[CC 1994 §53.010; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
As used in this Chapter, and unless otherwise defined or distinctly expressed, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings set out herein:
Any charge consideration for the right or privilege to any festival or entertainment, or admission to or entry to any area or facility, where such festival or entertainment is conducted.
Any not-for-profit organization organized for civic, charitable, benevolent or religious purposes, the majority of members of which are residents of this City, and the purposes of which are primarily for the benefit of the City and its citizens. Political organizations are expressly excluded from being within the definition of such term.
Includes carnivals, circuses, side shows, and street fairs, for which an admission charge is made.
[CC 1994 §53.020; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
A permit must be obtained in order to conduct any festival or entertainment within the limits of this City under the provisions of this Chapter. Other festivals or entertainments may be conducted, but only if the same has been licensed under the provisions of Chapter 605 of this Code.
[CC 1994 §53.040; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
Every civic organization proposing to sponsor or conduct any festival or entertainment within the City shall apply, through a duly elected officer of the said civic organization, in writing to the City Clerk for a permit to operate such festival or entertainment.
All applicants shall state on their application that they will indemnify the City for any claim resulting from the operation of the festival or entertainment, and each application shall be accompanied by a certification of insurance, showing the City as the named insured, covering any damage or liability to the City which may be caused by the operation of the festival or entertainment, the amount of said insurance to be as required by such rules and regulations and promulgation of which is hereinafter provided, but in no event to be less than bodily injury limits of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) for each occurrence and twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for each person, and property limits of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for each occurrence and thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) aggregate.
All applicants shall accompany their application with a bond in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00), which bond shall secure the applicant's removing all litter from the site of the festival or entertainment at its termination. Should it be necessary for the City to remove litter from the festival site, the cost of such removal shall be deducted from the bond, and the remainder returned to the applicant.
The City Clerk may refuse to issue a permit to any festival or entertainment, the operation of which does not comply with this Chapter, or which has in any previous operation in any other City, or in this City, violated the ordinance or requirements of such other City or of this City.
Upon determination that the proposed festival or entertainment shall comply with this Chapter, the City Clerk shall issue a permit and shall so notify the applicant.
[CC 1994 §53.050; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
Any festival or entertainment conducted pursuant to this Chapter shall comply with the following rules:
Hours of operation shall be set by the Board upon receipt of application.
Adequate restroom facilities for both sexes shall be provided on the premises of such festival or entertainment. Such facilities may be of temporary nature, other than privies.
All electrical wiring and lighting must be approved by the City Engineer.
Adequate facilities for the disposal of trash and debris shall be provided on the premises.
The premises shall be inspected prior to operation by the Chief of Police or his/her designate to determine that the requirements of this Chapter and any other ordinances of the City applicable to public rooms and buildings have been complied with.
The area or premises where such festival or entertainment is conducted shall be cleaned and policed after the cessation of such festival or entertainment and all trash, litter and debris shall be removed.
[CC 1994 §53.060; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
The Mayor is hereby given authority to establish and promulgate rules and regulations consistent with the terms of this Chapter for the purpose of carrying out and enforcing compliance therewith, and a copy of such rules and regulations shall be on file and available for public examination in the office of the City Clerk. Failure or refusal to comply with any such rules and regulations established and promulgated under this Section shall be deemed a violation of this Chapter.
[CC 1994 §53.070; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
Any permit issued pursuant to this Chapter may be revoked by the Mayor upon his/her determination that the festival or entertainment is being operated or conducted in violation of this Chapter, or in violation of rules and regulations established and promulgated pursuant thereto, or is so conducted or operated as to endanger substantially the public peace, health, safety and welfare of the citizens of this City.
[CC 1994 §53.080; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
There shall be no fee for the permit required by this Chapter.
[CC 1994 §53.090; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
Any festival or entertainment which is not operated, conducted, or sponsored by a civic organization may be operated within the City, if a license for the same has been obtained under Chapter 605 of this Code. The requirements of Sections 615.030, 615.040 and 615.050 shall apply to such festival or entertainment.