[R.O. 2012 §405.560]
The floodplain and drainage regulations are designed to meet the needs of storm water channels to carry abnormal flows of water in time of flood; to prevent encroachments which will unduly increase flood heights and damage; and to prevent the loss of life and excessive damage to property in the area of greatest flood hazard. Within the floodplain and drainageway area, the following regulations should apply:
This Section is therefor necessary to protect human life and health; to minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects; to minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public; to help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of flood-prone areas in such a manner as to minimize future flood blight areas.
It is the purpose of this Section to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by provisions designed to restrict or prohibit uses which are dangerous to health, safety, and property due to water or erosion or increased flood heights or velocities; to require that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction, to control the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers, which are involved in the accommodation of floodwaters; and to control filling, grading, dredging, and other development which may increase erosion or flood damage.
[R.O. 2012 §405.565]
This Article applies to any and all property in the mapped floodplain areas whether designated as Floodway Overlay District (FW) or a Floodway Fringe Overlay District (FF) or any other designation as set forth by FEMA.
[R.O. 2012 §405.570]
The following land uses and developments are permitted in this district, so long as all provisions of Chapter 415, Flood Damage Prevention, of this Code are met:
Boat docks for other than commercial or industrial use.
Golf courses.
Hunting, fishing, and propagation of wild life.
Local public utility facilities, provided that any installation, other than poles and equipment attached to the poles, shall be:
Adequately screened with landscaping, fencing or walls, or any combination thereof,
Placed underground, or
Enclosed in a structure in such a manner so as to blend with and complement the character of the surrounding area.
Public parks.
Scenic areas.
Swimming pools.
Wildlife refuge.
All plans for screening these facilities shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. No building permit or installation permit shall be issued until these plans have been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
[R.O. 2012 §405.575]
Any other use or development shall be permitted only as provided for in Chapter 415, Flood Damage Prevention, of this Code.