[R.O. 2011 Sch. II; Ord. No. 100-88 § I, 8-17-1988; Ord. No. 117-89 § I, 1-18-1989; Ord. No. 171-90 § I, 11-7-1990; Ord. No. 373-96 § I, 4-17-1996; Ord. No. 412-97 § I, 5-21-1997; Ord. No. 666-07 §§ 1—2, 9-19-2007; Ord. No. 734-10 § 1, 8-18-2010; Ord. No. 859-15 § I, 9-16-2015; Ord. No. 859-15 § I, 9-16-2015; Ord. No. 904-19, 7-24-2019]
Ord. No.
100-88 § I
Along the streets, roadways and highways of the City, except as otherwise provided.
25 mph
117-89 § I
The speed limit on all shopping center parking areas or other semi-public places used or maintained for the public for vehicular traffic
15 mph
171-90 § I
All vehicles with a load limit of 12,000 pounds or more within City limits Exception: Highway 30, Highway W, and Old Gravois/High Ridge Boulevard.
20 mph
373-96 § I
Highway 30 from northeast City limits to Ssouth City limits.
60 mph
412-97 § I
Hunter Lane
15 mph
666-07 § 1
Missouri Route "W" between Route 30 and 800 feet north of Dulin Creek
35 mph
666-07 § 2
Missouri Route "W" from Big River Bridge to a distance of 1,350 feet south of the City limits
45 mph
734-10 § 1
Vogt Road
15 mph
859-15 § I
Franks Court
15 mph
860-15 § I
Lake Montowese subdivision
20 mph
Echo Lake subdivision
20 mph
Silverstone Trails subdivision (Silverstone Trails Drive, Silverstone Circle, and Silverstone Court)
20 mph