[Ord. No. 1406 §§1 — 3, 5-4-1999]
The City of Rock Hill does hereby levy and impose an annual fee of twenty-eight dollars ($28.00) on all residential property having six (6) or less dwelling units to provide the funds to pay the cost of certain repairs of defective lateral sewer service lines of those dwelling units, to be collected by St. Louis County via the annual St. Louis County Real Estate Property Tax Bill.
The funds collected shall be deposited in a special account to be used solely for the purpose of paying for all or a portion of the costs reasonably associated with and necessary to administer and carry out the defective lateral sewer service line repairs. All interest generated on deposited funds shall be accrued to the special account established for the repair of lateral sewer service lines.
The appropriate City Officers are authorized and directed to establish a special trust fund to be known as the Sewer Lateral Repair Program, from which fund expenditures may be made as deemed necessary or advisable for certain repairs to defective lateral sewer lines.