[Adopted 11-13-2006 by L.L. No. 3-2006]
This Town Board determines that drainage is an important issue in the Town of Royalton. From time to time, the Town, through its employees and Highway Department, installs and/or provides culvert, stone and other materials to property (hereinafter referred to as the "improved property"), at the property owner's request, to provide drainage and ensure access to property. The Town charges owners of the improved property according to a schedule set from time to time by Town Board. In order to insure that the Town is paid in full for culvert, stone and other materials the Town desires to be able to add any unpaid invoices to a property owner's tax bill.
This article shall be known as "The Financing of Culvert Installations Law" of the Town of Royalton.
All expenses incurred by the Town of Royalton in connection with providing culvert, stone and other materials to property owners for roadside ditching, including the cost of all reasonable and necessary legal expenses incidental thereto, shall, if unpaid within 30 days after the date on which an invoice is mailed to the owner of the improved property, at the option of the Town Board, either:
Be assessed against the land on which such culvert, stone and other materials was installed and shall be levied and collected in the same manner as a special ad valorem levy; or
Be collected by commencement of an action in any court of competent jurisdiction.