No person, corporation or other legal entity shall occupy, march
or proceed along or close any Town highway or part thereof without
having first obtained a temporary street closure permit from the Town
of Rotterdam. Applications for such a permit shall be made in writing
to the Town Clerk and shall be reviewed and approved by the Superintendent
of Highways, the Department of Public Works, and the Chief of Police.
The permit shall be issued by the Superintendent of Highways, through
the Town Clerk's office.
The application for a street closure permit shall set forth
the following information:
A. The name, address, e-mail address and telephone number of the person
or organization seeking the street closure.
B. The name, address, e-mail address and telephone number of the person
who will be responsible for the event and street closure's conduct
and completion.
C. The proposed date when the street closure is to be conducted.
D. The proposed map of the street to be closed.
E. The approximate number of persons and number and type of animals
and vehicles to be in the event.
F. The application shall be filed 30 days prior to the proposed street
G. The proposed hours when the street closure will start and terminate.
H. The proposed location by streets of any assembly areas and disbandment
areas for any such event.
Each application for a street closure permit for a parade, road
race, run, walk, or any similar activity shall set forth the following
A. The time and place of assembly.
B. The starting time and starting point of the parade, road race, run,
walk, or any similar activity.
C. The map showing the route of travel and portions of the streets to
be traversed that may be occupied by the parade, road race, run, walk,
or any similar activity.
D. The termination point and place of disbandment.
The Superintendent of Highways shall issue a street closure
permit when, from a consideration of the application and from such
other information as may otherwise be obtained, he or she finds that:
A. The conduct of the event and closure will not substantially interrupt
the safe and orderly movement of other pedestrian and vehicular traffic
at or contiguous to the route, assembly and disbandment areas of the
B. The event is scheduled to move from its point of origin to its point
of termination expeditiously.
C. The event is not to be held for the sole purpose of advertising any
commercial product, goods or event and is not designed to be held
purely for private profit.
D. A sufficient number of police officers are available to adequately
protect both observers and participants, to direct traffic and to
provide reasonable protection to the remainder of the Town.
E. If the event creates the need for overtime expenditures by the Highway
Department, the Department of Public Works or the Police Department,
the applicant will be advised of the monetary amount of the necessary
employee overtime costs, which shall be paid by the applicant prior
to the issuance of the street closure permit.
The Superintendent of Highways, in denying an application for
a street closure permit, may authorize the conduct of the event on
a date, at a time or over a route different from that named by the
applicant in the interest of facilitating crowd control, relieving
congestion and promoting public safety, provided that the applicant's
right of free speech is not denied thereby.
Nothing in this section shall prohibit the temporary closure
of a street during an emergency, for public safety or for road maintenance
or repair.
If the Superintendent of Highways is unable to act, the Department
of Public Works or the Chief of Police is authorized to issue the
street closure permit.