oversight Board shall review the quarterly reports and report to the County Council biannually as to the utilization of ARRA funds.
There shall be five (5) members of the ARRA Reporting Oversight Board. Membership on the ARRA Reporting Oversight Board shall be comprised of the County Auditor, Director of Finance, Director of Policy Research and Development, the County Counselor or his/her designee, and the Director of Community Development. The County Auditor shall serve as Chairman of the ARRA Reporting Oversight Board and staff support to the Board shall be provided by the County Auditor.
The Department of Information Systems shall establish and maintain an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act activities page on the County's website for the duration of the funds to provide transparency and to inform the public regarding the way in which St. Charles County is utilizing such funds. The ARRA Reporting Oversight Board shall assist in the development of content for the site including, but not limited to, project descriptions, cost and performance data, and contact information for citizens wishing to access ARRA funded services in St. Charles County.
The ARRA Reporting Oversight Board shall meet at the call of the Chairman as often as determined prudent to perform oversight of the ARRA grant funds.
The ARRA Reporting Oversight Board shall cease to exist one (1) quarter after termination of expenditure of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds by the County.
The ARRA Reporting Oversight Board shall provide a final report to the County Council upon the Board's termination.