[CC 1994 §71.010; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
The waterworks and sewerage are a combined system. They shall be funded and operated as one (1) system.
[CC 1994 §71.015; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
The following regulations shall govern the installation of utility service:
Where main lays in street, customer will install service line to street side of curb and gutter. If there is no curb and gutter, street ditch line will be termination point of customer's service line.
Where main lays in alley or easement, customer will install service line to alley or easement line.
Where main is located in street, the meter will be installed along front of house or at either front corner. If main is located in street at side of house, the above will apply as side of house instead of front of house.
Where main is in alley or easement, meter is to be located just inside customer's property line.
All residential customers are required to have individual meters for each residence owned or rented by the landowner, no more than one (1) service hookup for each utility will be provided by the City. Each new residence will be required to pay a deposit and tap fee if required as established by the City. Exceptions shall be mobile home parks metered as one (1) business and the owner responsible for one (1) bill.
[CC 1994 §71.020; Ord. No. 94.10, 5-16-1994]
To protect the gas system, the following will be unlawful:
Use riser and/or its components for laundry line anchors, plant supports or bicycle racks, or do anything that will cause damage to components.
No person shall insert foreign objects into vents on regulator.
[CC 1994 §71.025; Ord. No. 95.03 §§1—4, 2-27-1995; Ord. No. 97.04, 3-10-1997]
No residence or business shall be allowed to maintain or use propane tanks over one hundred (100) pounds within the City limits of Oronogo, Missouri, unless special permission be granted by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Oronogo in accordance with this Section.
The Board of Aldermen may, in their discretion, grant exception to the prohibition, when there is no gas service to the subject property, and it is not economically feasible to extend gas service to the subject property. For the purposes of this Section, a distance of one thousand (1,000) feet or more from the nearest gas service may be deemed to be not economically feasible. In the event the Board shall grant exception to this prohibition, the exception shall be site specific, and shall automatically expire upon the sale or other conveyance of the property, and shall terminate in the event the Board determines that it is economically feasible to service the subject property and does provide such service, in which case the exception granted shall expire within six (6) months. Any propane tank allowed shall be installed according to all specifications of the propane company, and shall be inspected by the City Utility or Building Inspector.
[CC 1994 §71.030; Ord. No. 02.02, 1-21-2002]
No person, except an employee of the City with authority from the City or by permit purchased from the City, shall have the right to tap any water main or water line, gas line, or sewerage line.
It shall be unlawful for any person to do any one (1) of the following in the City:
Hinder, obstruct or otherwise interfere with a City Officer or utility worker and otherwise prohibit that individual from engaging in their official duties;
Allowing or maintaining any obstacle, or animal that could be considered dangerous or threatening, that would interfere with a City Officer or utility worker and otherwise prohibit that individual from engaging in their official duties;
Allowing or maintaining any obstacle, or placing a structure around any public utility that would prohibit the reading, maintenance or emergency access to said utility.
Every person convicted of a violation of this Section shall be punished by imposition of a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each day such violation is committed, or continues, after being found guilty of said violation shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereafter.
[CC 1994 §71.035; Ord. No. 95.04, 2-27-1995]
No water wells will be allowed within the City limits of Oronogo, Missouri without a special permit from the City and a permit from DNR. All existing wells within the City are grandfathered as long as they are not directly tied to the City water system and are regularly tested and found safe.
[CC 1994 §71.040; Ord. No. 95.08 §§1—6, 3-20-1995; Ord. No. 96.30 §§1—4, 8-5-1996; Ord. No. 03.06 §1, 4-28-2003; Ord. No. 05.16, 7-11-2005; Ord. No. 06.32, 10-23-2006; Ord. No. 07.24 §71.040, 8-7-2007; Ord. No. 08.09 §1, 6-23-2008; Ord. No. 13-23 §1, 10-28-2013; Ord. No. 15-15 §1, 7-13-2015; Ord. No. 16-05 §1, 3-14-2016; Ord. No. 19-03, 2-11-2019; Ord. No. 19-33, 8-26-2019; Ord. No. 19-40, 11-11-2019; Ord. No. 20-12, 4-27-2020; Ord. No. 22-28, 6-13-2022; Ord. No. 23-18, 5-22-2022; Ord. No. 23-36, 8-14-2023]
If there is not an existing tap at the time of requested service, customers will be required to pay a tap fee.
If there is a discrepancy on the utility bill, it will be considered correct if not brought before the Board within thirty (30) days from overdue date. No corrections or allowances will be made after that thirty (30) days.
Deposit money will be returned, less unpaid utility account due, when service is ordered discontinued.
Customer will be charged an additional base rate for each hookup to his/her line that runs through one (1) meter. No increase in minimum gallonage or footage will be allowed.
Water Use Charges. There is hereby established the following water use fees for water service provided by the City of Oronogo:
[Ord. No. 24-07, 6-24-2024]
Users Within The City Limits. Twenty dollars and twenty-two cents ($20.22) for the first one thousand (1,000) gallons per month; four dollars and thirty-seven cents ($4.37) for each one thousand (1,000) gallons per month thereafter.
Outside The City Limits ("Rural"). Thirty dollars and six cents ($30.06) for the first one thousand (1,000) gallons per month; eight dollars and twenty cents ($8.20) for each one thousand (1,000) gallons per month thereafter.
Deposits. Prior to the provision of water services, the following deposits are required:
Owner/applicant: $75.00.
Renter/applicant: $100.00.
Rural customer: $100.00.
In the event the customer fails to pay for services rendered by the City or otherwise is indebted for services provided, the City may apply such deposit to the cost of such services. Further, service shall not be provided until the payment of the required deposit. The deposit shall be returned to the customer within thirty (30) days after services to the customer ends.
Sewer Use Charges. There is hereby established the following sewer use fees for sewer service provided by the City of Oronogo:
[Ord. No. 24-07, 6-24-2024]
Users Within The City Limits. Sixteen dollars and thirty-nine cents ($16.39) for the first one thousand (1,000) gallons per month; six dollars and two cents ($6.02) for each additional thousand (1,000) gallons per month thereafter.
Users Outside The City Limits. Usage charges for inside City limits, plus an additional eight dollars and twenty cents ($8.20) for the first one thousand (1,000) gallons per month; three dollars ($3.00) for each additional thousand (1,000) gallons per month thereafter.
Additional Operational Charge All Users. In addition to charges in Subsection (F)(1) and (F)(2) all users shall pay a charge rate for operation and maintenance of two dollars and ninety-eight cents ($2.98) per one thousand (1,000) gallons of water used in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons of water usage during the billing cycle.
Sewer Only Deposit: $75.00.
Deposit for sewer is not required if connected to water service by the City of Oronogo and water service deposit is paid.
All rates for usage and deposits are subject to review by the Board of Aldermen.
Processing Fees. Processing fees for connections, disconnections and administration of utility services may be assessed to users of any utility service provided herein.
[CC 1994 §71.050; Ord. No. 00.04, 8-28-2000; Ord. No. 01.03, 2-12-2001]
No person, firm, or corporation shall excavate, dig, or disturb the streets and rights-of-way of the City of Oronogo without first obtaining a permit therefore.
The permit required by this Section shall be issued by the City Clerk upon the completion of an application for such permit showing the location of the proposed excavation.
A fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be charged by the City Clerk for each permit. In addition to said sum, in the event the excavation is to damage a paved City street, the permittee shall also pay the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) plus ten dollars ($10.00) per square foot of pavement destroyed.
All utilities shall be buried at a depth of accordance with the applicable standardized code, but in all cases at least twenty-four (24) inches below the surface.
Any person who shall dig in the City without obtaining a permit as required by this Section shall be absolutely liable for all costs incurred by the City resulting from any utility cut during such person's dig.
[Ord. No. 07.22 §1(71.055), 7-23-2007]
Any user charges, connection fees, or other charges levied by the City for utility service, including water, sewage, gas and trash, and fees for any other service provided by the City, shall be due at such time or times as specified by statement or by ordinance, and if not paid when due, shall become delinquent and shall bear interest from the date of delinquency until paid. If such charges become delinquent, they shall be a lien upon land within the City, pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 07.22 §1(71.060), 7-23-2007]
Whenever it appears to the City Clerk that user charges levied by the City against the tract of property remain unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days, the Clerk shall send the responsible parties (owner as shown by the last real estate records of Jasper County Recorder of Deeds and any tenant or lessee known to the Clerk) a notice, postage prepaid, first class mail, which will recite at least the following facts:
The amount of charges and when the charges were incurred.
The amount of late charges, if any.
The property address.
A statement that unless the charges are paid prior to the next Board of Aldermen meeting, the Board of Aldermen may authorize the institution of legal proceedings or the issuance of a special tax bill, which shall be a first (1st) lien against the property and bear interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum.
The date, time, and location of the next Board of Aldermen meeting, along with an invitation to appear and protest the charges, institution of legal proceedings, or issuance of special tax bill.
[Ord. No. 07.22 §1(71.065), 7-23-2007]
The notice referred to in Section 700.090 herein shall be mailed by the City Clerk at least ten (10) days prior to the next Board of Aldermen meeting.
[Ord. No. 07.22 §1(71.070), 7-23-2007]
At the next Board of Aldermen meeting, the owner or other interested parties may appear before the Board and present whatever evidence or argument against the issuance of the special tax bill or institution of legal proceedings.
[Ord. No. 07.22 §1(71.075), 7-23-2007; Ord. No. 13-24 §1, 10-28-2013]
In the event the Board of Aldermen shall vote to issue a special tax bill, the City Clerk shall be authorized to prepare the necessary special tax bill, which shall be signed by the Mayor and filed with the appropriate office. The cost of recording shall also be included in said special tax bill.
In the event the Board of Aldermen shall vote to institute legal proceedings, the City Attorney shall be authorized to prepare the necessary pleadings, which shall be signed by the City Clerk and filed with the appropriate office.
[Ord. No. 07.22 §1(71.080), 7-23-2007; Ord. No. 13-24 §1, 10-28-2013]
A special tax bill shall be deemed satisfied when the amount of charges, penalties, interest and recording costs are paid.
[Ord. No. 07.22 §1(71.085), 7-23-2007]
Every property owner shall be responsible for any utility charges or fees left unpaid by any tenant of the premises served by water, sewer or gas, and the liability for such service shall be joint and several between the landlord and the tenant. Where the landlord or property owner fails to pay utility charge, the City may refuse to provide any utility services to the property with a delinquent charge, even in the name of a subsequent tenant or new owner of the property. Upon written request, the City will send a duplicate bill each month to the landlord so that the landlord can determine, to his or her satisfaction, that the bill is paid. The liability of the landlord for services provided to the tenant shall be limited to services provided for the previous ninety (90) days.
[CC 1994 §71.070; Ord. No. 03.08, 6-2-2003]
Definitions. For the purpose of this Section, certain terms shall be defined as follows:
Refers to all customer owned gas piping.
Those valves or devices that are not actuated by motion, but are activated by significant gas leaks or overpressure surges, which can occur when pipes rupture inside the structure. The design of the device shall provide a proven method to provide automatically for expedient and safe gas shutoff in an emergency. The design of the device shall provide a capability for ease of consumer or owner resetting in a safe manner. The device shall be certified by the Public Service Commission or the operational and functional design of the device shall meet or exceed the device certified by the Public Service Commission. The determination of whether the operational and functional design of the device is at least equal to the device certified by the Public Service Commission may be made by one (1) of the following: The independent laboratory of the International Approval Services (IAS), Underwriter's Laboratory (UL), International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), or other recognized listing and testing agency.
Any single-family dwelling, duplex, multi-family dwelling, apartment building, condominium building, town house building, lodging house, congregate residence, hotel, or motel.
All gas piping installed by the utility up to and including the meter and the utility's bypass tee at the connection to the customer owned piping.
An approved excess flow gas shutoff device shall be installed downstream of the gas utility meter on each fuel gas line where the gas line serves the following buildings:
Any new building construction (commercial, industrial or residential) containing fuel gas piping for which a building permit is first issued on or after the effective date of this Section.
Any existing residential, commercial or industrial building which is altered or added to and a building permit for the work is first issued on or after the effective date of this Section and:
With respect to residential buildings, the requirements set forth in (1) and (2) above include alterations or additions to an individual condominium or apartment unit so that, in appropriate circumstances, such alterations or additions shall require a gas shutoff device to be installed for all gas piping serving that building as set forth in Subsections (1) and (2) above.
With respect to commercial or industrial buildings, the requirements set forth in (1) and (2) above include alterations or additions to individual units or tenant spaces so that, where applicable, such alterations or additions shall require a gas shutoff device to be installed for all gas piping servicing that commercial or industrial building.
A gas shutoff device is not required to be installed downstream of the gas utility meter where a gas shutoff device has been installed by the gas utility or a contractor authorized by the gas utility upstream of the gas utility meter and downstream of the meter service regulator and such installation is in accordance with this Section and with the manufacturer's specifications.
Gas shutoff devices installed on a building prior to the effective date of this Section are exempt from the requirements of this Section provided they remain installed on the building or structure and are maintained for the life of the building or structure.
Gas shutoff devices installed on a gas distribution system owned or operated by a public utility shall not be subject to the requirements of this Section.
A gas shutoff device shall not be required where the gas piping system contained in the building or structure is designed to withstand seismic effects of earthquakes.
This Section shall not apply to mechanical or process equipment used in manufacturing.
This Section shall not apply to gas shutoff devices installed within gas lines.
General Requirements. Gas shutoff devices installed either in compliance with this Section or voluntarily, with a permit issued on or after the effective date of this Section shall comply with all of the following requirements:
Be installed by a contractor licensed in the appropriate classification by the City of Oronogo and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Have a thirty (30) year warranty which warrants that the valve or device is free from defects and will continue to operate properly for thirty (30) days from the date of installation.
Where gas shutoff devices are installed voluntarily or as required by this Section, they shall be maintained for the life of the building or structure or be replaced with a valve or device complying with the requirement of this Section.
List Of Approved Valves And Devices. The Building Inspector shall maintain a list of all excess flow gas shutoff devices which meet or exceed the requirements of devices certified by the office of the Public Service Commission for installation in the State of Missouri and which comply with the standards and criteria set forth.
Enforcing Agency. The Building Inspector shall administer and enforce the provisions of this Section.
[Ord. No. 10.13 §1, 6-28-2010]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to utilize, place, or allow the utilization or placement of chat or mine tailings as fill around any water, sewer, or gas line in the City of Oronogo.