[CC 1979 §92.070; Ord. No. 215 §§1(90.155), 2(92.070), 10-9-1995]
In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 320, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of the speeds listed below on the streets as designated.
Street or Location
Speed Limit
Highway J:
From Depot Street to east City limits
35 mph
From Depot Street to Highway 59
25 mph
Highway V:
From Pearl Street to Highway 59
25 mph
U.S. Highway No. 59:
From south City limits to Maple Street
40 mph
From Maple Street to a point north one-half (1/2) mile
45 mph
From a point one-half (1/2) mile north of Maple Street to north City limits
50 mph
School zones:
Within three hundred (300) feet of any public or private school
20 mph
Highway 59:
From one hundred (100) feet south of Chestnut Street to two hundred fifty (250) feet south of South Main Street from 7:40 A.M. to 8:20 A.M. from 3:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M.
30 mph