The Board of Aldermen shall elect a Clerk for such Board, to be known as "the City Clerk", whose duties and term of office shall be fixed by ordinance. Among other things, the City Clerk shall keep a journal of the proceedings of the Board of Aldermen. He/she shall safely and properly keep all the records and papers belonging to the City which may be entrusted to his/her care; he/she shall be the general accountant of the City; he/she is hereby empowered to administer official oaths and oaths to persons certifying to demands or claims against the City.
The duties of the City Clerk shall be as follows:
The City Clerk shall, in addition to other duties which are or may be required of him/her by this Code or other ordinance, or the Mayor, attend all meetings of the Board of Aldermen.
The City Clerk shall have the custody of the books, records, papers, and documents belonging to the City (i.e., Board of Aldermen minutes, real estate and personal property tax records, water, sewer & trash records, real estate transactions, City ordinances, letters, etc.).
The City Clerk shall prepare all certificates of election or appointment of the City Officers and City Policemen, responsible for the swearing-in action, and delivering the certificates to the persons elected or appointed. The City Clerk shall provide the County Clerk with all required papers for City elections.
The City Clerk shall keep a permanent record of the proceedings of the Board of Aldermen. The minutes of all regularly scheduled meetings shall be published within seventy-two (72) hours of each meeting, copies mailed to the Mayor and Aldermen, and an official copy kept on file at the City Hall. The City Clerk shall prepare a monthly newsletter to be printed after the monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen, and to be distributed at the City Hall within two (2) weeks of the meeting.
The City Clerk shall be responsible for preparing and mailing the monthly utility bills, and determining the three (3) month average rate for each meter. The City Clerk shall be responsible for the preparation of a monthly utility account receivable control report at the end of each month, and provide the Board of Aldermen with the amount payable, amount collected, amount owed, and a delinquent account list by name and amount.
The City Clerk shall be responsible for determining the real estate and personal property tax books of the City, and turn the same over to the City Collector by August first (1st) of each year. The City Clerk shall be responsible for the preparation of a monthly tax account receivable control report at the end of each month, and provide the Board of Aldermen with the amount payable, amount collected, amount owed, and a delinquent account list by name and amount.
The City Clerk shall be responsible to reconcile the monthly bank statement and special account statements to the monthly financial report prepared by the City Collector. This report is due to the Board of Aldermen at it's monthly meeting, with a record attached to the bank statements.
The City Clerk shall be responsible for the preparation, documentation, proper record keeping, and providing a copy of the official document to each Alderman, of all City ordinances.
The City Clerk shall be responsible to provide any person, certified copies of City records, as provided by the Law of the State of Missouri. The Board of Aldermen shall determine fees for certified copies of City records.
The City Clerk is responsible to perform all the duties of the City Collector in the temporary absence of the City Collector.
[CC 1979 §20.440]
Upon temporary disability or inability of the City Clerk to perform his/her duties as set forth in this Code or other ordinances of the City due to illness, absence from the City or other cause, the Board of Aldermen shall, in the same manner as the City Clerk is elected as set forth in Section 115.090, proceed to elect a temporary City Clerk who shall have the same powers and duties as the regular City Clerk and shall hold office until the disability of the City Clerk is removed.
Such temporary City Clerk shall receive as compensation such salary as the Board of Aldermen shall provide for at the time of the election of such officer.