Editor's Note—Ord. no. 05-148 §13, adopted October 25, 2005, repealed this article VI "sediment and erosion control regulations" and exhibits A through F thereafter, sections 410.510 "general provisions", 410.520 "regulations" and 410.530 "inspection and violation". Former sections 410.510—410.530 derived from ord. no. 99-99 §1, 7-12-1999; ord. no. 01-054 §1, 4-25-2001; ord. no. 01-097 §1, 8-29-2001; ord. no. 01-111 §12, 9-26-2001; ord. no. 02-004 §12, 1-30-2002; ord. no. 02-088 §9, 6-26-2002; ord. no. 03-142 §1(138—139, 140—149), 10-1-2003; ord. no. 04-053 §1, 4-13-2004. At the editor's discretion, these sections have been reserved for the county's future use. Erosion and sediment control regulations are now contained in chapter 412 of this code.