[R.O. 2011 § 205.090; Ord. No. 12-21 § 1, 2-23-2012]
Transportation fees and mileage charges for the transport of residents and non-residents in Fire Department Life Support Vehicles (ambulances) are established as follows:
[Ord. No. 19-121, 6-4-2019]
Call Type
Emergency Basic Life Support (BLS) Resident
Emergency Basic Life Support (BLS) Non-Resident
Emergency Advanced Life Support 1 (ALS 1) Resident
Emergency Advanced Life Support 1 (ALS 1) Non-Resident
Emergency Advanced Life Support 2 (ALS 2) Resident
Emergency Advanced Life Support 2 (ALS 2) Non-Resident
Non-Emergency BLS Resident
Non-Emergency BLS Non-Resident
Non-Emergency ALS Resident
Non-Emergency ALS Non-Resident
Mileage Charge:
Per Loaded Mile Resident
Per Loaded Mile Non-Resident
Other Rates:
Treat And Release (Diabetic)
Resident And Non-Resident
ALS Disposables
Resident And Non-Resident
BLS Disposables
Resident And Non-Resident
Resident And Non-Resident
IV Supplies
Resident And Non-Resident
For purposes of this Section, "Basic Life Support," "Advanced Life Support 1" and "Advanced Life Support 2" shall have those meanings as set forth in Medicare guidelines at the time of patient transport.
The transportation fees and mileage charges set forth in Subsection (A) shall be automatically increased or decreased and become effective on the date that the payment rates are annually adjusted for Medicare Part B ambulance service claims as published by the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Administration is directed to provide the City Clerk a copy of the annually adjusted fees and charges which shall be available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office.